Cory Booker in tears after hearing “shithole” slams DHS Sec for not hearing it

How do you shave without looking in the mirror?
It can be done. I did it a lot when I was bivouacked in the field with my army buddies.
I couldn't and wouldn't shave in the field because it doesn’t make any sense to do so when you're on patrol.

My point which has escaped you is I think you need to look in the mirror now, because the shit you accuse me of..... your party is guilty of.
I have no party/// I'm an independent.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
It can be done. I did it a lot when I was bivouacked in the field with my army buddies.
I couldn't and wouldn't shave in the field because it doesn’t make any sense to do so when you're on patrol.

My point which has escaped you is I think you need to look in the mirror now, because the shit you accuse me of..... your party is guilty of.
I have no party/// I'm an independent.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.

While watching this yesterday, the only thing that crossed my mind was that this guy needed to have his lights punched out.

The look on the face of the DHS Secretary said it all. As she looked on in horror at the wild eyed attack that was directed at her from Cory Booker, a member of congress, I was wondering when she would get up and leave the room in tears. But instead she sat there listening to this self-righteous meltdown, and then responded rationally, I'm amazed at how anyone could sit there and just take that kind of abuse.

I think this only proves that Democrats are lying to us. This is how much America has changed in my lifetime. When I was born not only wouldn't a black man be a member of congress, but no black man would have been allowed to talk that way to a white woman in public and not end up hanging from a rope. But thank God those days are gone. Perhaps this is what Democrats were thinking when they asked Cory Booker to scream at this poor woman. They felt that it would possibly generate yet another opportunity to throw out the race card. We'll see if that ever materializes.


Taking that doesn't matter who the participants were. What sex they were or what race they were. It was horrid and nasty and a perfect example of the degeneration of decorum in the halls of Congress. Despicable is the one word that best describes it.

January 17, 2018
Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen
By M. Catharine Evans
A crazed, bug-eyed Cory Booker, junior senator from New Jersey, blasted Department of Homeland Security secretary Kristjen Nielsen during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday on immigration.

Booker became so unhinged in his staged outrage that he repeatedly threatened Nielsen, with clenched fists pointed in her direction.

Equal to Booker's overt violation of Nielsen's right to be treated without hostility and intimidation was the deranged content of his tirade.

Nielsen had stated earlier she did not hear the president say the "s-hole" word at last week's White House meeting on DACA.

Booker went ballistic and accused Nielsen of covering up for the real target of his outburst: President Trump.

"The commander in chief in an Oval Office meeting referring to people from African countries and Haitians with the most vile and vulgar language, that language festers. When ignorance and bigotry is [sic] allied with power it is a dangerous force in our country. Your silence and your amnesia is [sic] complicit in it."

The senator then proclaimed that "tens of millions" of Americans are "hurting" over the word. Booker said he himself experienced "tears of rage" when Durbin called him to report the president's alleged vulgarity.

Booker's feigned emotional breakdown over a word he has heard many times as mayor of Newark was laughable.

Booker then rolled out the "white supremacy" charge, with examples of white criminals and their crimes, as if Nielsen, by the fact of her skin color, had committed them.

The senator's fake outrage and predictable race-baiting do not lessen the seriousness of threatening and harassing a female Cabinet member.

Booker's lunatic bellowing requires a mental health examination.​

Cory Booker completely loses it at DHS secretary Kirstjen Nielsen

I applaud Booker for standing up to Trump's lying friends. Someone has to. All this one sided political correctness has gone on far too long. BRAVO Mr. Booker... BRAVO!

You sound like a bitch in heat...

How do you get sound out of typed words idiot? By the way, you're the DAWG around here, not me... thats an acronym for Dumb Ass White Gal/guy... BOWWOW Mutha Fugga.

Sorry not white....

You are now. I just made you an honorary white. Besides your skin is probably lighter than a paper bag and you probably have straight hair and a nose l8ke an eagle beak.
I couldn't and wouldn't shave in the field because it doesn’t make any sense to do so when you're on patrol.

My point which has escaped you is I think you need to look in the mirror now, because the shit you accuse me of..... your party is guilty of.
I have no party/// I'm an independent.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.
I have no party/// I'm an independent.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
He-men don't cry, huh?


