Comey's Letter Bombshell

what a disgusting sad sack he really is. :eusa_liar:

it is utterly disgusting what mr trump is doing, constantly smearing such dignified public servants and eagerly undermining the entirety of USA intelligence agencies.... just to suit HIS purpose in evading his own serious misdeeds.

President Donald Trump commented on the senators' statement Friday morning: "Wow, looks like James Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton long before the investigation was over...and so much more. A rigged system!" he tweeted. :cuckoo:
Ah the Fauxrage machine is hard at work serving the angry mob nothing burgers again.

Let's have Comey testify again and set the record straight about why he did what he did.
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.
"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

since when is writing the conclusion of an investigation before interviews take place is "protocol"


if it is yet more example of the swamp needing to be drained
I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.

"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.

"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.
Yes. Since when are you believing anything CNN says?
You shouldn't be able to have it both ways.
Try this one, Mona...what we should have done back in 2008. Wasted eight years.

Kenya's Supreme Court annuls disputed presidential election - CNN
Screw that. Why is CNN suddenly reporting the TRUTH?

The article has "draft", actual letter was not released until after he finished interviewing the kitchen sink. Why is this STILL going on?
You don't think it shows a certain predisposition to finding a certain outcome? Even though it's impossible to keep a totally open mind, I'm sure, no one doing an investigation is supposed to come to conclusions three months prior to finishing. Right?
Trump should pardon them...

just to piss off the commie left who are not trying to make hay out of pardoning Arpaio.

You have to be charged and convicted of a federal crime in order to be pardoned. Neither Clinton nor Comey has been charged with anything.
Not yet asshole!
If you believe Sessions isn't going to the 'scorched earth policy against Comey and Clinton and Rhodes and Lynch etc etc you are fucking delusional!
Sessions is about to announce a second Special Counsel which WILL go after and charge the entire corrupt BONOBO/Clinton American traitors.
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.

Serious comprehension issues based on deep-rooted biases.....

Here's from the article:

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.
A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.
simple administrative prep work, nothing more... they call it a rough draft for a reason.

legally, it's truly no BFD. just timely fake news fodder for false implication imps.

meanwhile, nothing to see here:

A business associate of President Trump promised in 2015 to engineer a real estate deal with the aid of the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, that he said would help Trump win the presidency.

The business associate, Felix Sater, wrote a series of e-mails to Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, in which he boasted about his ties to Putin and predicted that building a Trump Tower in Moscow would be a political boon to Trump’s candidacy.

“Buddy our boy can become president of the USA and we can engineer it,” Sater wrote in an e-mail. “I will get all of Putins team to buy in on this, I will manage this process.”

The e-mails show that, from the earliest months of Trump’s campaign, his associates viewed close ties with Moscow as a political advantage. Those ties are now under investigation by the Justice Department and multiple congressional committees.

Full transcript: FBI Director James Comey testifies on Russian interference in 2016 election

What is striking here is the degree to which the Russians were willing to undertake such an audacious and risky action against the most powerful nation on Earth. That ought to be a warning to us that if we thought that the Russians would not dare to so blatantly interfere in our affairs, we were wrong.

And if we do not do our very best to understand how the Russians accomplished this unprecedented attack on our democracy and what we need to do to protect ourselves in the future, we will only have ourselves to blame.

We know a lot about the Russian operation, about the way they amplified the damage their hacking and dumping of stolen documents was causing through the use of slick propaganda like R.T., the Kremlin's media arm. But there is a lot we don't know.

Most important, we do not yet know whether the Russians have the help of U.S. citizens including people associated with the Trump campaign. Many of the Trump's campaign personnel, including the president himself, have ties to Russia and Russian interests. This is of course no crime. On the other hand, if the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it aided or abetted the Russians, it would not only be a serious crime, it would also represent one of the most shocking betrayals of democracy in history."
You don't think it shows a certain predisposition to finding a certain outcome? Even though it's impossible to keep a totally open mind, I'm sure, no one doing an investigation is supposed to come to conclusions three months prior to finishing. Right?

Read the entire article......NOT just what the O/P alleges......
"The lengths we go to in order to rationalize this all will be seen, in retrospect, as extraordinary.

