Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

When you raise the Minimum Wage to, say, $8.50/hr, all you're really doing is eliminating all the jobs whose labor doesn't bring in $8.50/hr or more income into the business.

Actually, you're eliminating the jobs that won't bring in ($8.50/hr plus the overhead, accounting etc. expenses) income into the business. So you're really eliminating the jobs who don't bring in $11/hr, $12/hr, or whatever the total is.

Why should an employer hire someone, if hiring him will cause a net loss to the business?

Is there still somebody here who's pretending the employer has some responsibility to the guy's family, car upkeep etc. beyond his wages?
Is there still somebody here who's pretending the employer has some responsibility to the guy's family, car upkeep etc. beyond his wages?

Employers used to pay employees enough wages where they didn't need to worry about family and car upkeep.
When you raise the Minimum Wage to, say, $8.50/hr, all you're really doing is eliminating all the jobs whose labor doesn't bring in $8.50/hr or more income into the business.

Actually, you're eliminating the jobs that won't bring in ($8.50/hr plus the overhead, accounting etc. expenses) income into the business. So you're really eliminating the jobs who don't bring in $11/hr, $12/hr, or whatever the total is.

Why should an employer hire someone, if hiring him will cause a net loss to the business?

Is there still somebody here who's pretending the employer has some responsibility to the guy's family, car upkeep etc. beyond his wages?

Employers used to pay employees enough wages where they didn't need to worry about family and car upkeep.


When I got my first job, in 1969, I didn't get enough money to support a family, or even a car. Nor did I expect to... because what I was doing was simple enough that anyone could have done it.

Are you saying that, at some point, employers paid enough to support a family and car, to someone scooping ice cream at Baskin Robbins? Or flipping burgers at Mac's, or serving chicken at KFC? Or that at any time, employers took in enough income from hiring someone for those jobs, to turn around and pay him enough to support his family and car?

You are wrong. And, clearly, you haven't even done any checking before announcing your ludicrous lie. What did you hope to accomplish by trying to pretend things that obviously aren't true?

Is there anyone else who would like to discuss the effects (seriously this time) of raising the Minimum Wage beyond the point where an employer can take in enough from that person's labor, to pay for hiring him in the first place?
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Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.
This will never be accepted but it has long been my contention that raises in the minimum wage should be tied to raises for Congressmen. If the Senators and Representatives give themselves a 10% raise, the people working for minimum wage automatically receive a 10% increase in their wage. That seems fair to me.
With the consumer class having less expendable income, who's going to be the market for the produced things? You can produce things like crazy but if there's no market for the produced goods you're producing failure.

and the workers that does the producing gets paid for that production the more they produce the more they make the more they spend so more needs to be produced so the more the worker makes and the more they spend so more needs to be produced so the worker makes more money so more money they spend and the more that needs to be produced

That's how things work in theory but unfortunately not how things work in reality. Workers produce, executives make poor decisions then profits decrease and then the productive workers get laid off. The productive worker then tries to find another job but they are perceived as too old or not worth what they were previously making. Corporate America is all take and no give.

then that mismanaged business goes bankrupt and other businesses step in and take up the slack in the market made by the company going bankrupt

as a worker your a product and you need to sell your self as much. you need to create a demand for your self, and you need to either have or learn a skill that is in short supply. if you can do that with in reason you can set your own price
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Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.

If you're an unskilled worker with no experience, you may not be worth 7.25/hour.
You could raise it to 20.00/hour, you think that might have a negative impact on employment?
you were getting raises because the economy was growing, the unemployment was low and if you were a good worker, you were appreciated.
Now we have economy in stagnation, extremely high unemployment rate and one worker can be substituted by 10 others any second he is fired.

The minimum wage is not going to be raised in such conditions and should not.
because it will cause just more misery to those whom it is supposed to help.

Making the economy grow, stimulate jobs creation - THAT is going to raise the minimum wage by itself.

Sure, a rising tide helps. But what good is it when the monied elites / business owners pay take home the lion's share of a business's productivity while Labor takes home crumbs.

If there were no minimum wage, no unions, no worker rights, no environmental regulations, etc., Labor, including childredn, would be working in hellish conditions for food/subsistence.

If not, where's the noblesse oblige?

if you forget your failed marxist redistribution ideology and look where the fault of the stagnation lies FOR REAL - then you will find out that it is exactly your failed marxist redistribution ideology which is causing this economy to suffocate, jobs not to be created and wages not being raised.

there is no noblesse oblige in the business - it is driven by interest and profit. that is as natural as the rising sun.
and that is the only real mechanism to prosper FOR EVERYBODY.

If you are interested in noblesse oblige you have to travel in time to the feudal Europe.

But you might not like that time even more than the need to work for a living in the strangled by failed socialist regulations suffocated market economy which was once humming.

Oh, and BTW, CEO then were earning much more than burger flippers as well.

marxist redistribution? All of the redistribution has gone to the top 1%. This is common knowledge. The average american hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation, for decades. Why do republican working stiffs always apologize and defend billionaires? Think you'll be there someday if you work a little harder and smarter and won't want to pay too much in taxes then?
Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”
Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.