Not over this shit....what a snowflake
You're not sensitive to the things he is. People have different things they feel passionately about.
At least he cares about something. You neanderthals keep chuckling around the campfire. Whittle a spear point or something.
If he were even remotely genuine, I would respect him for it. He's full of shit. Fake outrage, just like all the other tearful politicians on both sides.
What makes you think it's "fake?" What has he done to show he doesn't give a damn about this?
He is an actor. He doesn't give a rats ass about the "dreamers." He's also an insulting jackass who accused Nielson of lying. Imagine a professional douchebag like him accusing anyone of lying!
She was absolved with the "shithouse" excuse. Her intent was to infer Trump didn't say what he said, which he most certainly did. She is a climber, a bitch and she deserves the bags under her eyes. I wouldn't sleep either if I was kissing the ass of Donald Trump.

There's nothing "certain" about it. So far all we have is the claim if Liar Disturbin Durbin.

Saying Trump didn't do it isn't a personal insult to anyone. You obviously have a bias on this issue.
You have an equal bias, since you believe Cotton and Perdue instead of Durbin and Graham. Just sayin.
She was absolved with the "shithouse" excuse. Her intent was to infer Trump didn't say what he said, which he most certainly did.
First of all, who cares?

Secondly, bullshit. Dicky Durbin is a fucking liar.

Finally, Mr. Booker needs to learn to ask the right questions. It is not her duty to answer a question he didn't ask. That's lawyer cross-examination 101. If he didn't ask "did Trump say shithouse" he has no one to blame but himself.
Who cares? Apparently, the Republicans who are denying Trump's statement in any way they can. Selective hearing, downright denying it, whatever. Whoever leaked it shouldn't have, and Durbin shouldn't have come out and made a political mess out of it. However, he did and now as Senator Kennedy said, it's beginning to sound like kids in the back of the minivan.
You better hope I don't have to stop this car, boys.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
You have to go to a psychiatrist!?!? Lol
The message--that Trump doesn't want people from poor countries coming here--is what bothered me but it didn't surprise me.
I stand corrected. Seeing lefties spin that message to mean Trump doesn't want people from poor countries brings me to tears of rage.

I kid. It does piss me off. That is complete bullshit. He wants people who can contribute to come here, not add to the welfare roles, like Dicky and his girlfriend, Lindsay Graham want. FUCK THAT!!! We have plenty of welfare queens.

Mexico requires that any candidate for immigration be a productive person who can contribute to the economic development of Mexico.

We should adopt Mexico's policy.
He should have said that, then. It pisses ME off that so many people have also collectively forgotten how to parse English. Jesus, you guys are being dense. I'm sorry, but saying Trump's words meant anything but what I said they meant is total wishful thinking and has nothing to do with the routine use of the English language.
Now, the CONTEXT of the discussion that led to that remark may well have had to do with merit based immigration, but that was not what the President said. Merit based would mean that people with SKILLS from shithole countries could come here. He whined about why we're taking people from all these countries. There is nothing about being selective in it, and you're smart enough to know it. Stop being a mindless parrot for an administration that can only survive by all its unconscionable fibbing games. If you believe in merit based immigration, defend it, but don't defend Trump's lies.
I congratulate the lady who was the target of Senator Booker's comments.

She did not try to contradict him.

She sat quietly as he spoke.


I agree with those members who feel that Senator Booker may actually have been genuinely angry.

He seems to have taken President Trump's alleged use of that word as a personal affront.

It was very hurtful to him.

Furthermore, the Senator may have felt that he was expressing the feelings of many of the people who voted for him.


I have heard that human beings may eventually forgive a physical attack but sometimes a verbal attack is something that many people will never, ever forgive.

Apparently, words CAN break one's bones.
I congratulate the lady who was the target of Senator Booker's comments.

She did not try to contradict him.

She sat quietly as he spoke.


I agree with those members who feel that Senator Booker may actually have been genuinely angry.

He seems to have taken President Trump's alleged use of that word as a personal affront.

It was very hurtful to him.

Furthermore, the Senator may have felt that he was expressing the feelings of many of the people who voted for him.


I have heard that human beings may eventually forgive a physical attack but sometimes a verbal attack is something that many people will never, ever forgive.

