Con Job Gone Sour


Sep 23, 2010
The FCC never had any plans to invade newsrooms; so this comes as no surprise:

FCC backs down from study, won't ask journalists how they gathers news
The Federal Communications Commission has been accused of infringing on freedom of the press with its 'Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs,' in which it proposed to ask editors and journalists why they cover certain stories.

By Leslie Larson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Monday, February 24, 2014, 8:12 AM

FCC backs down from study, won't ask journalists how they gather news - NY Daily News

The only plan hatched by the FCC was the one to shore up the public’s sagging belief in the myth that says the media and the government are mortal enemies. Mortal enemies has not been true through most of the last century when print was the only press. Mortal enemies was never true for one second throughout the decades of television’s reign over government propaganda. In fact, wags rightly call the FCC the Ministry of Propaganda.

Let’s go back to 2002 for a second. That’s when the Federal Communications Commission first announced that all TV sets must include digital tuners by the year 2007. Since then broadcasters returned their analog spectrum to the government. They now transmit digitally. Then-FCC chairman Michael Powell said:

This is not market-oriented, this is industrial policy, voted on by the consumers' representatives in Congress.

Oh yeah, members of Congress representing consumers. If they did it was the first and last time in history.

Gary Shapiro, president of the Consumer Electronics Association, did not agree with the FCC. At the time Shapiro said:

We plan to challenge this order in court. You can’t force consumers to buy digital televisions. You have to give them a choice.

As it turned out the government via the FCC did not have to give consumers a choice.

Members of Congress protected themselves by claiming they were interested in a more efficient use of the limited broadcast spectrum. When the DTV scam was in the news, I made this suggestion: Eliminate tax deductible advertising dollars which, in turn, will get rid of a lot of television outlets and reduce overall broadcast time. That’s the most efficient use of the broadcast spectrum.

Also, clearer images with DTV was a big selling point. It was a load of bull-crap. Right from the start of the DTV scam I knew that clearer pictures was a fraud because it is sound that indoctrinates and brainwashes. No picture ever brainwashed anyone. DTV will never do a damn thing to tamper with sound unless digital pictures somehow enhance brainwashing techniques that I am unaware of.

The DTV fraud was designed to provide hundreds of platforms for advertisers entwined with countless outlets for government propaganda. Nothing new, or worthwhile, came from the entertainment industry, or network news divisions via DTV; so why the switch if it wasn’t a fraud?

Knowing how Socialist/Communist control-freaks adore brainwashing, I can’t help wondering if digital transmissions turned out to be more adaptable than analog transmissions when it came to sending out subliminal messages hidden in the picture.

The public airwaves are controlled by a very few even though the airwaves supposedly belong to everyone. Under the present setup those who can do without TV are forced to pay for it in various ways. Those who are addicted to television get the same old sewage pumped into their homes digitally, and they will be paying a lot more to the very few who use public property as though it is their own.

I never could bring myself to trust anything the Socialists who control the propaganda apparatus in this country do. Whenever propaganda machinery is wrapped in legislation, and bureaucratic mandates, as it was in the DTV scam the public always get screwed. That was true of DTV and it’s true of the scheme to convince Americans that there is no Media & Government partnership.

Now let’s go to the heart of newsroom flap. I’ll begin with this:


The National Review cover shows that the government is after something, but it ain’t TV newsrooms. Much of print press supports the government, and there is no reason for the government to interfere in television news.

Everything that has gone wrong in this country can be laid on the Media-Government partnership. The domestic disasters are a bit more difficult to uncover, but not impossible. The welfare state, 20 million illegal aliens on their way to amnesty, and the Affordable Care Act are but three items that would not have been possible without a Media-Government partnership.

Nailing the partnership in foreign policy is easy. I have only to post the following each time the media acts like it is not stooging for the government as they are doing with the FCC scam:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years."

He went on to explain:

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."

-- David Rockefeller, Speaking at the June, 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Baden, Germany (a meeting also attended by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan Quayle

Convincing Americans that the media and the government have an adversarial relationship is essential when the government goes after free speech on the Internet. When the fight comes the media must be in a position to support the government’s position without seeming to do so. That is the formula the media has been using for decades. The formula does not work when a majority of Americans know enough NOT to believe anything the government media tells them.

NOTE: Print press never came to the aid of free speech when the Fairness Doctrine was enforced from 1949 to 1987. Also note that neither print nor electronic media defends free speech on the Internet —— nor will they ever.

I’ve posted many messages on the topic of freedom of speech on the Internet. I think I’ve read most of the stuff written about the FCC con job. Not once did I ever see a specific mention of freedom of speech on the Internet. That is not to say that conservative journalists are deliberately avoiding the issue. They probably don’t see the omission as important. I offer this to make my case:

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ?infiltrate? social network sites

Sunstein’s plan to undermine opposition failed. The logical next step is for the government to wage all-out war against free speech on the Internet. A war the government cannot win if the media defends free speech as vigorously as it defends freedom of the press. That’s the problem. I doubt if the people who own the transmitters will defend freedom of speech on the Internet; nor can the government’s Supreme Court be counted on to rule in favor of First Amendment protection for the Internet. Freedom of speech is a wonderful concept for street corner orators. It doesn’t work out to well when everybody has an electronic soapbox:


These two articles are as good as you’ll find anywhere. The topic of freedom of speech is mentioned in connection to freedom of the press:

February 24, 2014
Shut up, they explained
By Ed Lasky

Articles: Shut up, they explained


Obama’s Assault on the First Amendment
So unconstitutional only he would launch it.
By Jed Babbin – 2.24.14

Obama?s Assault on the First Amendment | The American Spectator
When you add all of the liberal talking heads on FOX to the 30 “journalists” cited in the linked story you have to ask why the FCC would need to invade newsrooms if it wasn’t a con job?

Click on the link to learn their government jobs along with pictures of the 30 pieces of silver:

With two political activists, who toiled for Barack Obama, starting hosting duties today with new shows on MSNBC (Ronan Farrow’s 1 PM EST Ronan Farrow Daily and Joy-Ann Reid’s 2 PM EST The Reid Report), the Media Research Center’s list of those revolving between working on behalf of Obama and positions in the news media has reached 30.

(Ours is a strict “revolving door” list, sticking to those with jobs as reporters, editors, correspondents, anchors, producers or media executives, not those who just have or had roles as “contributors” to news outlets. And we’re sticking to those with a direct tie to one of Obama’s campaigns or a position within his administration, so none of the many others in the news media who currently or have in the past put in stints for Democratic officials or even liberal groups which advance Obama’s agenda. For instance, that leaves out Teddy Davis, who in 2010 jumped from ABC News, where he was Deputy Political Director, to the left-wing Service Employees International Union.

Also, not here: Relatives, such as ABC’s Claire Shipman, who is married to White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.)

Click on a picture for a larger image.

Two New MSNBC Hosts Bring News Media-Obama Revolving Door to 30
Published: 2/24/2014 9:36 AM ET
By Brent Baker

Two New MSNBC Hosts Bring News Media-Obama Revolving Door to 30 | Media Research Center

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