Cost to much to protect u.s. Citizens?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
But we protect Iraqis, Afghanis and Illegal Aliens at any cost.

Left wingers say it cost too much to round up non-criminal aliens separating them from the families so their policy is to concentrate on only criminals. Then it’s equally to costly to jail criminals who are bread winners separating them from their families. So we do not jail criminals? Yes criminals. Illegal immigration is a crime and that make Illegal Aliens criminals. How many gangs members have been rounded up and deported? We know who they are and we know what they are doing. Is that policy like concentrating on convicted criminals aliens? WTF make those policies?
Hard working aliens are as dangerous to U.S. citizens as violent criminals or more dangers. They kill and rape more Americans daily than Al Qaeda and Taliban. Every hard working alien hurt U.S. citizens in some way. They take jobs, lower wages, strain the education, legal, healthcare, social services and judicial system. They bring down the value of property when they move into a neighborhood, bringing gangs, drugs and crime. How much is it costing us to incarcerate illegals? 400,000 anchor babies born in the country each year is bankrupting this country and hospitals. Illegal Aliens have a negative effect on our economy. They are low wage earners and pay very little in taxes if any and the liability far outweigh the contribution. Aliens displace American worker especially Afro-Americans. Unemployment rate is higher among Afro-American than Illegal Aliens.
Arizona is a war zone and has been for years. Border is secure than ever. Deportation higher then ever. That has no absolutely no effect on the 20-30 million that are here.
We are paying our leader to protect us and the are protecting Illegal Aliens and Iraqis and Afghanis?
They are self deporting by the millions because of the economy and states want to help them to deport and Lefties want to stop them? WHY?

Enforcing our immigration laws are a national security policy.

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