Apparently, words CAN break one's bones.
If they are pussies, they might.
Which means you're a Democrat who is ashamed of his party.
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
Well let me enlighten you.
I'm a retired Special Forces Soldier (Green Beret).
I've worked under good leaders and bad leaders over a 20yr span. Most officers in conventional forces are fair to poor leaders. Obama was what we classified as a back-stabbing, two-faced traitor. Bet you supported him. He never had to answer for his screw ups because he was a spoiled only child who had to go move in with his grandfather because his father abandoned him and he didn't get along with his classmates in Jacuarta.
Donald Trump was raised with a strong work ethic by his father who made sure he learned what he needed to know to be successful in life. Obama learned only to think of himself and that lying and hanging out with criminals and terrorists was the way to go.
Trump is what we call an Alpha Male who answers to nobody. He tends to exaggerate because he's extremely driven and positive. He's no fake like Obama. He exaggerates sometimes to buck up those who work for him when everyone else is apathetic. He's a problem solver. A force of nature. Obama is a lazy no good pampered pussy wimp.

The biggest difference between the two is Trump obviously loves his country and Obama doesn't. Obama loves nothing except maybe himself. Obama exaggerates his accomplishments to make everyone think he's more important than he really is. Trump exaggerates because he knows that it jacks up everyone around him. Nobody can keep up with him. Obama has to be dragged into doing his job by his subordinates.
You admire liars but only if you feel you benefit from their lies. You have a grudge against a stereotypical strawman that you despise in Donald Trump. Some stupid, ugly patriotic asshole that you think stole the election. No, he won because Obama, although popular thanks to a fawning press, instituted unpopular policies, and because voters felt as an outsider Trump wasn't corrupt, plain and simple.

I think voters admire people they can relate to and despise people that they cannot relate to. This says something about you.
The message--that Trump doesn't want people from poor countries coming here--is what bothered me but it didn't surprise me.
I stand corrected. Seeing lefties spin that message to mean Trump doesn't want people from poor countries brings me to tears of rage.

I kid. It does piss me off. That is complete bullshit. He wants people who can contribute to come here, not add to the welfare roles, like Dicky and his girlfriend, Lindsay Graham want. FUCK THAT!!! We have plenty of welfare queens.

Mexico requires that any candidate for immigration be a productive person who can contribute to the economic development of Mexico.

We should adopt Mexico's policy.
He should have said that, then. It pisses ME off that so many people have also collectively forgotten how to parse English. Jesus, you guys are being dense. I'm sorry, but saying Trump's words meant anything but what I said they meant is total wishful thinking and has nothing to do with the routine use of the English language.
Now, the CONTEXT of the discussion that led to that remark may well have had to do with merit based immigration, but that was not what the President said. Merit based would mean that people with SKILLS from shithole countries could come here. He whined about why we're taking people from all these countries. There is nothing about being selective in it, and you're smart enough to know it. Stop being a mindless parrot for an administration that can only survive by all its unconscionable fibbing games. If you believe in merit based immigration, defend it, but don't defend Trump's lies.
I would ask the same of you.
Stop being a mindless Parrot.
Trump wants to bring people here that benefit our country, not become a massive burden. Democrats want people that have nothing and had to steal to survive. What I Learned in the Peace Corps in Africa: Trump Is Right
So is Newark a tropical paradise?
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
Well let me enlighten you.
I'm a retired Special Forces Soldier (Green Beret).
I've worked under good leaders and bad leaders over a 20yr span. Most officers in conventional forces are fair to poor leaders. Obama was what we classified as a back-stabbing, two-faced traitor. Bet you supported him. He never had to answer for his screw ups because he was a spoiled only child who had to go move in with his grandfather because his father abandoned him and he didn't get along with his classmates in Jacuarta.
Donald Trump was raised with a strong work ethic by his father who made sure he learned what he needed to know to be successful in life. Obama learned only to think of himself and that lying and hanging out with criminals and terrorists was the way to go.
Trump is what we call an Alpha Male who answers to nobody. He tends to exaggerate because he's extremely driven and positive. He's no fake like Obama. He exaggerates sometimes to buck up those who work for him when everyone else is apathetic. He's a problem solver. A force of nature. Obama is a lazy no good pampered pussy wimp.

