Cop shoots dead Licensed Conceal Carry holder (MN)

He isn't, much as you wish he was. Stop trolling.
Disagreed. He danced around it like Trump talking about Muslims.

You've been reported to multiple sources. The 'Ban-Hammer' will likely be coming down soon. However, that won't exonerate you from the threats and libel stuff. That's another story.

he will be back under another name


Yeah, some folks just don't get it though. They can be held accountable for threats and libelous attacks. Forget the F.B.I., there are other possible legal ramifications as well. They think they're completely anonymous, but they really aren't. Counsel can obtain that poster's location fairly easily.

When you sign up to sites like this, you give up a certain amount of anonymity. Folks are not quite as free to attack and libel as they think they are. There can be legal ramifications that don't have anything to do with law enforcement.
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That cop needs to hang for murder. Nobody should die over a busted taillight. And they shouldn't be shot if they tell the police they have a carry permit and compleying with an order from a cop to show it. Where did that idiot cop think people carry their permits? In there wallet and the wallet is usually in your back pocket.

I have a feeling the big part of the problem is the cop being Chinese.
He's not from China though. He's American.

Actually he is Mexican. He belongs to the Hispanic Peace Officers Association.
Yeah but can't we just please blame this on white cops. It really fits in with the narrative. Besides we've worked really hard on the "white people are bad" thing. There's no need for all of that to go to waste especially if we can guilt more white people into thinking they are the problem and everyone else is totally innocent of umm well everything.
That cop needs to hang for murder. Nobody should die over a busted taillight. And they shouldn't be shot if they tell the police they have a carry permit and compleying with an order from a cop to show it. Where did that idiot cop think people carry their permits? In there wallet and the wallet is usually in your back pocket.

I have a feeling the big part of the problem is the cop being Chinese.
He's not from China though. He's American.

Actually he is Mexican. He belongs to the Hispanic Peace Officers Association.

Wrong...they are using the Zimmerman standard....he is a "white" hispanic as it applies to shooting a black guy......
That cop needs to hang for murder. Nobody should die over a busted taillight. And they shouldn't be shot if they tell the police they have a carry permit and compleying with an order from a cop to show it. Where did that idiot cop think people carry their permits? In there wallet and the wallet is usually in your back pocket.

I have a feeling the big part of the problem is the cop being Chinese.
He's not from China though. He's American.

Actually he is Mexican. He belongs to the Hispanic Peace Officers Association.

Wrong...they are using the Zimmerman standard....he is a "white" hispanic as it applies to shooting a black guy......
Oh Jesus lord have mercy thank you! Thank you! Thank you! If they didn't use this angle I was gonna have to watch reruns of the kardashians. Now I can watch cnn. Those evil white people.......(shakes fist in air).....I'm just "ahhhhhhh!".
You've been reported to multiple sources. The 'Ban-Hammer' will likely be coming down soon. However, that won't exonerate you from the threats and libel stuff. That's another story.
Thanks for the threats. It makes my case easier.

No threat, it's been done. Everything has been recorded and reported to the proper authorities. And that includes your location you've been posting from. You can't just make threats and libelous accusations. You could be facing some legal ramifications.

Just because it's a Message Board, doesn't mean you're completely anonymous and unaccountable for your actions. When you signed up to this site, you gave up complete anonymity. The F.BI. isn't the only source you've been reported to. We'll see how Legal Counsel decides to proceed from there. Have a good one.
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No threat, it's been done. Everything has been recorded and reported to the proper authorities. You can't just make threats and libelous accusations. You could be facing some legal ramifications.

Just because it's a Message Board, doesn't mean you're completely anonymous and aren't accountable for your actions. The F.BI. isn't the only source you've been reported to.
Correct, you can't just make threats and libelous accusations such as your multiple racist comments, consistently calling police Gestapo (Nazis), claiming all black men are on danger and that the US is a Police State. You can't incite fears and stoke hate without ramifications.

Another sad result of Militarizing our Police Force. Cops are now itching for confrontations with Citizens. It's the exact opposite of 'Protecting & Serving.'

