Could the Earth be inside a huge black hole?

We're not inside a black hole or else our universe cannot keep expanding. Black hole gravity would be too strong. We also see other black holes. How does a black hole get created inside a black hole?
Since we have never been inside a black hole and the definition of what's inside a black hole continues to change, how can you say for sure we aren't in a black hole? If it were possible to go into a black hole, once in, it may not be at all what we perceive outside the black hole. It may be calm and just as expansive as we see it now. We see molecules or atoms and think how much energy and calamity going on inside them but find out, the distance between particles is huge like the universe or our solar system..
Since we have never been inside a black hole and the definition of what's inside a black hole continues to change, how can you say for sure we aren't in a black hole? If it were possible to go into a black hole, once in, it may not be at all what we perceive outside the black hole. It may be calm and just as expansive as we see it now. We see molecules or atoms and think how much energy and calamity going on inside them but find out, the distance between particles is huge like the universe or our solar system..
Observation. The proof is our universe keeps expanding. If we are inside a black hole, then we would be decreasing as it would gobble up the space matter.
No, you have not forgotten anything only maybe you had said in the past that you appreciated me even if we do not agree on another subject at the forum and I add that for me it is not always easy to express myself like you in English so I ask questions as best I can and that seems relevant to specialists to get answers.
You're right. I haven't forgotten but, being only human, circumstances may sometimes compete emotionally. I do appreciate your input regardless and apologize for all slip ups in your case. :adoreheart:
Observation. The proof is our universe keeps expanding. If we are inside a black hole, then we would be decreasing as it would gobble up the space matter.
Unless the outside universe is also expanding. Why would you assume God's universe isn't expanding? Also, if the outer galaxy's were still far away from the edge of our own galaxy, we would still be expanding if God's universe wasn't.
Observation. The proof is our universe keeps expanding. If we are inside a black hole, then we would be decreasing as it would gobble up the space matter.
But boy would it be exciting for that moment we survived. No, it really isn't that simple. Everything being relative, we (theoretically) could be producing or recycling matter faster than it disappears from our view. Then again, we would observe far more matter being created than we do, so (no) big black hole wins hands down. Imo.

It's also my understanding that black holes do not develop short of some minimal quantity of readily available matter. They also tend to swallow themselves and explode into galaxies (if not funky new universes) when too much matter chokes their gaping pie holes.
Ok, but black holes are born when a star collapses on itself at the end of its life so that black holes would have originated following the collapse of a star so that they would not be the direct cause of the Big Bang?
You speak of stellar mass black holes. Yes, normal supergiant main sequence O-B types blue giants tend to collapse and form stellar black holes, but black holes can be any size (I speak of the event horizon), while supermassive black holes found at the center of galaxies are more massive than we can account for by any theory of accretion we have.

And the dark matter is a bit like glue that would keep everything in place? And I will respond to the other posts, I take my time to translate well.
Dark matter is real, yet remains a mystery as to its origin and purpose other than the fact that it dominates the universe and appears to direct the affairs of ordinary matter. Dark energy remains just a theory, one that I believe is wrong. But we understand now that the ordinary baryonic matter and evergy we see in the universe (stars, galaxies, gas, light, radiation, etc.) is not the stuff of the universe, we are but tiny players on a stage. There is far more than just us out there.
You speak of stellar mass black holes. Yes, normal supergiant main sequence O-B types blue giants tend to collapse and form stellar black holes, but black holes can be any size (I speak of the event horizon), while supermassive black holes found at the center of galaxies are more massive than we can account for by any theory of accretion we have.

