Comey's Letter Bombshell

I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
Try this one, Mona...what we should have done back in 2008. Wasted eight years.

Kenya's Supreme Court annuls disputed presidential election - CNN
Screw that. Why is CNN suddenly reporting the TRUTH?
Even a broken clock is correct once and awhile.

LOL a broken clock is correct twice a day. However, some broken clocks don't have "hands" and are never correct - much like you.
Says the moron that gets no respect from the opposite side of the political spectrum.
But I digress, it is interesting to see you admit CNN is broken
Considering what the opposite side of the political spectrum seems to be respecting these days (grab her by the pussy....POWs aren't winners....making fun of the physically handicapped....etc.) should be a point of pride to not get that kind of "respect".
I'm talking about our peers here.
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.

"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
How do you know that there isn't another draft of a document announcing charges? You have access to all of the FBI's paperwork?

You better hope it appears, if not he's demonstrated bias. Not something you want in an FBI HEAD

I guess you missed the part where the FBI had been investigating for months without finding anything actionable, when he BEGAN drafting the letter.

Who drafts an exoneration letter BEFORE interviewing 17 key witnesses and the subject of the investigation? Comey that's who.
I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
"A former AG"....does this former AG have a name?
What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
How do you know that there isn't another draft of a document announcing charges? You have access to all of the FBI's paperwork?

You better hope it appears, if not he's demonstrated bias. Not something you want in an FBI HEAD

I guess you missed the part where the FBI had been investigating for months without finding anything actionable, when he BEGAN drafting the letter.

Who drafts an exoneration letter BEFORE interviewing 17 key witnesses and the subject of the investigation? Comey that's who.
Are you saying that those witnesses weren't interviewed at all beforehand?
I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
"A former AG"....does this former AG have a name?

Why do you doubt that its true? Don't you libs ever watch the news holy shit.
I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
"A former AG"....does this former AG have a name?

Why do you doubt that its true? Don't you libs ever watch the news holy shit.
Does this former AG have a name? How odd that you have yet to provide that, let me help you:
Former AG's name is: ______________________________________
I see the liberals are in denial, its clear this Hillary investigation was all for show she was never going to be charged. She broke the law and was let off scott free.
"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
"A former AG"....does this former AG have a name?

Why do you doubt that its true? Don't you libs ever watch the news holy shit.
Does this former AG have a name? How odd that you have yet to provide that, let me help you:
Former AG's name is: ______________________________________

If I provide the name and link will you admit that you are an ignorant uninformed libwit?
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.

"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
How do you know that there isn't another draft of a document announcing charges? You have access to all of the FBI's paperwork?

You better hope it appears, if not he's demonstrated bias. Not something you want in an FBI HEAD

why do you even bother with that troll

"She broke the law." Then present your evidence to the appropriate authorities.

A former AG said she broke the law, blatantly so. The AG also said Comey is a stupid moron, lack of "intent" is not required to be guilty of the law she broke and was the justification Comey used for not charging her. No doubt you feel stupid now.
"A former AG"....does this former AG have a name?

Why do you doubt that its true? Don't you libs ever watch the news holy shit.
Does this former AG have a name? How odd that you have yet to provide that, let me help you:
Former AG's name is: ______________________________________

If I provide the name and link will you admit that you are an ignorant uninformed libwit?

former FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom


Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.
Best you start worrying about the SB trumps letters trying to rid himself from comey Mueller is just gathering more evidence Trump probably won't be around in 2020 Obstruction is a bitch Find some one elses ass to kiss
mr comey was merely doing his job, but no one expects those who can't even parse fake news to grasp basic FBI protocol.

we DO expect our president to, though...

In one exchange from the redacted transcripts, an unidentified FBI aide says that Comey first wrote a draft of the July statement in May 2016.

"There were many iterations, at some point, there were many iterations of the draft that circulated," the unidentified aide said.

The FBI has not responded to CNN's request for information.

A person familiar with the matter pushed back on the notion that Comey had already reached a conclusion that affected the investigation.

