Convince me, the troops should STAY or LEAVE Iraq & Why. Im on the Fence...

You should decide for youself, but if your asking me. Its clear that the troops stay in Iraq is becoming increasingly frustrating.

The problem is, when we invaded Iraq....we had no idea that the ethnic division between different religious groups, was so strong and so tenacious. Our military went into iraq, defeated suddams troops and won that particular war, then a new war started. This one was not with the troops though, it was with Iraqs own people. Sunnis, shiite, kurds, moderates....all dissagree on the same Quran or "bible" but the problem is, they take this fictional book literally. Unlike the united states which follows most of the new testamen based on morals and faith. You have to understand that Islam is a very young religion. Each religious group feels that they deserve the "holy land" of Iraq and all the oil/money that comes with it.

This civil war is nothing new,but the difference is saddam controlled this issue by making his people fear him. So now, we have a military trying to keep peace in the middle of a civil war, which is a daunting task when your walking around with an M16. The job of the military is not to keep peace, but to eliminate the enemy. Its the leaders job, and the governments job to keep peace. The thing that people dont realize is that, even if our military somehow slows down the violence, that alone is just a fraction of what needs to be done to rebuild the infastructure of Iraq. We need contractors, engineers, translators, doctors, pilots....etc to rebuild iraq into a legitimate nation. And that is just something we cant give to the Iraqi people.

Secondly, our mistake was to try and force a democracy on a nation that has never even heard the word. These people are very religious, they want theocracy, like Iran. They want religion to be the law of the land, not a bunch of politicians. But we all know that theocracy will never work when there are so many different ethnic groups all claiming to be the rightfull leaders of Iraq.

So you see, there is no clear solution in Iraq because there are too many problems and we have not solved a single one. We could do a few things, like decentralize baghdad and ask for help from surrounding countrys to secure iraqs boarder and help with the flow of oil in and out of iraq, then divide that money seperately between the different regions. Ofcourse Bush does not like negotiating with anyone so thats out of the question.


To answer your question, I do believe we should cut our losses and pull our troops out as soon as possible and use that emergency military money for more important domestic issues like healthcare, natural disater relief and Immigration reform. Our soldiers are not dying for our freedom, they are dying for the freedom of people who would kill themselves and others for "Allah".
Our troops are dying to give these people the freedom of religion, and their religion tells them to kill eachother. I dont know about you, but some things are just not worth fighting for.

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