Comey's lying about Moscow. Trump bodyguard testified "they spent the night" to Congress

Trump's denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart ...
Those around President Trump have made a disconcerting habit of forgetting, obscuring or misremembering their contacts with Russians. Now it seems the boss may have some explaining to do, too. Bloomberg is reporting that flight records contradict ...
Trump can't make Paul Manafort's Russia connections disappear - The ...
- When August 2016 began, Paul Manafort was about 11 weeks into his job as chairman of Donald Trump's campaign. But despite the political tumult, Manafort found time that month to meet at a swank Manhattan cigar bar with someone the FBI has suggested has ties to Russian intelligence. By the time ...
Trump's denials that he stayed overnight in Russia are falling apart ...
Those around President Trump have made a disconcerting habit of forgetting, obscuring or misremembering their contacts with Russians. Now it seems the boss may have some explaining to do, too. Bloomberg is reporting that flight records contradict ...
Trump can't make Paul Manafort's Russia connections disappear - The ...
- When August 2016 began, Paul Manafort was about 11 weeks into his job as chairman of Donald Trump's campaign. But despite the political tumult, Manafort found time that month to meet at a swank Manhattan cigar bar with someone the FBI has suggested has ties to Russian intelligence. By the time ...
Manafort Was Questioned by FBI Before Trump Campaign
April 24, 2018
“Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was interviewed by the FBI twice while he was working as a political consultant for a Ukrainian political party — several years before he was named a top adviser to Donald Trump,” the Washington Post reports.

“The information raises fresh questions about how closely the Trump campaign vetted staff members and whether Manafort and Gates told officials about their interactions with the FBI.”
He said vs he said.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.
Vs what video tape and records actually say. They agree with Comey.
President Donald Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey — twice — that he didn’t spend a single night in Moscow when the infamous “pee tape” was allegedly made.

But Bloomberg and Politico have obtained flight records for Trump’s jet that indicate he actually spent two nights in the Russian capital when he traveled there for the Miss Universe Pageant in 2013.

Flight Records Disprove Trump’s Claim About ‘Pee Tape’ Weekend Whereabouts

Trump said he didn't spend a night in Moscow - but flight records show he did. In fact - he spent TWO nights in Moscow.

Miss Universe host confirms Trump lied when he told Comey he never stayed overnight in Moscow

Another defense by the White House against an infamous dossier may have been undermined by reports to the contrary from another eye-witness."
See Trump's neck? That's what happens when a hooker pees on it.

It is hilarious the fake news MSM actually insists Lyin' Slimeball Comey is a credible source of information. How dumb do they think their consumers of fake news are? :p
The people don't care whether Trump spent time with hookers and they care even less about him lying about it if in fact he did...He's a married man and is trying to do the impossible....making America great again and at the same time he is holding his family together under this ridiculous onslaught from the over the top left....
Democrats and liberals!!! take my advise and do not mimic the MSM...they are nuts! They hate our president....If the Democrat party continues to follow the media it will spell their doom.....
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump
"... for a time and then went to bed."

What a crappy body guard.

Shifts are normally 12 hours on, 12 hours off, and you don't leave your client alone, ever.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump
"... for a time and then went to bed."

What a crappy body guard.

Shifts are normally 12 hours on, 12 hours off, and you don't leave your client alone, ever.

That even assumes he was being truthful - which I doubt.
The people don't care whether Trump spent time with hookers and they care even less about him lying about it if in fact he did...He's a married man and is trying to do the impossible....making America great again and at the same time he is holding his family together under this ridiculous onslaught from the over the top left....
Democrats and liberals!!! take my advise and do not mimic the MSM...they are nuts! They hate our president....If the Democrat party continues to follow the media it will spell their doom.....
Anti-Trump folks are repeatedly getting it from behind by the fake news MSM. At this rate, the butthurtness will never go away. As we have discussed, this is a mental illness that they think impeachment can cure.
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump

But's the thing................Trump told Comey that he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. But now, your post, as well as the bodyguards testimony and flight record show that Trump actually DID spend the night in Moscow.

So, which do we believe? Trump? Comey? The bodyguard? Flight records?

Everyone is saying something different.

Trump told Comey he never spent the night in Moscow in 2013. Flight records show that he did.

Trump reportedly told former FBI Director James Comey twice that he never stayed the night in Moscow, Russia, when visiting in 2013 for a Miss Universe pageant. But flight records reviewed by Bloomberg, combined with social media posts, appear to indicate that Trump indeed spent a full weekend with business associates and pageant developers in the Russian capital.

The findings contradict Trump's main alibi denying the veracity of a dossier that alleges salacious details about his interactions with prostitutes in Moscow. Even though Trump told Comey on two separate occasions that the dossier "couldn't be true" because of how little time he spent in Moscow on that trip, Bloomberg reports that Trump flew to Russia in a private jet owned by his business partner, rather than on his own jet, making his timeline a bit muddier.

Agree. so that means we must go with the one with the best record for telling the truth, being honest, not lying more than 5 times a day and so on.

That narrows it right down ...
The people don't care whether Trump spent time with hookers and they care even less about him lying about it if in fact he did...He's a married man and is trying to do the impossible....making America great again and at the same time he is holding his family together under this ridiculous onslaught from the over the top left....
Democrats and liberals!!! take my advise and do not mimic the MSM...they are nuts! They hate our president....If the Democrat party continues to follow the media it will spell their doom.....

You should take that on the road. Maybe even get into Mein Drumpf's cabinet. Or shoe closet.

FYI, he wasn't prez then. He still isn't but point is, other married men don't sleep around and brag about pussy grabbing. He's trailer trash with money.

America IS great and was great long before this lying gutter snipe
started screwing us over.

Don't like the US? Leave.
NOBODY CARES about this because it is many years ago and nobody trusts dumb Comey anyways and anybody in this administration is wise to just ghost his creepy ass.
NOBODY CARES about this because it is many years ago and nobody trusts dumb Comey anyways and anybody in this administration is wise to just ghost his creepy ass.
you do not care if he lies to your face are that submissive ...sad
Comey the lying and leaking drama queen is a mega liar on steroids. Too bad he can't keep his lies running the same time line as true events.

Everyone reported on Schiller's testimony Obviously Comey missed it.

Trump Bodyguard Keith Schiller Testifies Russian Offered Trump Women, Was Turned Down
by Ken Dilanian and Jonathan Allen / Nov.09.2017 / 12:53 PM ET / Updated Nov.09.2017 / 1:43 PM ET

From the article:

"That night, two sources said, Schiller said he discussed the conversation with Trump as Trump was walking back to his hotel room, and Schiller said the two men laughed about it as Trump went to bed alone. Schiller testified that he stood outside Trump's hotel room for a time and then went to bed."

Bodyguard rejected Russian offer of 5 women for Trump
When isn't Comey lying?
MR BIG MOUTH PREZ SAYS CRAP all the time: The former FBI director said Trump offered the comments while saying he could not have told Russian prostitutes to urinate on a bed in the Ritz-Carlton, as the dossier purports.

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