The biggest difference between the two is Trump obviously loves his country and Obama doesn't. Obama loves nothing except maybe himself. Obama exaggerates his accomplishments to make everyone think he's more important than he really is. Trump exaggerates because he knows that it jacks up everyone around him. Nobody can keep up with him. Obama has to be dragged into doing his job by his subordinates.
You admire liars but only if you feel you benefit from their lies. You have a grudge against a stereotypical strawman that you despise in Donald Trump. Some stupid, ugly patriotic asshole that you think stole the election. No, he won because Obama, although popular thanks to a fawning press, instituted unpopular policies, and because voters felt as an outsider Trump wasn't corrupt, plain and simple.

I think voters admire people they can relate to and despise people that they cannot relate to. This says something about you.

Your long harangue says a lot about you. You refuse to distance yourself from the most classless president of any era. You dismiss his perverse behavior by associating it with the notion that its just because he is an Alpha male. To me it means he is a megalomaniacal freak who took pleasure in exploiting his power over vulnerable women.

But it doesn't stop there. You attempt to place Obama in the same contemptible aura of shame that envelopes Trump but it isn't even close. Obama was never investigated for collusion with a foreign state known to be an enemy of this nation.
What tape recording can you present with Obama's voice on it admitting to sexual improprieties? Surely being married one time to the same woman gives Obama a significant advantage in your bizarre comparative analysis. Where are the rumors of clandestine trysts with child prostitutes accompanied by sordid details including golden showers in Obama's history. Trump's history is replete with such stories.
News of payoffs to keep his illicit sex partners from testifying are creeping into the media.

Tell me truthfully. Is Trump really the kind of man we want to represent our great nation? I think not. Trump wants to be king and that is not going to work here.
Obama was infinitely better suited for the job. And he damn sure looked better...not to mention the superior intellect and diplomacy that made him loved around the world.
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
Well let me enlighten you.
I'm a retired Special Forces Soldier (Green Beret).
I've worked under good leaders and bad leaders over a 20yr span. Most officers in conventional forces are fair to poor leaders. Obama was what we classified as a back-stabbing, two-faced traitor. Bet you supported him. He never had to answer for his screw ups because he was a spoiled only child who had to go move in with his grandfather because his father abandoned him and he didn't get along with his classmates in Jacuarta.
Donald Trump was raised with a strong work ethic by his father who made sure he learned what he needed to know to be successful in life. Obama learned only to think of himself and that lying and hanging out with criminals and terrorists was the way to go.
Trump is what we call an Alpha Male who answers to nobody. He tends to exaggerate because he's extremely driven and positive. He's no fake like Obama. He exaggerates sometimes to buck up those who work for him when everyone else is apathetic. He's a problem solver. A force of nature. Obama is a lazy no good pampered pussy wimp.

The biggest difference between the two is Trump obviously loves his country and Obama doesn't. Obama loves nothing except maybe himself. Obama exaggerates his accomplishments to make everyone think he's more important than he really is. Trump exaggerates because he knows that it jacks up everyone around him. Nobody can keep up with him. Obama has to be dragged into doing his job by his subordinates.
You admire liars but only if you feel you benefit from their lies. You have a grudge against a stereotypical strawman that you despise in Donald Trump. Some stupid, ugly patriotic asshole that you think stole the election. No, he won because Obama, although popular thanks to a fawning press, instituted unpopular policies, and because voters felt as an outsider Trump wasn't corrupt, plain and simple.

I think voters admire people they can relate to and despise people that they cannot relate to. This says something about you.

Your long harangue says a lot about you. You refuse to distance yourself from the most classless president of any era. You dismiss his perverse behavior by associating it with the notion that its just because he is an Alpha male. To me it means he is a megalomaniacal freak who took pleasure in exploiting his power over vulnerable women.

But it doesn't stop there. You attempt to place Obama in the same contemptible aura of shame that envelopes Trump but it isn't even close. Obama was never investigated for collusion with a foreign state known to be an enemy of this nation.
What tape recording can you present with Obama's voice on it admitting to sexual improprieties? Surely being married one time to the same woman gives Obama a significant advantage in your bizarre comparative analysis. Where are the rumors of clandestine trysts with child prostitutes accompanied by sordid details including golden showers in Obama's history. Trump's history is replete with such stories.
News of payoffs to keep his illicit sex partners from testifying are creeping into the media.

