Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a “bleeding heart“.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a “bleeding heart“.

Opinion | Noah Rothman: Elizabeth Warren’s populism is just a progressive version of Trumpism

For millions of Americans, even a majority of voters, the election in 2016 was not a choice between two qualified candidates. Rather, two deeply unpopular New Yorkers plagued by scandal and unburdened by principle left many voters searching for the lesser of two evils. Sadly, it seems Americans may be treated to another illusory choice in 2020, albeit of a slightly different nature: not between two symbols of heedless ambition, but one between two slightly distinctive flavors of populism.

Unfortunately for those who honestly hope to see a real directional shift in the White House, she also demonstrated why her brand of politics is just Trumpism with a bleeding heart.

This is one of those bizarre right wing articles that pop up every now and then.
He says that like Trump, Warren doesn’t care about deficits and then quotes her saying “I worry about deficits“.

The difference between her and Trump is that Trump promised healthcare for everyone that would be less expensive and better than what we have now. He said he would bring jobs back from overseas. Which of course he hasn’t done. Talking points Rothman kind of covers when when he pretty much mocks trumps carrier scandal.

I have no problem with conservatives making fun of conservative politicians. But just like the conservative politicians, they seem to have no plans and no understanding of really anything.

Comparing Warren and Trump again and again it’s like comparing apples and shitstains. And Trump is no apple.
If you've heard a lot of things Trump has talked about in the past, he has advocated doing a lot more for homeless people, the "poor" and the shithole cities. I've heard him talk about "universal HC".

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

When it comes to letting bed wetters like those Deanturd would elect run these offices and programs, you can rest assured they would NEVER get results.

As proof I offer up the fact LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been going on for 50 years. It has spend I don't know how many TRILLIONS of dollars and guess what the poverty rate in the us was in the 1960 when he started it, and guess what it is NOW.


You can only guess one number.

Conservative Noah Rothman says Elizabeth Warren is Trump with a “bleeding heart“.

Opinion | Noah Rothman: Elizabeth Warren’s populism is just a progressive version of Trumpism

For millions of Americans, even a majority of voters, the election in 2016 was not a choice between two qualified candidates. Rather, two deeply unpopular New Yorkers plagued by scandal and unburdened by principle left many voters searching for the lesser of two evils. Sadly, it seems Americans may be treated to another illusory choice in 2020, albeit of a slightly different nature: not between two symbols of heedless ambition, but one between two slightly distinctive flavors of populism.

Unfortunately for those who honestly hope to see a real directional shift in the White House, she also demonstrated why her brand of politics is just Trumpism with a bleeding heart.

This is one of those bizarre right wing articles that pop up every now and then.
He says that like Trump, Warren doesn’t care about deficits and then quotes her saying “I worry about deficits“.

The difference between her and Trump is that Trump promised healthcare for everyone that would be less expensive and better than what we have now. He said he would bring jobs back from overseas. Which of course he hasn’t done. Talking points Rothman kind of covers when when he pretty much mocks trumps carrier scandal.

I have no problem with conservatives making fun of conservative politicians. But just like the conservative politicians, they seem to have no plans and no understanding of really anything.

Comparing Warren and Trump again and again it’s like comparing apples and shitstains. And Trump is no apple.
Comparing Warren and Trump again and again it’s like comparing apples and shitstains. And Trump is no apple
neither is warren....
It's a long article but Media Matters picks out the good parts so lefties don't have to waste a day and a half reading it all. Ho-hum.
From the link:

Of course, no populist is truly for the people, generally speaking. They are for their people. Therefore, no populist can be an effective populist without identifying and attacking the enemies of their people. Trump has his enemies; they consist primarily of the people and institutions who fail to flatter him to his satisfaction, but not entirely. Trump also spent 2016 upbraiding an ill-defined set of political and cultural elites who had supposedly sold out the country to feather their own nests.

Tribalism is already running rampant in this country. Beating a drum from the other side is not going to bring people together.
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From the link:

Of course, no populist is truly for the people, generally speaking. They are for their people. Therefore, no populist can be an effective populist without identifying and attacking the enemies of their people. Trump has his enemies; they consist primarily of the people and institutions who fail to flatter him to his satisfaction, but not entirely. Trump also spent 2016 upbraiding an ill-defined set of political and cultural elites who had supposedly sold out the country to feather their own nests.

Tribalism is already running rampant in this country. Beating a drum from the other side is not going to bring people together.
Warren is for people that aren’t billionaires. And why would billionaires need to be protected? Didn’t we just give them gazillions of dollars in tax cuts?
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If you've heard a lot of things Trump has talked about in the past, he has advocated doing a lot more for homeless people, the "poor" and the shithole cities. I've heard him talk about "universal HC".

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

When it comes to letting bed wetters like those Deanturd would elect run these offices and programs, you can rest assured they would NEVER get results.

As proof I offer up the fact LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been going on for 50 years. It has spend I don't know how many TRILLIONS of dollars and guess what the poverty rate in the us was in the 1960 when he started it, and guess what it is NOW.


You can only guess one number.

You said:

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

Oh yes, positive results.
Do you have some examples of those positive results? Now that the sugar high from Tax cuts for billionaires has leveled off, what’s next?
They used the money from The tax cuts for really good things like stock buybacks and no investment.
Now what?
You said:

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

Oh yes, positive results.
Do you have some examples of those positive results? Now that the sugar high from Tax cuts for billionaires has leveled off, what’s next?
They used the money from The tax cuts for really good things like stock buybacks and no investment.
Now what?

