Consumerism/Mecca: Political Donald


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA vignette inspired by My Fellow Americans.

Signing off,


Americans were fascinated by capitalism and therefore consumerism aesthetics. When capitalism-baron Donald President became only the second celebrity-president in U.S. history, the world became conscious of the philosophical impact of modern commerce. How would parents now talk about the symbolic politics associated with the sale of toy water-guns to kids across America after the anti-commercialism trauma of 9/11 (when terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC)? An idealistic journalist named Ajay decided to write about how the Muslim world conceived of Western consumerism and the leadership weight of 'political Donald.'


Ajay blogged on the Internet and sent editorials to the Washington Post about how citizens would respond to this new age 'matrix' of commerce-gauged etiquette/customs (e.g., World Bank, Wall Street, NATO). How would President Donald Trump talk to the American people and the world consumer about the political relevance of the sale of water-guns to kids every summer? As Muslims gathered at their holy place of prayer (Mecca), Ajay wondered how the Trump Administration would coordinate OPEC customs with Western-capitalism idealism.


Donald knew that just as Industrialization gave the world Orwellian folklore about a 'machine-like' world of mindless slaves, modern global capitalism/consumerism would offer up all kinds of pedestrian prose and even propaganda about commerce-oriented streamlined social networking (e.g., eTrade, NASDAQ, etc., etc.). Science-fiction/fantasy writers would talk about strange creatures/aliens or even vampires in a dystopian universe who symbolized a new kind of fear regarding the 'labyrinths' of sacred/secular hellfire (e.g., 9/11).


Ajay talked about a spiritual backlash in American fiction/entertainment which offered consumers/audiences images/avatars of diabolical queens, questing elves/knights, and enchanted futuristic robotic cities all symbolizing modern consciousness regarding the psychological impact of 'advanced lifestyle-based networking' (e.g., Facebook!). The world was officially a sort of 'digital coven.'


Ajay idealistically compared Donald (Trump) to the iconic elfin-knight Link (from the popular video-game series The Legend of Zelda). Like Trump, Link was a paragon of networking-based crusades, imagination-based ambition (e.g., Wall Street), and of course fantastic diadems. Ajay wondered if Donald Trump would offer America pedestrian-romance (e.g., Toys 'R Us) instead of bureaucratic-tedium (e.g., Reaganomics).


America was, after all, both the world's Big Brother and a wishing-well of capitalism-daydreams. American Presidents had to balance pedestrian prose with political theory. America had to govern BP-OPEC relations as well as renewable-energy rhetoric. Ajay wondered what 'political Donald' would say about the weight of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in this new age of 'commercial vanities' (e.g., Oliver Stone's Wall Street).


GOD: It seems 'political Donald' is the new 'capitalism Pope.'
SATAN: Let's see if the Vatican offers great merchandise!
GOD: Well, there are Christian gift-shops online now...
SATAN: I wonder what idealistic Ajay thinks about water-guns.
GOD: I'd imagine he compares water-guns to lottery-tickets.
SATAN: Right; 'tokens' of mob psychology and commercial vanities!
GOD: Let's see what archaeologists will say about films like Wall Street.
SATAN: I'd conjecture they'd suggest such films represent 21st Century propaganda.
GOD: Maybe the new hero is the pedestrian poet (e.g., Ajay!).
SATAN: Yeah; this is the age of mob psychology aesthetics (e.g., Facebook).
GOD: I think water-guns will be considered 'philosophical gems.'
SATAN: Kids love toys, because they make them feel 'patriotic.'
GOD: Yes. Toys are totems of civilization optimism (e.g., Barbie-dolls).
SATAN: After 9/11, Americans became paranoid about anti-capitalism rhetoric.
GOD: Yes, they wondered if terrorists despised Barbie and Nintendo...
SATAN: The Duck-Hunt shooter video-game is sort of a 'digital water-gun' experience.
GOD: I'd rather see kids playing Duck-Hunt than watching poachers shoot wildlife.
SATAN: Maybe Ajay believes Toys 'R Us is the 'mecca'(!) of modernism.
GOD: We'll see if 'political Donald' can sell the notion of 'democratic-duty.'
SATAN: All in good time...



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