Dark matter is real, yet remains a mystery as to its origin and purpose other than the fact that it dominates the universe and appears to direct the affairs of ordinary matter. Dark energy remains just a theory, one that I believe is wrong. But we understand now that the ordinary baryonic matter and evergy we see in the universe (stars, galaxies, gas, light, radiation, etc.) is not the stuff of the universe, we are but tiny players on a stage. There is far more than just us out there.
It's dark to us. But to God, it is the Light of Christ that fills the universe. It's what gives mankind our conscience. The ability to decern good and evil.
There is also the fact that some galaxies do not rotate in the same direction as others a galaxy like NGC1672 does not rotate in the same direction as its neighbors in the Dorado cluster; They compensate each other so that within the cluster there is zero rotation.

Galaxies grow in size via accretion of interstellar dust and gas plus other galaxies. A merger between two galaxies or a strong tidal interaction may change the final rotational direction and speed just as it changes the galaxy's type from spiral to elliptical to irregular and back. Each type may indeed just be different stages of its evolution and not fixed at all.
Thank you for the explanation :) The universe in my opinion is infinite and on all sides because there is no door, rope or others, we can not compare it to the alphabet A-Z but rather to the numbers that go to infinity: 0, 1, 2, 3 and vice versa: 0, -1, -2, - 3 and so on?

IMO, our universe is both finite and infinite. Logic and physics says that our universe cannot be infinite as only God has such quality, it cannot simply exist and go on forever as once thought, that literally contradicts the nature of spacetime and physics, yet to us, it is infinite because like a goldfish in a bowl, we can swim around and around inside it yet never find its edge. There is no possibility for us to travel to its "edge" and peer beyond.

Like Nikola Tesla, I find such "spacetime" talk utter nonsense. Space cannot warp because it has no properties by definition. Space is matter's plenum. Time is but a spatial coordinate or linear measure.. of space. E.g., "Those stars are three lightyears apart and roughly twenty lightyears from us." Gravity is just The Aether's most direct effect and clearest proof of its existence. Even Einstein couldn't deny The Aether's necessity for long. Yet modern physics continues, full bore, down the same old rabbit hole that Mad Hatter only briefly suggested. So much wasted time and energy wondering about so many things that should be bleeding obvious to all by now. :sigh2:

Did Tesla actually think that? I doubt it. Space has many properties, matter is space's plenum, you have it exactly backwards, time is a necessary property of space not a mere coordinate system, and the luminiferous ether of which you speak of is an old, disproven theory. You obviously dabble in garbage science and hokum.
IMO, our universe is both finite and infinite. Logic and physics says that our universe cannot be infinite as only God has such quality, it cannot simply exist and go on forever as once thought, that literally contradicts the nature of spacetime and physics, yet to us, it is infinite because like a goldfish in a bowl, we can swim around and around inside it yet never find its edge. There is no possibility for us to travel to its "edge" and peer beyond.

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It's also said that God lives beyond or outside our universe and thus not subject to our universe. So, back to the thread, it's now possible to understand God comes from another universe that is outside ours. Think like a Venn Diagram. We are included in God's universe but we are not included in God's universe. He is outside ours. However, God organized our black hole or universe and thus can open up the event horizon and peek in anytime He wants to. He can even allow us to peek out if He wants us to. Like Prophet are able to in order to see past, present and future. So, God says we will inherit His Kingdom. That means we will also have the opportunity to open our own black holes from our universe or His. He said we are gods and his children to inherit all that He has. And, the evolution of God's continues.
Many Christians believe God exists outside our universe.
If you think about it, God MUST exist outside our universe! How could be be part of what he created? That is not to say that God doesn't also likewise exist within as well.

Hmmm…And this is why we cannot just make God appear not be able to have empirical evidence of God.
Again wrong. You can make God appear and have direct evidence of him and see him right now as if another person right now in front of you were your heart just pure enough to see him. He is standing right in front of you right now. He is deep within you. How could he not be when you are indeed a part of Him??? God is closer to you than your own skin.
Get real, JB. Observation? We are like a bacterium on a microscope slide trying to observe the world. We base everything on the limit of our vision, denying anything beyond our ability to see.