No.... You don't get to establish a new path of discussion.

Your policies and agenda has failed to produce results. It's been 50 fuckin years since LBJ, we don't even need to get into the disaster of FDR. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, I'm not wasting the time looking up the figure but it's probably the same as we've spent on our military since WW2 policing the world and trying to keep you commies from murdering more than just 100+ million people.

You have FAILED in the most miserable sense of the word to reduce poverty. When you have had brief grasps on a significant majority of political power your results are INCREASED POVERTY.

You can not show me one community, village, block, town, neighborhood, city, hippie commune, state or country where the policies you endorse have yielded even just a stagnation of people who got enough to eat and enjoy common comforts. Every single example is a complete disaster. Almost every country or group however you define them that still exists and tried regressive marxist policies is either recovering from a dystopian existence by reforming themselves out of it or are descending into shitter conditions as we speak.

Before you parrot Bernie's inane drivel about Scandinavia it has been debunked.

China has become more capitalist than we are, they just held on to the authoritarianism.

You said:

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

Oh yes, positive results.
Do you have some examples of those positive results? Now that the sugar high from Tax cuts for billionaires has leveled off, what’s next?
They used the money from The tax cuts for really good things like stock buybacks and no investment.
Now what?

No.... You don't get to establish a new path of discussion.

Your policies and agenda has failed to produce results. It's been 50 fuckin years since LBJ, we don't even need to get into the disaster of FDR. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, I'm not wasting the time looking up the figure but it's probably the same as we've spent on our military since WW2 policing the world and trying to keep you commies from murdering more than just 100+ million people.

You have FAILED in the most miserable sense of the word to reduce poverty. When you have had brief grasps on a significant majority of political power your results are INCREASED POVERTY.

You can not show me one community, village, block, town, neighborhood, city, hippie commune, state or country where the policies you endorse have yielded even just a stagnation of people who got enough to eat and enjoy common comforts. Every single example is a complete disaster. Almost every country or group however you define them that still exists and tried regressive marxist policies is either recovering from a dystopian existence by reforming themselves out of it or are descending into shitter conditions as we speak.

Before you parrot Bernie's inane drivel about Scandinavia it has been debunked.

China has become more capitalist than we are, they just held on to the authoritarianism.

First you look at blue states, then you look in red states. If you take the money that red states steal from blue states and leave it with blue states, their budgets would be balanced.
Red states are perfect examples of failed and ruinous GOP policies.
You said:

The difference is, Trump is into positive results. Accomplishing objectives. making the need for government programs obsolete because the mission was fulfilled.

Oh yes, positive results.
Do you have some examples of those positive results? Now that the sugar high from Tax cuts for billionaires has leveled off, what’s next?
They used the money from The tax cuts for really good things like stock buybacks and no investment.
Now what?

No.... You don't get to establish a new path of discussion.

Your policies and agenda has failed to produce results. It's been 50 fuckin years since LBJ, we don't even need to get into the disaster of FDR. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS, I'm not wasting the time looking up the figure but it's probably the same as we've spent on our military since WW2 policing the world and trying to keep you commies from murdering more than just 100+ million people.

You have FAILED in the most miserable sense of the word to reduce poverty. When you have had brief grasps on a significant majority of political power your results are INCREASED POVERTY.

You can not show me one community, village, block, town, neighborhood, city, hippie commune, state or country where the policies you endorse have yielded even just a stagnation of people who got enough to eat and enjoy common comforts. Every single example is a complete disaster. Almost every country or group however you define them that still exists and tried regressive marxist policies is either recovering from a dystopian existence by reforming themselves out of it or are descending into shitter conditions as we speak.

Before you parrot Bernie's inane drivel about Scandinavia it has been debunked.

China has become more capitalist than we are, they just held on to the authoritarianism.

First you look at blue states, then you look in red states. If you take the money that red states steal from blue states and leave it with blue states, their budgets would be balanced.
Red states are perfect examples of failed and ruinous GOP policies.
Then you look at the blue areas of the red states that receive a lot of that money. Then you look at the red areas of the blue states that send money to the blue areas of those states. Then you look at the lotteries that started, The lotteries that expanded, the lotteries that expanded in blue state after blue statw then red states, the expansion of horse racing gambling and then multiple venue horse racing gambling and then casinos in blue states, and then casinos in multiple locations in blue states and then major sports gambling to get every last dollar from the public in taxes in which the blue states led the charge. Antifa and BLM need to enter those premises and tell the owners to say hello to their little friends. That would be a start. Unfortunately they are most likely customers there also.
First you look at blue states, then you look in red states. If you take the money that red states steal from blue states and leave it with blue states, their budgets would be balanced.
Red states are perfect examples of failed and ruinous GOP policies.

More liberal bullshit Deanturd, you bed wetters FORCE other states to piss money away on regressive spending programs they didn't want, so guess what? The US congress has to fund those mandates. Furthermore, regressive democrook states with high state income taxes have been subsidized by writing off their state income taxes at the expense of the federal government. You are happy to ignore that fact of course. Trump has reversed some of these thefts, but unfortunately not all of it yet.

You still ignored all of the facts I have posted that your political "philosophy" is a complete goat fuck and leads to ruin everywhere it's tried. In the shittiest part of any "red state" you find out the local government is controlled by bed wetting democrooks like you. Get rid of regressive democrook policy, you will have prosperity return.


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