Consequences of a Shrinking Global Population

Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.

As I said, most of your peers will grow up, late but inevitable, and you will find yourself looking the fool.
Seriously though, why would anyone want kids? ESPECIALLY women?

Millennials don't want kids. Good thing too, since we can't afford them. The rest of society is just gonna have to deal with that.

Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.

As I said, most of your peers will grow up, late but inevitable, and you will find yourself looking the fool.

Cute that that's what you tell yourselves. Haha.
Millennials are selfish, lazy, and irresponsible, and their thought corrupted by liberal propaganda. They don't invest into the future. Instead they buy $12 beers and play on their gadgets.

Too bad. Deal with it.

If I had my way, I'd lock up all the old folks in old folks homes and let them rot there. I piss on the boomers. Fuck them. No one's going to give a shit about them when they're old and need help.

You can pretend to take pride in perpetual infancy, but sooner or later most of your cohort will grow up and suddenly realize what a useless clown your sort really is.

Most people my age despise the boomers. So no, not really. Nice wishful thinking though.

As I said, most of your peers will grow up, late but inevitable, and you will find yourself looking the fool.

Cute that that's what you tell yourselves. Haha.

Your choice, but you’ll be glad later if you choose to at least start growing up now.
Faced with the reality of a future with more old people living longer and fewer young people being born to keep societies afloat, a number of choices will have to be made by most countries. Among these are allowing (if not recruiting) immigrants, particularly those with skills or who are willing to provide services in demand.

The World Can't Afford to Cheat Care Workers
Consequences of a growing population.

Farm runoff and the worsening algae plague


The U.S. isn't alone. Many countries are experiencing "disturbing trends of increasing bloom incidence" and growing economic losses. China's largest blooms on record washed onto beaches in 2013 from the Yellow Sea, as bulldozers scraped up rotting mats by the ton. A bloom the size of Mexico spreads across the Arabian Sea twice a year. In Australia, blue-green algae extended more than 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) on the Murray River in 2016. A European Commission study says blooms in Greece, Italy and Spain cost the economy $355 million (300 million euros) annually. University of Alberta researchers say microcystin has been detected in more than 240 Canadian water bodies. Lake Winnipeg algae blooms are so large that they're visible from space.


IS CLIMATE CHANGE BEHIND THIS? Yes. Is it all the farms and their fertilizers running off into our water? Yes. Why do we have so many farms? Because we have too many people to feed.

Many scientists believe global warming is making conditions more favorable for algae blooms, primarily by raising water temperatures and causing heavier rainstorms that wash more nutrients into waterways. A study in the journal Science this year said nitrogen runoff into lakes, rivers and bays could increase 19 percent by the end of the century if greenhouse gas emissions keep rising.


Congress first enacted legislation to deal with harmful algae in 1998 and has updated it several times, with another version pending. Critics say it's too little and too slow.

The Associated Press obtained data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture about the costliest of several programs that help farmers avoid pollution. The agency awarded $1.8 billion between 2009 and 2016 for use of 45 practices intended to prevent fertilizer runoff.

The five most heavily funded included upgrading irrigation systems; managing brush growth; planting "cover crops" in fall and winter that hold soil in place and absorb fertilizers; stabilizing erosion-prone areas used by livestock; and developing plans for applying fertilizer in ways that will minimize runoff. Another popular measure is planting grass or other vegetation between croplands and streams.
"Europe's population will peak around 2035 and then begin to slowly decline. Official projections vary, with the U.N. Population Division predicting that Europe could lose up to 100 million people in the next 50 years. However, all projections agree on one point: Europe's population will be older."

Europe's Shrinking, Aging Population
Death Spiral Demographics: The Countries Shrinking The Fastest

"For most of recent history, the world has worried about the curse of overpopulation. But in many countries, the problem may soon be too few people, and of those, too many old ones. In 1995 only one country, Italy, had more people over 65 than under 15; today there are 30 and by 2020 that number will hit 35. Demographers estimate that global population growth will end this century."
What about the fact that in every other way increased populations are a nuisance, be it crowded circumstances which not only are downright annoying, but sometimes downright chaos on the highway, or downright a liability in the case of fires, or in the case of disease spread.

Then there's that it's harder to find for waste disposal, it's harder to find clean water, there's more trash build up, or the fact that it puts pressure on resources, the environment, by both pollution, and expansion into once sheltered eco-systems.

But, UnkoTARDe knows all, yeah sure.
/——-/ Liberalism is the root cause of the things you lost. Garbage can be used cleanly as fuel for power plants but EPA restrictions make it difficult. California diverts clean water to the Pacific for some wack job reason.
"Europe's population will peak around 2035 and then begin to slowly decline. Official projections vary, with the U.N. Population Division predicting that Europe could lose up to 100 million people in the next 50 years. However, all projections agree on one point: Europe's population will be older."

Europe's Shrinking, Aging Population

Africa is the second-largest and second most populous continent on earth with an estimated population in 2016 of 1.2 billion people.

With little or no measures in place to address the issue, the 2.4 billion prediction for 2050 is entirely plausible.

Africa currently has a very low population density of about 65 people per square mile, which puts it behind Asia, Europe, and South America. The population of Africa is currently projected to quadruple in just 90 years.

Many consider Africa's population growth a bit frightening, with predictions placing the continent's population at 2.4 billion by 2050. By 2100, more than half of the world's growth is expected to come from Africa, reaching 4.1 billion people by 2100 to claim over 1/3 of the world's population. Most countries will at least triple in population as the region has very high fertility rates and very little family planning in most regions.


