Conway Confirms: No Tax Returns - EVER


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Seventy-four percent of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

WASHINGTON ā€• President Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because ā€œpeople didnā€™t careā€ about it during the election, one of his top aides said Sunday.

ā€œHeā€™s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didnā€™t care,ā€ White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said on ABC, two days after Trump took the oath of office.

Conwayā€™s statement not only echoes Trumpā€™s Jan. 11 assertion that only reporters care about his tax returns, but goes further in stating that he simply wonā€™t release the returns at all. She was answering a question about a White House petition for Trump to release his tax returns that had received over 200,000 signatures, a total that necessitates a White House response. An ABC poll from Jan. 12-15 found that 74 percent of the public wanted Trump to release his returns.

During the presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly stated his taxes had been under a routine Internal Revenue Service audit since 2009 and that he could not release them until the audit was finished. He further promised that he would release his tax returns once the audit was completed.

ā€œI donā€™t mind releasing,ā€ he said during his first president debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. ā€œIā€™m under a routine audit. And itā€™ll be released. And as soon as the auditā€™s finished, it will be released.ā€

The IRS has already stated that there is nothing preventing Trump from releasing his returns while they are under audit. The government agency, which is now under Trumpā€™s control, further stated that Trumpā€™s tax returns prior to 2009 are not even under audit at all. Trump claimed during the campaign that his lawyers didnā€™t want him to release the returns.

More: After Promising To Release His Tax Returns, Trump Aide Says He Won't Because ā€˜People Didnā€™t Careā€™

Gee, is anyone surprised? Only 74% of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.
Would have been nice for the tax returns to be released during the campaign but now that it is over I dont see the point. All that it will do is open Trump up to attacks from his critics, which is why he didn't release during the campaign.

The audit excuse was an obvious lie and stall tactic. Trump is a different kind of beast and there is a serious lack of honesty and integrity in his words and actions. I can only hope that behind the act there is a businessman with the ability to produce positive results for our country. I'm willing to give him a chance to do so, but I have my doubts.

Protesters would be wise to chill out for a bit and wait to react to actual actions. they are shooting themselves in the foot and weakening their voices with the blind objection and obstruction approach they many are currently taking. It will only make collaboration tougher and will cause a more sever backlash one power shifts back to the Dems in future elections. It's an ugly partisan pit we are falling down. Something needs to change
The audit was a lie. The Comrade is a fake president that makes up fake news.

Facts are Facts
Alternative Facts are Lies
Seventy-four percent of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.

WASHINGTON ā€• President Donald Trump will not release his tax returns because ā€œpeople didnā€™t careā€ about it during the election, one of his top aides said Sunday.

ā€œHeā€™s not going to release his tax returns. We litigated this all through the election. People didnā€™t care,ā€ White House advisor Kellyanne Conway said on ABC, two days after Trump took the oath of office.

Conwayā€™s statement not only echoes Trumpā€™s Jan. 11 assertion that only reporters care about his tax returns, but goes further in stating that he simply wonā€™t release the returns at all. She was answering a question about a White House petition for Trump to release his tax returns that had received over 200,000 signatures, a total that necessitates a White House response. An ABC poll from Jan. 12-15 found that 74 percent of the public wanted Trump to release his returns.

During the presidential campaign, Trump repeatedly stated his taxes had been under a routine Internal Revenue Service audit since 2009 and that he could not release them until the audit was finished. He further promised that he would release his tax returns once the audit was completed.

ā€œI donā€™t mind releasing,ā€ he said during his first president debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. ā€œIā€™m under a routine audit. And itā€™ll be released. And as soon as the auditā€™s finished, it will be released.ā€

The IRS has already stated that there is nothing preventing Trump from releasing his returns while they are under audit. The government agency, which is now under Trumpā€™s control, further stated that Trumpā€™s tax returns prior to 2009 are not even under audit at all. Trump claimed during the campaign that his lawyers didnā€™t want him to release the returns.

More: After Promising To Release His Tax Returns, Trump Aide Says He Won't Because ā€˜People Didnā€™t Careā€™

Gee, is anyone surprised? Only 74% of Americans want Trump to release his tax returns.
It is no one's businessā€¦ Least of all fucked up progressives
And..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................nobody but the kooks care.
Maybe someone will hack his tax returns, and then we'll get to see 60 million Trumptards flip flop on whether or not hacking is something to be praised.
It is MORE IMPORTANT than EVER that Trump releases his tax returns, since he has taken the stance that he will not divest in any conflict of interests.

We would expect this from any President. It is not singling him out...

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