Congress May Spend More On The Benghazi Panel Than On The Veterans Affairs Committee


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
House Republicans have requested nearly $3.3 million to operate the select committee investigating Benghazi, which gives the GOP-launched committee a bigger budget than that granted to the committee overseeing the troubled Department of Veterans Affairs.

MORE: Congress May Spend More On The Benghazi Panel Than On The Veterans Affairs Committee

So, they are spending more on the Benghazi witch hunt than they are spending to protect veterans. This should concern everyone, regardless of political orientation.
Has the Veterans affairs committee requested additional funds and been denied, or is this just more left wing bullshit from setting bullshit?
more leftwing BS

now they care about the Vets

twisted freaks, they've worn out using CHILDREN as a shield, so now they're going to USE OUR VETS
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more leftwing BS

now they care about the Vets

twisted freaks, they've worn out using CHILDREN as a shield, so now they're going to USE OUR VETS

The left cares more about them than the right by any measure you can name, especially in the not using their lives and limbs to fuel MIC profit department.
go back to raging about the childreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

shut up already..loser pukes
Congress ....may...spend more on Benghazi because the witnesses are not as available as the drones who are employed in the V.A.
If this fucking administration were "transparent" as was promised by the Boy King, none of it would be necessary.

Sounds like it's time for the House to pass another bill repealing Obama-care.
You cult followers of the Democrats had no problems when they SPENT fives year's and countless MILLIONS investigating the so called OUTING OF some low level agent called, Valerie Plame

so shut up

you don't deserve to live here...but hey now that it's being overrun with illegals, I hope you get your just do's... when you get sent to the back of bus
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The poor Republicans are stuck, forced to manufacture dumber and dumber phony scandals. Their crazy base will turn on the mainstream Republicans if they don't get fed a steady diet of phony scandal red meat.

The liberals, meanwhile, are watching in amusement and stocking up on popcorn.
If throwing money at a problem is the way to fix it.......then our education system should be #1 in the world.
But it ain't and it isn't.
Just incredible. No immigration reform, no minimum wage increase, but plenty of money for another witch hunt. The Party over Country GOP...
There are enough scandals littering the landscape by this admin that it would take 10 more congresses to investigate fully.

But no illegal wars yet, no waterboarding, no off shores torture cells. You are just very desperate....and FUNNY!

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