As much of Africa is still developing, and it contains some of the poorest countries on earth, time will tell how it will sustain such massive population growth.
Meanwhile, another key demographic variable – the number of children the average African woman is likely to have in her lifetime, or total fertility rate – remains elevated compared to global rates.

The total fertility rate of Africa is 88% higher than the world standard (2.5 children per woman globally, 4.7 children per woman in Africa).

In Niger, where GDP per capita is less than $1 per day, the average number of children a woman is likely to have in her life is more than seven.

This is the Republicans wet dream. Pay us $1 a day and have us make 7 babies so we flood the market with more low wage workers.

Precipitous declines in fertility in Asia and Latin America, from five children per woman in the 1970s to around 2.5 today, led many to believe Africa would follow a similar course.

Strong national family planning programmes in various parts of the world jump-started a virtuous circle: fertility declines allowed more educational and other resources to be deployed per capita than otherwise would have been possible. In turn, relatively more educated girls and women were able to increase their economic value and societal status – allowing for even greater agency to access and use contraception.

Unfortunately, since the early 1990s, family planning programmes in Africa have not had the same attention, resulting in slow, sometimes negligible, fertility declines.

This means we are trying to get Africans to have less kids. And based on this story, I don't think it's Africa who has it right and the rest of us doing it wrong.

Rapid population growth helps overstrain educational systems and local economies and can be a challenge to any government. Many areas of Australia and England, both fast-growing countries, are contending with overcrowded schools, congested highways and stratospheric housing costs. The reality is that as the size of any populace expands, governments must construct infrastructure apace.

Failure to do so results in per capita declines in living standards. In already economically strained nations, physical goods such as roads, bridges, water supplies, sewers and electricity systems are crucial, but scaling-up educational, public health and security systems are also required. Unemployment, instability and entrenched poverty follow suit. Uneducated girls and women are less likely to overcome social barriers to contraceptive use, such as domineering paternalistic cultures or religious prohibition. Fertility remains high and human suffering builds steam.

A few heroic efforts, such as Family Planning 2020, are attempting to stimulate family planning programmes across the continent, and there are some signs of success. Recent figures from Kenya and Zambia show substantial strengthening of contraceptive use among married women. In Kenya, 58% of married women now use modern contraception, and in Zambia this measure has risen from 33% to 45% in the last three years.

In both cases, the catalysts for improvements were government commitment and commensurate budget financing. The virtuous circle may not be completely out of reach, but many more African governments must make haste and make substantial investments in contraceptive information and access for their people.

As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
That's the exact opposite of what those African countries are doing. They are educating their women and giving them birth control so they slow down the population growth.

Now I know you're just being silly.

Unless you are a corporation who wants to see steady $ growth? I totally get why a corporation wants to see the population double. That means more consumers. Easier to grow when the population is growing. But that's not good for us or the environment.

Africa is not encouraging their women to "keep up the good work" they are actually trying to educate them to slow down and have less kids.

As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
Why? If eventually their numbers are going to go back down, what is the point of increasing the population now? What is your reasoning?

As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
That's the exact opposite of what those African countries are doing. .....

No, it's not.
Those countries are not educating their women to use birth control? I showed you they are. You don't just get to say no they are not. That's not how this works fool.

As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
That's the exact opposite of what those African countries are doing. .....

No, it's not.
West African governments want to cut population growth in half, but for whose benefit?

For some European politicians, Africa’s rapid population growth constitutes a major problem for Africa—but also for Europe. French President Emmanuel Macron said recently Africa’s “civilizational” problems were in part due to women having “7 or 8 children,” while Denmark’s minister for development cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs, recently committed $14 million to family planning in developing countries. She argued “part of the solution to reducing migratory pressure on Europe is to reduce the very high population growth in many African countries.”


As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
That's the exact opposite of what those African countries are doing. .....

No, it's not.

West African politicians took a new and unusual step to curb population growth themselves. At a conference on health and family planning in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, West African parliamentarians committed to allocate 5% of national budgets to family planning programs in order to cut birth rates in the region down to three children per woman by 2030, down from 5.6 children currently.

West African governments want to cut population growth in half, but for whose benefit?

See, if you are going to argue with me post something to back up your ignorant thinking. You can't because you are talking out of your ass.

As much of Africa is still developing, .....

Great, we should encourage and aid that growth where possible. As African countries develop more mature economies, their populations will begin to decline as well.
That's the exact opposite of what those African countries are doing. .....

No, it's not.

See you don't even care if it's poor people having kids. That's why you're a stupid fuck

“If there are millions more people who are dependents than people who are working, no matter our economic growth, we will not reduce poverty”

said the head of the West African parliamentary group on population growth

Maybe you're smarter than this guy who went to Harvard?

For Harvard’s Calestous Juma, poverty is the cause of high birth rates rather than the other way around. “High fertility rates result from lack of development, especially poor access to maternal and child health care,” explains Juma, who is a professor of international development. “A family can choose to limit its size if it can guarantee child survival through health care. The alternative is having more children in the hope that a few will survive.”
Olufunke Baruwa, the C.E.O. of the Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund, an organization that advocates for more female representation in government says the more money and education a woman has, the less likely she is to have a large family. “A lot of women who are elite, educated, don’t have more than three children,”

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