Communist, Pro-Terrorist, Anti-Israel Groups Sponsor NAACP’s ‘One Nation’ Rally...


Jeffersonian Liberal
May 22, 2010
Good lord, look at the sponsors of this, ANSWER, Code Pink, Communist Party USA, the Democratic Socialists of America...

The NAACP-led ‘One Nation Working Together’ rally coming up in Washington, D.C. on October 2nd to counter the Tea Party movement’s success is being sponsored by pro-terrorist and communist groups. Many of their logos are proudly and prominently displayed on the rally’s promotional website. One sponsor’s leader was fired this summer by the U.S. Civil Rights Commission for his ties to Hamas.
The rally’s sponsor list demonstrates how the Democrat party’s liberal establishment has mainstreamed treason and anti-semitism.
Included among large, traditional labor organizations sponsoring the rally: AFL-CIO; National Education Association; the union of federal government workers’ American Federation of Government Employees; United Auto Workers; and United Mine Workers .
Joining them are anti-American, anti-Israel groups: Stalinist ANSWER Coalition; and the terrorist supporting Obama funders Code Pink and United for Peace and Justice, which since its inception and until recently was led by noted communist Leslie Cagan. Listed on the sidebar as sponsors are anti-American groups Veterans for Peace and Iraq Veterans Against the War.
All have supported terrorists in Iraq who were killing American troops and liberated Iraqis.
Also listed as partners of the One Nation rally are the Communist Party USA; the Democratic Socialists of America; the International Socialist Organization; and the War Resisters League.

One Nation Working Together also lists as a partner the American Muslim Association of North America, whose leader Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout was fired this summer by the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights for his ties to Hamas and David Duke.

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