The proof is our universe keeps expanding.
We cannot trust our perception of expansion. It is space that appears to expand, not the universe itself, people confuse the two, and we are too tiny and finite to know these things any more than you can judge a movie based on just a single frame of the picture. Your thinking of black holes and universes is quite 19th century, narrow, linear and rigid.
If you think about it, God MUST exist outside our universe! How could be be part of what he created? That is not to say that God doesn't also likewise exist within as well.

Again wrong. You can make God appear and have direct evidence of him and see him right now as if another person right now in front of you were your heart just pure enough to see him. He is standing right in front of you right now. He is deep within you. How could he not be when you are indeed a part of Him??? God is closer to you than your own skin.
Well, that gets back to the idea that God is so big he fills the universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart. That he has no body, no parts and no passion. That makes no sense whatsoever. If I can see him, then he has a body and parts. If he wants me to inherit all that he has, he has passion too. So, I reject the standard mainstream belief that God is only a spirit with no form, body, parts or passions. The true word that should have been used is God is spiritual, not a spirit. Jesus Christ has a resurrected Body. His spirit and earthly body joined together forever. The Father and Son are spiritual but separate personages then.
Anyways, God only let's us see Him when He wants to. Even if you were so perfect and righteous. I know very righteous people and they have not seen God. but, he is outside this universe that may be what we think of as a star. But, it's a black hole or a portal to his universe. I call this Kolob.
Well, that gets back to the idea that God is so big he fills the universe and yet so small he can dwell in your heart.
This was really intended as a conversation with Dalia alone, but, no. God has no size since God is not a part of space.

That he has no body, no parts and no passion. That makes no sense whatsoever. If I can see him, then he has a body and parts.

If he wants me to inherit all that he has, he has passion too.
Any quality that exists in the universe in finite quantity (including love, beauty, consciousness and power) stems from God who is the source having these qualities in infinite capacity. Hence the Rudra principle.

So, I reject the standard mainstream belief that God is only a spirit with no form, body, parts or passions.
Good, because God is both formed and formless. There is no quality you have that God does not infinitely possess since all qualities come from Him.

The true word that should have been used is God is spiritual, not a spirit.
Yes, God is spiritual, all spirit is within Him.

Anyways, God only let's us see Him when He wants to.
Very true. God only makes himself visible to those ready to see Him, and like you, I've known many a person who devotes their entire lives to religion not anywhere near ready to see Him, yet, he may appear to a very poor, common, lowly man. The advancement of the soul is not marked by ordinary time but by inner progress.
This was really intended as a conversation with Dalia alone, but, no. God has no size since God is not a part of space.


Any quality that exists in the universe in finite quantity (including love, beauty, consciousness and power) stems from God who is the source having these qualities in infinite capacity. Hence the Rudra principle.

Good, because God is both formed and formless. There is no quality you have that God does not infinitely possess since all qualities come from Him.

Yes, God is spiritual, all spirit is within Him.

Very true. God only makes himself visible to those ready to see Him, and like you, I've known many a person who devotes their entire lives to religion not anywhere near ready to see Him, yet, he may appear to a very poor, common, lowly man. The advancement of the soul is not marked by ordinary time but by inner progress.
Well, guess that's why you haven't seen him. You aren't ready. You think he has no body to see him. You think he has no size so how could you see him anyways. This is why so many reject your foolish religious beliefs. Jesus had a body and still does. He was resurrected and has a body, parts and passions. Gobbildigoop!
Well, guess that's why you haven't seen him.
How did you infer that?

You think he has no body to see him. You think he has no size so how could you see him anyways.
I never said any of that. You misunderstood me. How can God not have a body if you do? God can have any body he wants. He can have 10,000 bodies all at the same time.

This is why so many reject your foolish religious beliefs.
Really? You mean like 81 million wise people voted for Joe Biden as leader of the free world?

Jesus had a body and still does.
Maybe, but what does that prove? Never mind, I really don't want to hear what you think.

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