When the Bush administration was discovered to have erased millions of emails illegally sent by 22 administration officials through private, RNC-owned accounts, in order to thwart an investigation into the politically motivated firing of eight US attorneys, just one talk show covered it that Sunday.

When Mitt Romney wiped servers, sold government hard drives to his closest aides and spent $100,000 in taxpayer money to destroy his administration's emails, it was barely an issue.

When Hillary Clinton asked Colin Powell how he managed to use a Blackberry while serving as Secretary of State, he replied by detailing his method of intentionally bypassing federal record-keeping laws:

I didn't have a Blackberry. What I did do was have a personal computer that was hooked up to a private phone line (sounds ancient.) So I could communicate with a wide range of friends directly without it going through the State Department servers. I even used it to do business with some foreign leaders and some of the senior folks in the Department on their personal email accounts. I did the same thing on the road in hotels.

... There is a real danger. If it is public that you have a BlackBerry and it it [sic] government and you are using it, government or not, to do business, it may become an official record and subject to the law.

Yet the fact that Hillary Clinton emailed through a private server and didn't use it to cover anything up is somehow the defining issue... "My God," people cry, "anyone else would be in jail!" "

Stop Pretending You Don't Know Why People Hate Hillary Clinton

Is Trump Tweeting From a 'Secure' Smartphone? The White House Won't Say

Is Trump Still Tweeting From His Unsecured Android Phone?
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.
Yes. Since when are you believing anything CNN says?
You shouldn't be able to have it both ways.
Try this one, Mona...what we should have done back in 2008. Wasted eight years.

Kenya's Supreme Court annuls disputed presidential election - CNN
Screw that. Why is CNN suddenly reporting the TRUTH?
Even a broken clock is correct once and awhile.

LOL a broken clock is correct twice a day. However, some broken clocks don't have "hands" and are never correct - much like you.
AGAIN, What has been neglected from the article......

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.
A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.
Yes. Since when are you believing anything CNN says?
You shouldn't be able to have it both ways.
Try this one, Mona...what we should have done back in 2008. Wasted eight years.

Kenya's Supreme Court annuls disputed presidential election - CNN
Screw that. Why is CNN suddenly reporting the TRUTH?
Even a broken clock is correct once and awhile.

LOL a broken clock is correct twice a day. However, some broken clocks don't have "hands" and are never correct - much like you.
Says the moron that gets no respect from the opposite side of the political spectrum.
But I digress, it is interesting to see you admit CNN is broken
It's amusing that even as they "investigate" an alleged Trump/Russia connection and find nothing, we keep finding out little tidbits of info raising questions about those very investigators/witnesses.

"Find nothing"??? They didn't convene a federal Grand Jury and a Grand Jury in New York because they had "found nothing". They didn't get a search warrant for Paul Manaforte's house without probable cause.

Trump isn't shitting his pants on a daily basis over the Russian Investigation because they've "found nothing".
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.
Yes. Since when are you believing anything CNN says?
You shouldn't be able to have it both ways.
Try this one, Mona...what we should have done back in 2008. Wasted eight years.

Kenya's Supreme Court annuls disputed presidential election - CNN
Screw that. Why is CNN suddenly reporting the TRUTH?

The article has "draft", actual letter was not released until after he finished interviewing the kitchen sink. Why is this STILL going on?
You don't think it shows a certain predisposition to finding a certain outcome? Even though it's impossible to keep a totally open mind, I'm sure, no one doing an investigation is supposed to come to conclusions three months prior to finishing. Right?

True, but he may have had two draft letters, Comey seems systematic, and he may also have thought the remaining witnesses could add little. Remember Clinton did ZIP others have not done, since the advent of electronic written communication.
It's amusing that even as they "investigate" an alleged Trump/Russia connection and find nothing, we keep finding out little tidbits of info raising questions about those very investigators/witnesses.

"Find nothing"??? They didn't convene a federal Grand Jury and a Grand Jury in New York because they had "found nothing". They didn't get a search warrant for Paul Manaforte's house without probable cause.

Trump isn't shitting his pants on a daily basis over the Russian Investigation because they've "found nothing".

Clinton is the only subject on many right wingers minds.

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