Cooperation with Iran


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
So now we're going to ask Iran put down the insurgency in Iraq. I wonder what they will want in return? Hmm, has Jimmy learned how to pronounce "nuclear?"
Well, we worked with the USSR during WWII against Nazi Germany so it's not as if we haven't had to partner with some bad actors in the past. I'm not saying we have to like working with Iran, but it may be the least bad of some very bad options.
Iran is the enemy. Never had this kind of authority in Iraq until we got rid of Saddam in 2003. If he were still around he would of gassed ISIS by now. Contrary to popular neo-con mantra "So you don't think the world is a better place without Saddam?" NO I DO NOT. History has proven this out. Why was Saddam a sadistic killer? Well your seeing it play out right now. Had to keep his boot on their throats to keep them in line. Anybody want to ask an Iraqi today if they would like to have Saddam and law and order back? Gee what response do you suppose you would get?
Bush made a huge mistake by trying to impose democracy on Iraq instead of dismantling this artificial contrivance of the Versailles treaty and recognizing its regional and ethnic disparities. We should have divided this area into at least three administrative districts until local authority could be firmly established along with an ongoing status of forces agreement regarding a US military presence.

Obama made an even bigger mistake by unilaterally withdrawing all US forces and leaving a power vacuum which is now being filled by Al Qaeda. He is now compounding this error by enlisting the support of Iran, who will demand freedom for its nuclear weapons program and a guarantee that Israel will be restrained from attacking them.
Iran is the enemy. Never had this kind of authority in Iraq until we got rid of Saddam in 2003. If he were still around he would of gassed ISIS by now. Contrary to popular neo-con mantra "So you don't think the world is a better place without Saddam?" NO I DO NOT. History has proven this out. Why was Saddam a sadistic killer? Well your seeing it play out right now. Had to keep his boot on their throats to keep them in line. Anybody want to ask an Iraqi today if they would like to have Saddam and law and order back? Gee what response do you suppose you would get?

To Iraqis there isn't much difference between someone who kills you and someone else who kills you. The answer would be no they wouldn't rather have Saddam back. There is no difference.

Unfortunately for Iraq this day was going to happen anyway. Saddam was never going to live forever. His sons were drug addicts who amused themselves with rape. They were a couple of Joffreys with a hard on. This is what happens when there is a void in leadership.

The best thing we could have done would be to install an American friendly dictator. Let him impose force on the people and clamp down hard. Forget about democracy. It doesn't work over there.
Well, we worked with the USSR during WWII against Nazi Germany so it's not as if we haven't had to partner with some bad actors in the past. I'm not saying we have to like working with Iran, but it may be the least bad of some very bad options.

Completely different situation. The USSR and the US had similar interests in WW2 (mainly not being destroyed). History will tell you that we cooperate whenever we have similar interests regardless of the nations practices. That is why we have also cooperated with Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and other nations. Mutual goals.

I don't see how our goals line up here with Iran. They do not want a stable and autonomous Iraq - they want one that is either part of Iran or capitulates with them against our interests. I don't see a single reason why we would ask anything of Iran concerning Iraq - our interests there are polar opposites
Why is Iraq being closer to Iran against our interests? Why is Iran the enemy?

Just what are our interests? I'm speaking of the interests of the USA, that is, as opposed to, say, the interests of Israel.
Iran is the enemy. Never had this kind of authority in Iraq until we got rid of Saddam in 2003. If he were still around he would of gassed ISIS by now. Contrary to popular neo-con mantra "So you don't think the world is a better place without Saddam?" NO I DO NOT. History has proven this out. Why was Saddam a sadistic killer? Well your seeing it play out right now. Had to keep his boot on their throats to keep them in line. Anybody want to ask an Iraqi today if they would like to have Saddam and law and order back? Gee what response do you suppose you would get?

To Iraqis there isn't much difference between someone who kills you and someone else who kills you. The answer would be no they wouldn't rather have Saddam back. There is no difference.

Unfortunately for Iraq this day was going to happen anyway. Saddam was never going to live forever. His sons were drug addicts who amused themselves with rape. They were a couple of Joffreys with a hard on. This is what happens when there is a void in leadership.

The best thing we could have done would be to install an American friendly dictator. Let him impose force on the people and clamp down hard. Forget about democracy. It doesn't work over there.


Saddam WAS an 'American friendly' dictator.

That process has failed continuously. We are better off leaving them to their own machinations rather than trying to set up puppet regimes.
Iran wants dead Americans more than they want dead Shia. We thought there was a problem with insider attacks in Afghanistan. Iran will be shooting our planes out of the sky.
I do not believe that working with Iran is a very good idea. They have different ambitions for Iraq than just stopping the Sunni extremists. Sure, we would like Islamists to stop trying to kill us, but that does not mean let Iran invade a country they would surely like to keep in their sphere of influence. May I also add that Iran's invasion may also stimulate the actions of other jihadists and/or anti-Iranian groups to rise up and start fighting Iran (and maybe align with ISIS), causing even more chaos and problems.

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