Congratulations Mike Johnson

It will all be on the internet in a week...
Nope. The last thing Trumptards want is for all their violence to be on the internet for everyone to see in glorious color.

Especially shitting on the walls. Especially bashing cops on the head, pepper spraying cops, electrocuting cops.

Blue Lives Matter! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
Nope. The last thing Trumptards want is for all their violence to be on the internet for everyone to see in glorious color.

Especially shitting on the walls. Especially bashing cops on the head, pepper spraying cops, electrocuting cops.

Blue Lives Matter! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
If Trump supporters don't want it leaked it will be on the internet tomorrow.... haven't you been paying attention...
You call that a whine fest?

I found it fascinating. Roy would make a great college professor (in a red state, that is. Blues states would 86 him because leftists hate the truth, etc).

I didn't go to a very good high school. It was in a blue state and I was never taught much of anything at all about how our government is run. Maybe that's why it took so long for me to even get interested in govt matters? And so I consider myself somewhat "behind" others who have been following Congress longer. That said, I understand quite a bit cmpared to the avg American, apparently (not saying much).

Chip Roy would make one of the best, most conservative presidents we've ever had. But the GOP has outlawed fiscal conservatism. So I doubt he'll advance very far.
Educate yourself...


"The House Freedom Caucus opposes the proposed ‘clean’ Continuing Resolution as it contains no spending reductions, no border security, and not a single meaningful win for the American people,” the group said. “Republicans must stop negotiating against ourselves over fears of what the Senate may do with the promise ‘roll over today and we'll fight tomorrow.’”
Chip Roy would make one of the best, most conservative presidents we've ever had. But the GOP has outlawed fiscal conservatism. So I doubt he'll advance very far.
Chip Roy won't vote to Impeach Biden. Chip Roy is a deep state moron.

Any Republican who won't vote for Impeachment needs to be primaried out.
Chip Roy won't vote to Impeach Biden. Chip Roy is a deep state moron.

Any Republican who won't vote for Impeachment needs to be primaried out.
I doubt Roy is a deep stater

Give some reasons for your assertion (in other words, don't be a lib. They are forever claiming.. all kinds of nonsense, giving no info or purported info to back it up)
Chip Roy won't vote to Impeach Biden. Chip Roy is a deep state moron.

Any Republican who won't vote for Impeachment needs to be primaried out.

LMAO.... Chip Roy is deep state? Oh yeah. In the twilight zone maybe.
Sorry bout that,

1. No to the hell no, Mikes a fuck up.
2. Likely a RINO.
3. Of many Rinos.
4. Him getting in on first try seals it, he's a RINO, fuck him!!!!


Mike Johnson is a Domionist.. specifically the New Apostolic Reformation.. bad news.
Nope. The last thing Trumptards want is for all their violence to be on the internet for everyone to see in glorious color.

Especially shitting on the walls. Especially bashing cops on the head, pepper spraying cops, electrocuting cops.

Blue Lives Matter! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Trump defends what they did.
Hi Mike, it's me, Satan. Perhaps you've heard of me?

I want to congratulate you on your speakership gig and tell you that I feel great things about you in the force. McCarthy was compromised and I hoped he'd rise above, he didn't. I'll tell you the same thing I told him. The speakership will either be the greatest thing you ever do, or merely a steppingstone on to true greatness. You seem to be like, pure of heart in stuff, and God loves that raz. All you have to do is not f#$% up. So here I am to offer you a little advice...

People always ask me, Satan, how will I know what the right thing to do is? And I'm always like... Bra, it's simple. If the evil people sing your praises, you're f%#$@% up. If they hate your guts, you're doing good.

Do Good Mike. Oh ya... and the WEF types have some kinda suprise event planned for you right away. Ask around, be ready ;)

I would like Americans to post their well wishes for Mike Johnson here. I will begin with a prayer...

Dear God, please grant Mike Johnson glorious victories over the soulless. Amen. :hands:
The man is a ugly hate driven monster like the rest of THE MAGA Maggots.

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