common sense


Apr 3, 2011
first off the tragedy in conn was horrific, unimaginable, god bless those sweet innocent children and their parents.

this could have been prevented, this devil son was distant from his mother. she could not show affection, we understand she was a good mother, however when you have a son with his characteristics, the guns should have been locked up and surely no access for him.

people with children that are different, obviously need special care, but when they are in society acting strange/ acting out, sometimes people need to get involved in a positive way to inform the parents or the authorities, better safe than sorry.

guns are not bad things, but when they are in evil hands they can be destructive. some law makers think the answer for guns is to take them from everyone and that will solve things, wrong. there is always ways to commit evil acts. most law makers are not educated on the safety and operation of guns and they speak out not knowing what they are talking about.

proper parenting is more essential than trying to take peoples rights away. do not blame the guns, look at the people behind them? should they have access? common sense will get you through life, but for alot of people today common sense is not common.

another thing, maybe we need trained security at school armed? this would probably prevent a lot of these horrible crimes.

people need to discreetly get involved if they see something not right and parents need to parent and if they cannot handle their children, then get help before it is too late.
i agree with you. as many times as people see the people going after, unarmed people, when they go on a killing spree, you would think they would see that guns are not the prob. its the idiots that kill people. but of course, they point the finger at the guns so often, even with facts that prove gun deaths are fewer then car accidents, you would think they are just looking for an excuse
Interesting that you both write with the syntax and phrasing and the same lack of caps.

Probably just a coincidence.

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