Cost to Texas for "illegal aliens" in Texas


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I live in Texas and created the following costs that Texans pay for the "illegal" aliens that are in Texas.
Please follow the links as I did and see I didn't make up these numbers.
Screen Shot 2017-02-22 at 7.46.22 AM.png
Good news then, Mexico is taking back Texas .........or the state may turn blue??? LOL
Did you include healthcare? Notice how none of the awful mainstream news media outlets like the NYT, LAT, Wash Post, etc have ever done what you did here, because they know there would be riots if they published an honest accounting of what the illegals actually cost the US taxpayer. They think if they keep this fact out of the news, they can keep lying about how "good illegals are for the economy", so it is up to other sources (FAIR is a good one) to determine how many billions are wasted on illegals.

This used to be a great country, but as long as the scumbag NYT editorial board and its acolytes at MSNBC, etc exist in their positions of media authority, it will be a challenge to make it great again which is why when Trump attacks the media, I support him completely.
This used to be a great country, but as long as the scumbag NYT editorial board and its acolytes at MSNBC, etc exist in their positions of media authority, it will be a challenge to make it great again which is why when Trump attacks the media, I support him completely.

Of course, racists like you support Trump's attacks.....THAT is a given.
One then supposes that you are a Native American and that immigration is a non-issue to you. What Trump's mantra should have been (and mostly is), is to state, "Let's make America WHITE again)....enough of these browns and blacks.

BTW, for your ilk..........If "illegals" pick your tomatoes and the cost is $1.25 per pound, without "illegals" that cost will be around $8.95 per pound....your roofing costs will triple and the tax base will be further depleted....housing will be without tenants, etc.

But, on the other hand, we WILL be whiter in this country.
This used to be a great country, but as long as the scumbag NYT editorial board and its acolytes at MSNBC, etc exist in their positions of media authority, it will be a challenge to make it great again which is why when Trump attacks the media, I support him completely.

Of course, racists like you support Trump's attacks.....THAT is a given.
One then supposes that you are a Native American and that immigration is a non-issue to you. What Trump's mantra should have been (and mostly is), is to state, "Let's make America WHITE again)....enough of these browns and blacks.

BTW, for your ilk..........If "illegals" pick your tomatoes and the cost is $1.25 per pound, without "illegals" that cost will be around $8.95 per pound....your roofing costs will triple and the tax base will be further depleted....housing will be without tenants, etc.

But, on the other hand, we WILL be whiter in this country.
We have no issues with Legal Migrant Workers picking our Tomatoes.
Why are you so Racist Nat4900 to attack the Rights of Legal Migrant Workers, who deserve to be paid a legal and fair wage, and should not have to be undercut and made jobless by illegals willing to work for $1.25?

When will you make a stand for Legal Immigrants and their Rights? Is it that you don't care about them because they have Brown Skin and came to the US legally?

Hilarious to listen to a Liberal Like You Argue for the imposition of Indentured Servitude of Illegals working for Poverty Slave Wages, just so YOU can get your house painted, really really cheap.

Level with us: You only give a shit about this issue, because your gardener is about to be deported.
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We have no issues with Legal Migrant Workers picking our Tomatoes.
Why are you so Racist Nat4900 to attack the Rights of Legal Migrant Workers, who deserve to be paid a legal and fair wage, and should not have to be undercut and made jobless by illegals willing to work for $1.25?

When will you make a stand for Legal Immigrants and their Rights? Is it that you don't care about them because they have Brown Skin and came to the US legally?

Cute, retort........Let's see how consumer react once Fuhrer Trump expels all the millions of so-called "illegals".
We have no issues with Legal Migrant Workers picking our Tomatoes.
Why are you so Racist Nat4900 to attack the Rights of Legal Migrant Workers, who deserve to be paid a legal and fair wage, and should not have to be undercut and made jobless by illegals willing to work for $1.25?

