Could Blacks Really Turn Out for Trump?


Apr 22, 2007
Many people have heard the suspect poll in which Trump is getting 25% of the Black vote from his Democratic opponents. He talks great game of fixing the economy, but many people say it's his stance on illegal immigration that might get a high enough percentage to offset Hispanic losses.

My thoughts are it's hot air. Then again Trump is doing some things I didn't think we're possible and still remaining on top. (1) Openly stating he will tax the rich, (2) Attacking Megyn Kelly and (3) Praising the Single Payer System in Canada etc.
Donald Trump doesn't need Latino voters to win the GOP nomination

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Well, the Democrats are primping for their new girlfriend, the invading Latinos. Black issues are actually on the back burner these days, and hell, they haven't got shit from the Democrats since that Communist Du Bois first coaxed them toward the party.
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If we end up with Trump somehow, I think that he will actually do something about border security. As long as he leaves guns alone and balances the budget in addition to that, I really don't care what else he does.

sure they could support Trump , they are smart like anyone else , they admire his lifestyle . --- --- the young like his lifestyle , Trump is cool !!
1. If he didn't cut education and the safetynet
2. If he pledged to legalize pot and reduce sentences.
3. Get rid of the 3 strike rule
4. Campaign hard in black neighborhoods
5. Hillary runs weak.

Maybe he could. Loserterianism of any kind would end any chance of this.
Yes Trump can win the black vote! How/why? Because just like illegal immigration, he can actually open dialogue on how Democrats have screwed them, and continue to screw them. Trump has no master but his pocketbook, and he can say things other politicians can not. If Trump even comes close to emerging as the GOP nominee, Democrats are going to have to answer a whole lot of questions, for which they have no answers; just like the illegal immigrant question.

I am not a Trump supporter, but like him or not, he will pose the question to the African American community on what Democratic policies have actually done for them. And NOTE to them food stamps is NOT a good answer!
Many people have heard the suspect poll in which Trump is getting 25% of the Black vote from his Democratic opponents. He talks great game of fixing the economy, but many people say it's his stance on illegal immigration that might get a high enough percentage to offset Hispanic losses.

My thoughts are it's hot air. Then again Trump is doing some things I didn't think we're possible and still remaining on top. (1) Openly stating he will tax the rich, (2) Attacking Megyn Kelly and (3) Praising the Single Payer System in Canada etc.
Donald Trump doesn't need Latino voters to win the GOP nomination

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African Americans already are voting for Trump, because they are tired of being second class to Mexicans
Yes Trump can win the black vote! How/why? Because just like illegal immigration, he can actually open dialogue on how Democrats have screwed them, and continue to screw them. Trump has no master but his pocketbook, and he can say things other politicians can not. If Trump even comes close to emerging as the GOP nominee, Democrats are going to have to answer a whole lot of questions, for which they have no answers; just like the illegal immigrant question.

I am not a Trump supporter, but like him or not, he will pose the question to the African American community on what Democratic policies have actually done for them. And NOTE to them food stamps is NOT a good answer!
I definitely get your point, and I'm in the same boat - I wouldn't vote for the guy but I appreciate the fact that he'll say what others are afraid to.

Still, I doubt that even The Donald has the balls to drop that bomb. Right now race is the third rail in both our politics and our culture.

It's a discussion that definitely should be had, but I still don't see it.
Yes Trump can win the black vote! How/why? Because just like illegal immigration, he can actually open dialogue on how Democrats have screwed them, and continue to screw them. Trump has no master but his pocketbook, and he can say things other politicians can not. If Trump even comes close to emerging as the GOP nominee, Democrats are going to have to answer a whole lot of questions, for which they have no answers; just like the illegal immigrant question.

I am not a Trump supporter, but like him or not, he will pose the question to the African American community on what Democratic policies have actually done for them. And NOTE to them food stamps is NOT a good answer!
I definitely get your point, and I'm in the same boat - I wouldn't vote for the guy but I appreciate the fact that he'll say what others are afraid to.

Still, I doubt that even The Donald has the balls to drop that bomb. Right now race is the third rail in both our politics and our culture.

It's a discussion that definitely should be had, but I still don't see it.

I hope he does, and think he will. The reason nobody talks about it is, again, being PC. When someone on here posts the statistics on how Black America is getting screwed, instantly the far lefties claim it is the evil Republicans doing it because they are racists. We see this all the time on here.

But, here is where the lefties are going to run into trouble this time..............the statistics prove that illegal aliens have jobs, and unemployed Black America wouldn't mind using those jobs as a stepping stone to something better. If Trump brings up the fact that illegals here taking jobs are hurting the African American community the most, (and he will unless he is stupid; and he is FAR from stupid) that instantly puts the Democratic party in a lose-lose situation. Which side are they going to take? I will tell you which side, NEITHER! They will avoid that subject at all costs, but it won't work.

That being said, it instantly either makes Black America pissed at their political clout in the party they have supported with massive numbers for years, and you will have Black businessmen telling everyone that Trump is speaking the truth. In fact, Trump may not even be the one to say it, Carson might! Either way, once it is said, and unless there is some statistic floating around that none of us are aware of, you will begin to hear the water rushing into the hull of the S.S. Democratic Titanic, as it begins to sink rather quickly in this upcoming Presidential election! Trump can/should show this linkage, and I am almost positive, he will. And the best part? He is not lying or fabricating anything, he is using the truth of how lefty policies are screwing Black Americans.
No, it's absurd to think Trump will get 25% of the African American vote.
No, it's absurd to think Trump will get 25% of the African American vote.

Actually, if African Americans who are unemployed want a job, it is absurd to think they would NOT! Once/if the linkage is made, to think Black America is not going to pay attention is ridiculous. To be honest, and putting myself out there for being none PC, (heaven help me!) to believe they would NOT pay attention to a better deal, is suggesting black people are dumb.

TRUMP: I am going to make sure through policy that African Americans are going to have more jobs in their areas by insisting that Americans are hired 1st. I am also going to enforce e-verify to insure these jobs open up for Americans who need them.

DEMOCRATS: You know they are racist, vote for us, we will continue to throw you a few food stamps.

Duh, sounds like a no brainer to me!
No, it's absurd to think Trump will get 25% of the African American vote.

Actually, if African Americans who are unemployed want a job, it is absurd to think they would NOT! Once/if the linkage is made, to think Black America is not going to pay attention is ridiculous. To be honest, and putting myself out there for being none PC, (heaven help me!) to believe they would NOT pay attention to a better deal, is suggesting black people are dumb.

TRUMP: I am going to make sure through policy that African Americans are going to have more jobs in their areas by insisting that Americans are hired 1st. I am also going to enforce e-verify to insure these jobs open up for Americans who need them.

DEMOCRATS: You know they are racist, vote for us, we will continue to throw you a few food stamps.

Duh, sounds like a no brainer to me!
Just like the poor white trash South have been voting for the Repugs for 40 years now and are still destitute, and most lack health insurance:rofl: WHAT HAVE THE REPUKES DONE FOR THE SOUTH HUH??, ??????????

Mccain and Romney, didn't get jack shit of the Minority vote, neither will the Rug..

No way in hell are folks of color gonna vote for a pro white party:hellno:

Gee the election is still 14 months away, AND YOU CLOWNS, for some reason believe the Rug has clinched the nomination:laugh:
What do you think would happen to the Black unemployment rate if we seriously cracked down on illegal immigration?

I'll tell you what would would drop precipitously.

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