Tell me truthfully. Is Trump really the kind of man we want to represent our great nation? I think not. Trump wants to be king and that is not going to work here.
Obama was infinitely better suited for the job. And he damn sure looked better...not to mention the superior intellect and diplomacy that made him loved around the world.
Okay let's cut through the bovine excrement.

You like a fake and a phony.
A leader that talks a good game but never produced.
All show and no go.

Most of your beliefs of Trump is a reflection of your lack of objectivity.

You hate him, so anything that his critics make up about him rings true to you.

I looked into Obama's past before he became president. You, on the other hand take the word of corrupt individuals with an axe to grind.

You are a useful idiot.......nothing more.
nope......but I guess you missed the point entirely.
I'm far more ashamed of our president than I am of any party.
I'm sure you're brainwashed.
You're like a child who never learned to do anything other than let the media lead you around by the nose, because what they tell you feeds into your own deep seated bigotry and prejudices.

My psychiatrist friend and neighbor tells me I have excellent reasoning and problem solving ability. I think I'll take his assessment of my analytical ability over yours. I'd like to see his clinical assessment of an idiot like you who will support a megalomaniacal president who lies daily and never apologizes for it. I suppose he would have an answer for your support of a self confessed pervert who also might have also engaged in pedophilia at one or more times in his life. I don't have a clue as to why you would lower your standards in that way just to support a racist perverted demagogue.
Well let me enlighten you.
I'm a retired Special Forces Soldier (Green Beret).
I've worked under good leaders and bad leaders over a 20yr span. Most officers in conventional forces are fair to poor leaders. Obama was what we classified as a back-stabbing, two-faced traitor. Bet you supported him. He never had to answer for his screw ups because he was a spoiled only child who had to go move in with his grandfather because his father abandoned him and he didn't get along with his classmates in Jacuarta.
Donald Trump was raised with a strong work ethic by his father who made sure he learned what he needed to know to be successful in life. Obama learned only to think of himself and that lying and hanging out with criminals and terrorists was the way to go.
Trump is what we call an Alpha Male who answers to nobody. He tends to exaggerate because he's extremely driven and positive. He's no fake like Obama. He exaggerates sometimes to buck up those who work for him when everyone else is apathetic. He's a problem solver. A force of nature. Obama is a lazy no good pampered pussy wimp.

The biggest difference between the two is Trump obviously loves his country and Obama doesn't. Obama loves nothing except maybe himself. Obama exaggerates his accomplishments to make everyone think he's more important than he really is. Trump exaggerates because he knows that it jacks up everyone around him. Nobody can keep up with him. Obama has to be dragged into doing his job by his subordinates.
You admire liars but only if you feel you benefit from their lies. You have a grudge against a stereotypical strawman that you despise in Donald Trump. Some stupid, ugly patriotic asshole that you think stole the election. No, he won because Obama, although popular thanks to a fawning press, instituted unpopular policies, and because voters felt as an outsider Trump wasn't corrupt, plain and simple.

I think voters admire people they can relate to and despise people that they cannot relate to. This says something about you.

Your long harangue says a lot about you. You refuse to distance yourself from the most classless president of any era. You dismiss his perverse behavior by associating it with the notion that its just because he is an Alpha male. To me it means he is a megalomaniacal freak who took pleasure in exploiting his power over vulnerable women.

But it doesn't stop there. You attempt to place Obama in the same contemptible aura of shame that envelopes Trump but it isn't even close. Obama was never investigated for collusion with a foreign state known to be an enemy of this nation.
What tape recording can you present with Obama's voice on it admitting to sexual improprieties? Surely being married one time to the same woman gives Obama a significant advantage in your bizarre comparative analysis. Where are the rumors of clandestine trysts with child prostitutes accompanied by sordid details including golden showers in Obama's history. Trump's history is replete with such stories.
News of payoffs to keep his illicit sex partners from testifying are creeping into the media.

Tell me truthfully. Is Trump really the kind of man we want to represent our great nation? I think not. Trump wants to be king and that is not going to work here.
Obama was infinitely better suited for the job. And he damn sure looked better...not to mention the superior intellect and diplomacy that made him loved around the world.

"Obama was infinitely better suited for the job. And he damn sure looked better...not to mention the superior intellect and diplomacy that made him loved around the world."
That must be why the Chinese refused to bring the stairs to Air Force One the last time Obama went to a G12 Summit.

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