That's the conservative idea of how we can compete globally; we'll underbid everyone else.
Right, once the Chinese and Indians open call centers here we'll have achieved the Republican pre-utopia, 2nd world status. Were already there in healthcare and education.
Sure, a rising tide helps. But what good is it when the monied elites / business owners pay take home the lion's share of a business's productivity while Labor takes home crumbs.

If there were no minimum wage, no unions, no worker rights, no environmental regulations, etc., Labor, including childredn, would be working in hellish conditions for food/subsistence.

If not, where's the noblesse oblige?

if you forget your failed marxist redistribution ideology and look where the fault of the stagnation lies FOR REAL - then you will find out that it is exactly your failed marxist redistribution ideology which is causing this economy to suffocate, jobs not to be created and wages not being raised.

there is no noblesse oblige in the business - it is driven by interest and profit. that is as natural as the rising sun.
and that is the only real mechanism to prosper FOR EVERYBODY.

If you are interested in noblesse oblige you have to travel in time to the feudal Europe.

But you might not like that time even more than the need to work for a living in the strangled by failed socialist regulations suffocated market economy which was once humming.

Oh, and BTW, CEO then were earning much more than burger flippers as well.

marxist redistribution? All of the redistribution has gone to the top 1%. This is common knowledge. The average american hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation, for decades. Why do republican working stiffs always apologize and defend billionaires? Think you'll be there someday if you work a little harder and smarter and won't want to pay too much in taxes then?

because the American public hasn't made them selves worth more than the current wages. See we have another example of some one who doesn't have a clue how wages are set. do you think business owners pull some figure out of a hat to set wages for all its employees? wages are set the same way a price is set on a product. they are set by supply and demand. the bigger the demand and the shorter the supply the more the employee is paid
Sure, a rising tide helps. But what good is it when the monied elites / business owners pay take home the lion's share of a business's productivity while Labor takes home crumbs.

If there were no minimum wage, no unions, no worker rights, no environmental regulations, etc., Labor, including childredn, would be working in hellish conditions for food/subsistence.

If not, where's the noblesse oblige?

if you forget your failed marxist redistribution ideology and look where the fault of the stagnation lies FOR REAL - then you will find out that it is exactly your failed marxist redistribution ideology which is causing this economy to suffocate, jobs not to be created and wages not being raised.

there is no noblesse oblige in the business - it is driven by interest and profit. that is as natural as the rising sun.
and that is the only real mechanism to prosper FOR EVERYBODY.

If you are interested in noblesse oblige you have to travel in time to the feudal Europe.

But you might not like that time even more than the need to work for a living in the strangled by failed socialist regulations suffocated market economy which was once humming.

Oh, and BTW, CEO then were earning much more than burger flippers as well.

marxist redistribution? All of the redistribution has gone to the top 1%. This is common knowledge. The average american hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation, for decades. Why do republican working stiffs always apologize and defend billionaires? Think you'll be there someday if you work a little harder and smarter and won't want to pay too much in taxes then?

no, my dear it were your beloved dimocraps and your messiah obama who redistributed everything to the 1% - as the left ALWAYS does until they get the never ending grip on power - then the situation changes and 1% have to fly away as fast as possible to save their lives.
But we are not THERE yet.
We are at the stage where your beloved left employs marxist redistribution to take from the middle class ( which the left HATES) and to enrich the 1%, because the main goal of the left is to make everyone poor, but themselves, because they are the elite, the chosen, the messiah :lol:

It is the middle class they are strangling by the over-regulation and over-taxation and not the big pockets whom they serve. Until they get into unlimited power.
if you forget your failed marxist redistribution ideology and look where the fault of the stagnation lies FOR REAL - then you will find out that it is exactly your failed marxist redistribution ideology which is causing this economy to suffocate, jobs not to be created and wages not being raised.

there is no noblesse oblige in the business - it is driven by interest and profit. that is as natural as the rising sun.
and that is the only real mechanism to prosper FOR EVERYBODY.

If you are interested in noblesse oblige you have to travel in time to the feudal Europe.

But you might not like that time even more than the need to work for a living in the strangled by failed socialist regulations suffocated market economy which was once humming.

Oh, and BTW, CEO then were earning much more than burger flippers as well.

marxist redistribution? All of the redistribution has gone to the top 1%. This is common knowledge. The average american hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation, for decades. Why do republican working stiffs always apologize and defend billionaires? Think you'll be there someday if you work a little harder and smarter and won't want to pay too much in taxes then?

because the American public hasn't made them selves worth more than the current wages. See we have another example of some one who doesn't have a clue how wages are set. do you think business owners pull some figure out of a hat to set wages for all its employees? wages are set the same way a price is set on a product. they are set by supply and demand. the bigger the demand and the shorter the supply the more the employee is paid

Okay. Since the American PEOPLE, aren't worth more than the current wages, or a valuable commodity; do you have a suggestion on how we become more valuable?

marxist redistribution? All of the redistribution has gone to the top 1%. This is common knowledge. The average american hasn't had a pay raise adjusted for inflation, for decades. Why do republican working stiffs always apologize and defend billionaires? Think you'll be there someday if you work a little harder and smarter and won't want to pay too much in taxes then?

because the American public hasn't made them selves worth more than the current wages. See we have another example of some one who doesn't have a clue how wages are set. do you think business owners pull some figure out of a hat to set wages for all its employees? wages are set the same way a price is set on a product. they are set by supply and demand. the bigger the demand and the shorter the supply the more the employee is paid

Okay. Since the American PEOPLE, aren't worth more than the current wages, or a valuable commodity; do you have a suggestion on how we become more valuable?

