All this crap about Americans wanting to commit genocide on Americans is a bunch of crap. These ideas at the moment simply exist inside academia and a few nut case groups running around who will never get their shit together anyway.
Why is it that with all the black people I know and all the white people I know... no one is talking about genocide and hatred for the other group?
And I'm sure everyone here has that same experience. This is just one more thing to try to divide Americans, make them dislike and mistrust each other based on race and political orientation and then maybe actually stoke up some more violence on top of what we already have.
It's crap? Really? Did you bother to read the OP? Do you pay attentionto what is going on nationall and world wide? Good for you if your are able to live in a utopian bubble. Many peopledo not have that privilege. And the real "crap" is the constant bleating about how the left wants to divide America. Raising concerns about what could happen and what is happening is not divisive . The alternative is to look the other way and let the hate fester and have free reign until it's to late. Then you will have a race war

All I see there is a partisan hit piece . Republican bad. Republican white supremest.
Bullshit. If that is all you see it's because it's all that you want to see . I doubt if you even read beyond the title. And no one said that all Republican's are "bad" or white suprmacists.

It might happen eventually if Leftists continue to divide Americans by race.... saying one race is inherently evil by virtue of their color.
Jesus Fucking Christ! Who is saying that??

Leftist professors in acedemia have been instilling ideas like THIS for years now.. its all part of CRT... teach this to children and they cant really differentiate nuances.... they will just be raised to believe that all whites are evil...

its all still a minority concept but the trend is pushed by leftist / progressives

Your understanding of CRT is beyond pathetic

Your lack of critical thinking skills is astonishing.

:confused-84::confused-84::confused-84:Interesting that you would use the word "critical"

Interesting that he's right....You are an intellectual Lilliputian.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting

Yes, it could happen. We've seen it happen in the former Yugoslavia, we've seen it happen in Europe.

People are easily malleable, easy to manipulate. All it takes is someone to come along and get people on board.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting

Yes, it could happen. We've seen it happen in the former Yugoslavia, we've seen it happen in Europe.

People are easily malleable, easy to manipulate. All it takes is someone to come along and get people on board.
You leftist knuckle draggers would know all about that....Look how easy it was for the media to spur you cro-magnons to sack and burn dozens of cities last summer.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting

Yes, you democrat fascists are trying to incite a race war.
Brilliant! Just fucking brilliant. Now go back and read the post instead of just the title, and tell me how WE are trying to start a race war

Open your fucking eyes and ears you moronic fascist.
So is that really all you have? Pathetic!

More than you ever will. Unlike you, I think for myself.

You are nothing but a retarded parrot.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting

Yes, it could happen. We've seen it happen in the former Yugoslavia, we've seen it happen in Europe.

People are easily malleable, easy to manipulate. All it takes is someone to come along and get people on board.
You leftist knuckle draggers would know all about that....Look how easy it was for the media to spur you cro-magnons to sack and burn dozens of cities last summer.

I don't think they are quite at Cro magnon level. Just yet.
What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

One set of rules for the darlings on the left, and one set of rules for the kids just trying to figure out their life.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
How many children have you killed?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
How many children have you killed?
How many adults have you killed?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
How many children have you killed?
How many adults have you killed?
Do you ever regret not having a child to hold and love?

I don't
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
How many children have you killed?
How many adults have you killed?
Do you ever regret not having a child to hold and love?

I don't
Do you ever regret supporting the killing of innocent people?
  • Thanks
Reactions: Kat
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
Abortion is legal genocide
So is capitol punishment.
So in your sicko mind murderers and rapist are equal to innocent unborn babies.

How many children have you had?
Yes ... we all know that they NEVER make a mistake and execute an innocent man,
How many children have you killed?
How many adults have you killed?
Do you ever regret not having a child to hold and love?

I don't
Do you ever regret supporting the killing of innocent people?
I have never regretted supporting the killing of innocent people because I have never supported the killing of innocent people, unlike the women who never wanted to hold and love their child
What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

Case 1 ad 3 :I disagree with the schools actions. It was years earlier and they were kids
Case 2 is different. Their actions were in the present and they were old enough to know better. Not the same as the Byrd matter
What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

Case 1 ad 3 :I disagree with the schools actions. It was years earlier and they were kids
Case 2 is different. Their actions were in the present and they were old enough to know better. Not the same as the Byrd matter
Oh, the scumbag byrd wasn't "old enough to know better" when he was head asshole of the fucking kkk?
Full Title and link:

Could genocide really happen here? Leading scholar says America is on 'high alert'

I will be brief in my comentary. This is for all those who deny and play down the threat of domestic terrorism. It has the potential of actually bein much worse than isloated attacks

Selected excerpts

Even the title of Alexander Laban Hinton's new book provides a chilling summary of the current danger facing this nation: "It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the U.S."

This article first appeared in Salon.

Hinton is one of the world's leading authorities on genocide and atrocity crimes. He is the author of 12 books on the subject and directs the Center for the Study of Genocide and Human Rights at Rutgers University. He testified as an expert witness, at the trial of Nuon Chea, who was prime minister of Cambodia during the genocidal tyranny of the Khmer Rouge in the 1970s.

With sober analysis and in assiduous detail, Hinton explores the ways the United States is "simmering at a low boil," and evinces every risk indicator for widespread mass atrocity crimes. White supremacist organizations and armed militias are mobilized for political action, the Republican Party has declared war on multiracial democracy and right-wing voters have become increasingly radical and hostile, falling into the personality cult of Donald Trump and the apocalyptic cult of QAnon.

I was testifying in the trial of Nuon Chea right as Trump was riding into power. Many people were making analogies between Trump and genocidal leaders. As someone who studies these things, I am always wary of direct historical analogies. I think of them more as echoes, or patterns that take place, and we can look for a manifestation. For example, if we look at the history of fascist ultra-nationalism, there are many echoes with the Trump administration. I started noting the echoes, and then we got to Charlottesville. That was when I felt it was necessary to take it on, and bring to bear an analysis of the risk and danger of mass violence.

There is much more .Please read it all before commenting
It's happening right now aided by the democrat party and useful queers like you.
What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

Case 1 ad 3 :I disagree with the schools actions. It was years earlier and they were kids
Case 2 is different. Their actions were in the present and they were old enough to know better. Not the same as the Byrd matter
Oh, the scumbag byrd wasn't "old enough to know better" when he was head asshole of the fucking kkk?
I think that you are just being difficult now. Did you miss the part where Byrd apologised ? You're just using him to smear Biden. In any case, we are getting a bit off of the rails here. Yhis thread is about genocide
What in the name of fuck are you blathering about? Who?

Case 1 ad 3 :I disagree with the schools actions. It was years earlier and they were kids
Case 2 is different. Their actions were in the present and they were old enough to know better. Not the same as the Byrd matter
Oh, the scumbag byrd wasn't "old enough to know better" when he was head asshole of the fucking kkk?
I think that you are just being difficult now. Did you miss the part where Byrd apologised ? You're just using him to smear Biden. In any case, we are getting a bit off of the rails here. Yhis thread is about genocide
Did you miss the part where Byrd apologised ?

When have apologies from non-democrats ever been enough for you subversive dregs?

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