When will you make a stand for Legal Immigrants and their Rights? Is it that you don't care about them because they have Brown Skin and came to the US legally?

Cute, retort........Let's see how consumer react once Fuhrer Trump expels all the millions of so-called "illegals".
Again your argument here is

YOU LOVE SLAVERY. Your argument is to give the jobs to illegal immigrants at the expense of legal immigrants who came to this country legally and properly for work.

Your argument is to engage in Outsourcing Slavery, which is exactly what The DNC has been doing since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, and this is why they have pursued Globalism and so called "Free Trade" ever since.

You then double down on stupidity by suggesting that anyone who enforces immigration law is A NAZI.

Exactly then, how did you feel about Bill Clinton's Immigration Policy, or this statement by Hillary Clinton?

Unearthed Audio: Hillary Said She’s ‘Adamantly Against Illegal Immigrants’ [AUDIO]

This used to be a great country, but as long as the scumbag NYT editorial board and its acolytes at MSNBC, etc exist in their positions of media authority, it will be a challenge to make it great again which is why when Trump attacks the media, I support him completely.

Of course, racists like you support Trump's attacks.....THAT is a given.
What day is today? RACIST!
What's the square root of 2,450,022 ? RACIST!
How many left wing lunatics does it takes to pull your head out of your ass? RACIST!

But, on the other hand, we WILL be whiter in this country.
I'm sure that'll make all you and your RACIST pals on the left quite miserable given that it'll mean less brown people for you to patronize and exploit.

Moron, from your own cite......

In addition to crossing the border surreptitiously, aliens join the illegal population primarily by overstaying a temporary visa. A southern border wall would not address this part of the illegal flow.

The above shows that illegal immigration will NOT be prevented by any fucking wall (and then we have the underground tunnels)....LOL
and standing on the bottom rung will not get you to the roof...

but it is the first step
an opinion, a week before the last election?

Ahhh, reading comprehension issues, WillyBoy??? LOL

(but, fear not, there's lots of other right wing morons on this forum to give you your needed praise-fix....just like the orange charlatan constantly needs.)....LOL

Moron, from your own cite......

In addition to crossing the border surreptitiously, aliens join the illegal population primarily by overstaying a temporary visa. A southern border wall would not address this part of the illegal flow.

The above shows that illegal immigration will NOT be prevented by any fucking wall (and then we have the underground tunnels)....LOL
Well then, if this is truly the case, what the phuck are you bitching about? You will still have plenty of Illegal Slaves, working for Poverty Wages and living in miserable conditions, painting your house, tending your garden, and washing your car for pennies on the dollar.

Your career as a Slave Master is not threatened one bit then according to you.
an opinion, a week before the last election?

Ahhh, reading comprehension issues, WillyBoy??? LOL

(but, fear not, there's lots of other right wing morons on this forum to give you your needed praise-fix....just like the orange charlatan constantly needs.)....LOL

Are you saying it wasn't an opinion piece, or that it wasn't published a week before the election?

When I saw that, I saw no need to open your link.

Actually, I've seen little reason to open any of your links.
Well then, if this is truly the case, what the phuck are you bitching about? You will still have plenty of Illegal Slaves, working for Poverty Wages and living in miserable conditions, painting your house, tending your garden, and washing your car for pennies on the dollar.

Your career as a Slave Master is not threatened one bit then according to you.

Yes, you found me out.......I'm all for having my car washed cheaper......

And, of course, you're the true "humanist" since it is much better for these "illegals" to be sent back to their hell-hole of original country. After all, THIS country was founded by white slave owners, and look at the mess that these ex-slaves have created for right wingers.
Are you saying it wasn't an opinion piece, or that it wasn't published a week before the election?

When I saw that, I saw no need to open your link.

Actually, I've seen little reason to open any of your links.

Good call, STAY dumb.....We need morons like you to tell our kids what could happen if they don't want to remain in school....

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