Conservative Judge J Michael Luttig's sadness over what's coming is palpable

Your thinking is confined to a box. A box defined by political parties, therefore it is limited in that fashion.
A "Lock-box"
Al Gore: Jim, I’d like to interrupt here and answer that question as if it were my turn to speak. Jim, let me tell about a friend of mine. [ holds up a picture of an elderly woman ] Her name is Etta Munsen. She’s 94, she’s a widow living on Social Security in Sparta, Tennessee. Etta was born with only one kidney. She also suffers from poilo, spinal menengitis, lung, liver, and pancreatic cancer, an enlarged heart, diabetes, and a rare form of styctic acne. Now, several recent strokes, along with an unfortunate shark attack, have left her paralyzed and missing her right leg under the knee. Just last week she woke from a coma to find that, due to a hospital mix-up, her left arm had been amputated, infected with syphillis, and then reattached.

Jim Lehrer: Mr. Vice-President, we are short of time..

Al Gore: As you can imagine, Jim.. Etta’s prescription drug bills are staggering. They run to nearly $113 million a day! And she tells me that some weeks she has to choose between eating and treating her Lyme Disease. Now, under my plan, Etta’s prescription drugs would be covered. Under my opponent’s plan, her house would be burned to the ground. And that is wrong. That is just wrong!
I did watch the video and, due to the honorable judge's speech pattern, was reminded at several points of Etta Munsen's Lyme disease.
He has "opinions", a little bit of practical experience, and a fairly decent knowledge of the Constitution. More than most.

"The Jews are a clear and present danger." - Adolf Hitler

You fucking Nazi....
They're gonna find who killed a shit ton of Nazis pretty soon I guess.

My friend's dad killed officers at Dachau, and had theirs and other weapons and their dried ears on a dogtag chain to prove it.

I have shot a German officer Nazi Luger out in the woods back behind my friend's house. His dad let us do that.

It sucked, but whatever, we had our own guns too. It could have been the German ammo was crap. :dunno:

We didn't go out and buy any new bullets for it or anything, it was bullets from Dachau.

It jammed enough to where we said "fuck that" and just used our own guns.
Ah , a sweet Sheeple anthem . Why educate yourself when you could be in the field grazing and eating grass ?
Oh puh-leeze!

You dolts come in here daily and repeat, sometimes word for word whatever crazy theories came from MSNBC the night before, and think that you're smarter than everyone else....It's a joke....
You know they're about to rake your buddy Fauci over the coals, right?

Mr. "I funded Covid and released it on America". Yes, that is what's currently happening.

Go get him. If he broke the law, nail him.

See it how easy it is to not be a sheep?

I doubt it.
There's absolutely no reason for a judge to have any political overtones whatever.

Ideally, anyway. That was certainly the case for well over 200 years in America.

Apparently Mac is not cognizant of that.
So why is there always a split when it comes to the Supreme Court if they are impartial.
So why is there always a split when it comes to the Supreme Court if they are impartial.

You're right, the USSC is a joke. Just put up a scoreboard of appointed by whom. They then simply hold a vote lockstep with wishes if their "owner". Save $$$ they never stray anyways.
Based on what?

Funny how the courts didn't become a joke until they started holding your Orange God accountable.
Conservatives have been pointing out lib bias on the SC for decades starting with the decision to legalize abortion and homosexuality
It's always a good sign when people lie about my words.

Good stuff!

Yes, all the time. Just not the same side on every issue like an obedient little sheep, i.e., you.

Why aren't you just getting the damn shot?" -Mac1958​

Mac1958 is The Sheep

Says the motherfucker that says other people are sheep.


BAAAAAAA! Motherfucker! h4r h4rh! :abgg2q.jpg:

Why aren't you just getting the damn shot?" -Mac1958​

Mac1958 is The Sheep

Says the motherfucker that says other people are sheep.


This is what filthy blackgatermac want for all.

Jefferson County, Alabama – A 17-year-old basketball star with his whole life ahead of him died suddenly Thursday afternoon, leaving his family devastated and confused.
How is it Lib bias if the majority of the country thinks a woman should have the right to choose, even though, they might not agree.
If that's what the majority want they should get it through the legislative process not lying lib judges

The left discovered that they no longer have to consult the voters if at least 5 unelected black robes who serve for life will give it to them by judicial decree

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