We could deport the tens of millions of illegals who compete with our low skilled workers for jobs.
Logic dictates that one would only want to eliminate the minimum wage if one wanted to give employers the ability to pay even less than they do now.

You do know what the percentage of Americans working on MW is? It is like 3% and the rest don't even have a job. So the debate has to be different. Get rid of MW and let the market take its course. We need an unemployment level of 4 or 3 % to prosper.
because the American public hasn't made them selves worth more than the current wages. See we have another example of some one who doesn't have a clue how wages are set. do you think business owners pull some figure out of a hat to set wages for all its employees? wages are set the same way a price is set on a product. they are set by supply and demand. the bigger the demand and the shorter the supply the more the employee is paid

Okay. Since the American PEOPLE, aren't worth more than the current wages, or a valuable commodity; do you have a suggestion on how we become more valuable?

We could deport the tens of millions of illegals who compete with our low skilled workers for jobs.

Would we do this before, or after we indict the business owners, and/or the people who hired them?
Lets say for the sake of argument you raise the minimum wage to $15. 00 a hour as the fast food workers are wanting what will that do to the fast food places profit will it make it go up or down? I think it's safe to say it will go down if that's the case what do you think the company would be to make the profit up? I think higher prices would be one which would hurt business cutting back on staff would likely be another or a combination of both finally if you were to double the minimum wage there is a good possibility that places that don't have a big profit margin go under and then everybody is out of a job hardly a good thing.
Okay. Since the American PEOPLE, aren't worth more than the current wages, or a valuable commodity; do you have a suggestion on how we become more valuable?

We could deport the tens of millions of illegals who compete with our low skilled workers for jobs.

Would we do this before, or after we indict the business owners, and/or the people who hired them?

indict for what? making a profit? when has making a profit become illegal?

look if your forced to make the wages you make that is your fault not the fault of the wage you make

If you didn't educate your self and or learn a skill that is in short supply and a high demand you only have your self to blame
Okay. Since the American PEOPLE, aren't worth more than the current wages, or a valuable commodity; do you have a suggestion on how we become more valuable?

We could deport the tens of millions of illegals who compete with our low skilled workers for jobs.

Would we do this before, or after we indict the business owners, and/or the people who hired them?

Mandate E-Verify.
$10000 fine for the first violation, $20000 for the second, $30000 for the third, $40000 for the fourth. Rinse, repeat.
Lets say for the sake of argument you raise the minimum wage to $15. 00 a hour as the fast food workers are wanting what will that do to the fast food places profit will it make it go up or down? I think it's safe to say it will go down if that's the case what do you think the company would be to make the profit up? I think higher prices would be one which would hurt business cutting back on staff would likely be another or a combination of both finally if you were to double the minimum wage there is a good possibility that places that don't have a big profit margin go under and then everybody is out of a job hardly a good thing.

also what these short sighted liberals fail to realize if low skill human labor increases to the point it would be cheaper to invest in, design, build, and implement machines/robots to make burgers and fries believe me that is what will happen. the technology is there only reason it hasn't been done yet because the cost of low or no skill workers are low enough to keep it competitive not to automate
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Congressman: ‘I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage’

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.” Can Obama Unilaterally Raise the Minimum Wage? -

Barton’s not the only lawmaker to hold such a view. In June, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) told a meeting of the Health Education Labor and Pensions Committee to mark 75 years since the signing of the Federal Labor Standards Act, which guaranteed a minimum wage, that he “do[es] not believe in it” and that he would abolish the minimum wage. And while he hasn’t called for the full repeal of the minimum wage, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) has said, “I don’t think a minimum wage law works.”

Congressman: 'I Would Vote To Repeal The Minimum Wage' | ThinkProgress

These people want other people living in shit on the side of the street. The minimum wage demands fairness for the workers.

If you can't get 7.25/hour to hardly pay for food after you're done working. You're no more then a slave. These bastards want Africa, mexico or china for Americans.
This will never be accepted but it has long been my contention that raises in the minimum wage should be tied to raises for Congressmen. If the Senators and Representatives give themselves a 10% raise, the people working for minimum wage automatically receive a 10% increase in their wage. That seems fair to me.
It has long been my contention that raises for Congress should be based on a evaluation of their job performance by those they work for in this case the American people the same way the rest of us do or do not get a raise.

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