Cops in the Hood


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
What do you guys think? Michigan State Police to investigate beating incident caught on video

After the guy car jacked a woman and her grandkids and pointed a gun at the kids, the cops finally caught up to him. He struggled. They knew he had a gun. They finally get him cuffed and they give him a few extra punches to the face and a couple boots to the head. I think the cops should get punished. Maybe suspended. Have it go on their record and or go to anger management. Maybe even fire the cops who did it. I hate it but I bet the thug is going to get paid. I see this on both sides of the issue. On one hand, this is a very difficult job and these cops have to deal with the worst people in our society. I tend to want to give them a pass on what they did in this one instance. But it is true we can't have cops losing their cool or abusing suspects after they have him cuffed. But we all would expect a little beat down if we resisted arrest. Maybe black people need to stop defending the criminals and support the police who have to deal with the thugs that ruin your communities.
Criminals who threaten children or hit women deserve to be bitch slapped every once in a while.
Criminals who threaten children or hit women deserve to be bitch slapped every once in a while.

Basically, it seems to me, that black people are marching for criminals. People who don't know how to fit in. Cops bitch slap white assholes too. Cops wrestle with white guys too when they don't put their hands behind their back. Its called resisting arrest.

We do need to take a serious look at how and why black people are abused more by police than white people. The kid waving a gun in the park. The fat black guy in NYC who resisted arrest and had a heart attack when it took 4 cops to wrestle him down. The guy in Ferguson who punched the cop. And now the car jacker in Detroit who pointed a gun at 2 little kids. Maybe black people need a lesson in Cop 101. How to handle yourself and behave around cops. They are to be respected and god damn it appreciated. Are you a criminal? Then why are you standing around in a mob watching the police arresting your neighbor? Why are you yelling at the cop and defending the criminal. Let the cops do their job and take that criminal out of your neighborhood.

I was a young white kid once and cops busted our balls. We were scared. And our parents didn't go to the police station and complain about how those cops weren't protecting and serving us. They were glad the cops put a little fear into us. Do you want to go to prison? NOPE. So maybe young black men need to learn a little fear and respect for authority. Instead, are black parents teaching their kids to hate and not trust the cops?

I don't have all the answers. I know the police and this entire society needs to treat black people better. Not just black people but all poor people. Because really I don't see a lot of rich black folk complaining about how the cops treat them. They may have been pulled over for DWB but I've been pulled over for driving while white.

Do black people suffer from false pattern recognition?
Criminals who threaten children or hit women deserve to be bitch slapped every once in a while.

Basically, it seems to me, that black people are marching for criminals. People who don't know how to fit in. Cops bitch slap white assholes too. Cops wrestle with white guys too when they don't put their hands behind their back. Its called resisting arrest.

We do need to take a serious look at how and why black people are abused more by police than white people. The kid waving a gun in the park. The fat black guy in NYC who resisted arrest and had a heart attack when it took 4 cops to wrestle him down. The guy in Ferguson who punched the cop. And now the car jacker in Detroit who pointed a gun at 2 little kids. Maybe black people need a lesson in Cop 101. How to handle yourself and behave around cops. They are to be respected and god damn it appreciated. Are you a criminal? Then why are you standing around in a mob watching the police arresting your neighbor? Why are you yelling at the cop and defending the criminal. Let the cops do their job and take that criminal out of your neighborhood.

I was a young white kid once and cops busted our balls. We were scared. And our parents didn't go to the police station and complain about how those cops weren't protecting and serving us. They were glad the cops put a little fear into us. Do you want to go to prison? NOPE. So maybe young black men need to learn a little fear and respect for authority. Instead, are black parents teaching their kids to hate and not trust the cops?

I don't have all the answers. I know the police and this entire society needs to treat black people better. Not just black people but all poor people. Because really I don't see a lot of rich black folk complaining about how the cops treat them. They may have been pulled over for DWB but I've been pulled over for driving while white.

Do black people suffer from false pattern recognition?
Who is marching over this incident?
What the hell are you talking about?
Her own damn video shows she was lying! The cop kicked the thug in the ribs because he wouldnt put his hands behind his back.
So how does that translate into kicking him with cuffs on?

Dude deserved a good ass whipping,and no it doesnt matter what color he was.
Criminals who threaten children or hit women deserve to be bitch slapped every once in a while.

Basically, it seems to me, that black people are marching for criminals. People who don't know how to fit in. Cops bitch slap white assholes too. Cops wrestle with white guys too when they don't put their hands behind their back. Its called resisting arrest.