Ha, good luck on that 'Your word against the Gestapo's word' thing. They routinely lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' And most Judges will side with them. That's the reality.
We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.

Still got it easier than an average black man. A black man driving with a broken tail light, could very well be a death sentence. Such is life in wonderful Police State America. Enjoy. :(

Then, of course, there's your avatar:
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No threat, it's been done. Everything has been recorded and reported to the proper authorities. You can't just make threats and libelous accusations. You could be facing some legal ramifications.

Just because it's a Message Board, doesn't mean you're completely anonymous and aren't accountable for your actions. The F.BI. isn't the only source you've been reported to.
Correct, you can't just make threats and libelous accusations such as your multiple racist comments, consistently calling police Gestapo (Nazis), claiming all black men are on danger and that the US is a Police State. You can't incite fears and stoke hate without ramifications.

Another sad result of Militarizing our Police Force. Cops are now itching for confrontations with Citizens. It's the exact opposite of 'Protecting & Serving.'

Ha, good luck on that 'Your word against the Gestapo's word' thing. They routinely lie for each other. It's their 'Code.' And most Judges will side with them. That's the reality.
We're all in danger. But a Black Man especially, should be very careful. A broken tail light could be the end of em.

A Black man especially, really should fear the Gestapo. He will likely end up in a cage, or dead. A broken tail light could very well be a death sentence.
Another sad result of Militarizing our Police Force. Cops are now itching for confrontations with Citizens. It's the exact opposite of 'Protecting & Serving.'

Still got it easier than an average black man. A black man driving with a broken tail light, could very well be a death sentence. Such is life in wonderful Police State America. Enjoy. :(

Then, of course, there's your avatar:

Those are my opinions. You went much further. Your libelous inflammatory accusations went too far. And like i said, it's been recorded and reported to proper authorities. The F.B.I. isn't your only worry. You could be facing other legal issues. You just went too far.
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Is this some sort of way of derailing a thread maybe or does this sort of stuff go on all the time ?
Those are my opinions. You went much further. Your libelous inflammatory accusations went too far. And like i said, it's been recorded and reported to proper authorities. The F.B.I. isn't your only worry. You could be facing other legal issues. You just went too far.
Ahh, I get it. When you call police Gestapo, declare all black men are in danger from "whitey", make several posts calling the US a police state and other rabble-rousing rhetoric, it's just your First Amendment rights in action. However, when someone disagrees with you and calls those posts what they are, hate speech, you start filing lawsuits to get them to STFU. Got it. Thanks. Your message of hate is clear.

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
STFU. This rapidly growing Police State is creating so much anger and frustration. More violence should be expected. Pointing out that ugly reality, doesn't mean i support violence.
Is this some sort of way of derailing a thread maybe or does this sort of stuff go on all the time ?
It appears racist, misogynistic rabble-rousers don't like being called out and held accountable for their words.

I see an FBI perp walk in his future. ;)
Those are my opinions. You went much further. Your libelous inflammatory accusations went too far. And like i said, it's been recorded and reported to proper authorities. The F.B.I. isn't your only worry. You could be facing other legal issues. You just went too far.
Ahh, I get it. When you call police Gestapo, declare all black men are in danger from "whitey", make several posts calling the US a police state and other rabble-rousing rhetoric, it's just your First Amendment rights in action. However, when someone disagrees with you and calls those posts what they are, hate speech, you start filing lawsuits to get them to STFU. Got it. Thanks. Your message of hate is clear.

Emotionless Killing Machines. That's what this Militarization has created. The Police now resort to violence as a first response. Unless the Militarization process is reversed, there will be much more violence.

The People are growing weary & angry from the abuse. They're beginning to realize that the U.S. now imprisons more Citizens than any other nation on earth. They feel they're being attacked and hunted. We have a Police State problem. That's the reality.
STFU. This rapidly growing Police State is creating so much anger and frustration. More violence should be expected. Pointing out that ugly reality, doesn't mean i support violence.

Those are my opinions. I'm fully entitled to them. I also stand by them. But what you accused me of, crosses a line. I have never advocated violence against anyone. What you've done is libelous. You just went too far.

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