We do need to take a serious look at how and why black people are abused more by police than white people. The kid waving a gun in the park. The fat black guy in NYC who resisted arrest and had a heart attack when it took 4 cops to wrestle him down. The guy in Ferguson who punched the cop. And now the car jacker in Detroit who pointed a gun at 2 little kids. Maybe black people need a lesson in Cop 101. How to handle yourself and behave around cops. They are to be respected and god damn it appreciated. Are you a criminal? Then why are you standing around in a mob watching the police arresting your neighbor? Why are you yelling at the cop and defending the criminal. Let the cops do their job and take that criminal out of your neighborhood.

I was a young white kid once and cops busted our balls. We were scared. And our parents didn't go to the police station and complain about how those cops weren't protecting and serving us. They were glad the cops put a little fear into us. Do you want to go to prison? NOPE. So maybe young black men need to learn a little fear and respect for authority. Instead, are black parents teaching their kids to hate and not trust the cops?

I don't have all the answers. I know the police and this entire society needs to treat black people better. Not just black people but all poor people. Because really I don't see a lot of rich black folk complaining about how the cops treat them. They may have been pulled over for DWB but I've been pulled over for driving while white.

Do black people suffer from false pattern recognition?
Who is marching over this incident?

I heard yesterday there was a protest.

Police Brutality Video Officers Cuff And Beat Armed Carjacking Suspect
Still, for the woman who shot the cellphone video, there was no excuse.

“Arrest the guy, cuff him, take him to jail, simple as that. Point blank, as simple as that. All of that brutality is not necssary. They should be reprimanded. They should lose their jobs.”

But what do you think, readers? Were the police justified in using this level of force on the carjacking suspect or was this, in fact, police brutality?

At one point in the video of the man beaten by police, the officers can be seen doing a fist bump while another says it was a “justified a** whoopin.'”

Group calls for charges against 2 officers seen beating black carjacking suspect in Detroit Fox News
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

You're the one who stuck your nose into my post ya dumbfuck.
The dude committed a crime with a gun.
He wouldnt put his hands behind his back and he got a kick in the ribs for his trouble.
I fail to see the problem.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

What makes him a traitor to his race?
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

What makes him a traitor to his race?
He is a wetback lover.
Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

What makes him a traitor to his race?
He is a wetback lover.

I remember I dated a black girl in Detroit and I would drive to her house and all her neighbors would stare at the white boy walking into this fine ass sista's house. She said none of her friends would EVER date a white dude. There are black people in Detroit that have never left Detroit and have never even talked to a white person. I find that amazing. The ones that leave the hood get the jungle fever for us white dudes. And the only trade off is that we have to give our skanks to the brothas. LOL. Luckily they like em big and round and juicy.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

What makes him a traitor to his race?
He is a wetback lover.

I remember I dated a black girl in Detroit and I would drive to her house and all her neighbors would stare at the white boy walking into this fine ass sista's house. She said none of her friends would EVER date a white dude. There are black people in Detroit that have never left Detroit and have never even talked to a white person. I find that amazing. The ones that leave the hood get the jungle fever for us white dudes. And the only trade off is that we have to give our skanks to the brothas. LOL. Luckily they like em big and round and juicy.
There is no problem with inter-racial dating. HWA is just a racist buffoon who is a hypocrite.
What do you guys think? Michigan State Police to investigate beating incident caught on video

After the guy car jacked a woman and her grandkids and pointed a gun at the kids, the cops finally caught up to him. He struggled. They knew he had a gun. They finally get him cuffed and they give him a few extra punches to the face and a couple boots to the head. I think the cops should get punished. Maybe suspended. Have it go on their record and or go to anger management. Maybe even fire the cops who did it. I hate it but I bet the thug is going to get paid. I see this on both sides of the issue. On one hand, this is a very difficult job and these cops have to deal with the worst people in our society. I tend to want to give them a pass on what they did in this one instance. But it is true we can't have cops losing their cool or abusing suspects after they have him cuffed. But we all would expect a little beat down if we resisted arrest. Maybe black people need to stop defending the criminals and support the police who have to deal with the thugs that ruin your communities.
No Black man should be beat by a white cop. He deserved an ass kicking but they should have let some Black cops do it.
Are you trying to manufacture an argument for me?

Nothing to argue about. The guy pointed a gun at a women and her children.
Now maybe in your world thats acceptable,in fact it wouldnt surprise me if it was,but not in mine.
He deserved an ass whipping and he's lucky he's not room temp right now.
YOu are truly a fucking idiot trying to assign an argument I never made. As a matter of fact, read post #2 and then see I agreed with you in post #5. You race traitors are fucking pathetic. Lousy idiot!

Then why'd ya ask ya stupid cocksucker?
Because you were assigning an argument to me that I never made, you race traitor bitch.

What makes him a traitor to his race?

I was engaged to an Hispanic girl. Terrible stuff .....

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