The person said back in spring 2016, agents and Justice Department officials were talking about how the investigation would end and there was a belief that the evidence was going in a direction to not support bringing charges. This individual said by April 2016 the FBI had reviewed most of the evidence and didn't find evidence suggesting that Clinton had violated federal law. The person said the FBI wanted to interview her but didn't believe it was going to change the outcome.

The source also said Comey was not involved in the day-to-day steps of the investigation, so even if he reached a conclusion it wouldn't have affected the result of the investigation.

A second person familiar with the matter told CNN that Comey had not already made up his mind, and that it did not influence the investigation. The second source says the FBI had already reviewed much of the evidence by spring and it was becoming more clear that it was not likely to support bringing charges.

Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics

What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
How do you know that there isn't another draft of a document announcing charges? You have access to all of the FBI's paperwork?

You better hope it appears, if not he's demonstrated bias. Not something you want in an FBI HEAD

why do you even bother with that troll

Pucker up jon .soon you'll have someone elses butt to kiss
What are you drafting a document PRIOR TO ALL THE FACTS BEING INVESTIGATED.

The implications are pretty damn clear.

No draft of a document announcing charges, only a draft of a document saying she would not be charged...shocker. /sarcasm
How do you know that there isn't another draft of a document announcing charges? You have access to all of the FBI's paperwork?

You better hope it appears, if not he's demonstrated bias. Not something you want in an FBI HEAD

why do you even bother with that troll

Pucker up jon .soon you'll have someone elses butt to kiss

You can't make this shit up!
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.

The email investigation as 8 investigations into Benghazi was nothing more than a right wing political dog & pony show from the beginning. There was no crime committed, and if there was they would have had to charge Colin Powell and Condi Rice for the same crime.

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

Colin Powell & Condi Rice also received state department sensitive information on their private email accounts.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Furthermore, No one is going to believe that Comey FAVORED Hillary Clinton. Not after what he did to her 11 days before the election. Without Comey interferring into this election she would most certainly be the POTUS today. He broke long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not do that, and did it anyway. Which is why he is also under investigation for his interference into the election. 7 days later and after millions of people voted, he gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI


No doubt that James Comey needed to be fired. He has an ego that matches Trump's. But Trump should have fired him immediately upon walking into the Oval office door, as any other President would have done. Comey wasn't even supposed to give a speech to congress, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX News. So he used the Clinton email investigation to showboat himself, and is really the only person that has committed a crime by breaking the Hatch act in the Constitution.

But Trump waited until the Russian investigation was well underway and then fired him, and now Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice for that. And it sure doesn't help that Trump admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation during a televised interview with Lestor Holt on NBC.

Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics

You're such a fucking moron!
Hillary had a PRIVATE EMAIL server in her home.
Powell and Rice had private email ACCOUNTS!!!!!!
Comey had drafted a letter exonerating Clinton THREE MONTHS before he ended the investigation!
Comey wrote draft exoneration of Clinton months before July 2016 announcement - CNNPolitics
This is just the beginning.
When the dust settles Comey and a few dozen corrupt FBI/Clinton US traitors will be in prison.
Bank on it!
Ben Rhodes, Lynch,Powers to name a few.
All being fitted for orange jumpsuits.
Note: This information is coming from CNN not Breitbart or Inforwars.

The email investigation as 8 investigations into Benghazi was nothing more than a right wing political dog & pony show from the beginning. There was no crime committed, and if there was they would have had to charge Colin Powell and Condi Rice for the same crime.

"The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans.

So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors."
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

Colin Powell & Condi Rice also received state department sensitive information on their private email accounts.
Rice Aides, Powell Also Got Classified Info on Personal Email Accounts

Furthermore, No one is going to believe that Comey FAVORED Hillary Clinton. Not after what he did to her 11 days before the election. Without Comey interferring into this election she would most certainly be the POTUS today. He broke long standing DOJ protocol by releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not do that, and did it anyway. Which is why he is also under investigation for his interference into the election. 7 days later and after millions of people voted, he gave birth to his nothing burger.
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI


No doubt that James Comey needed to be fired. He has an ego that matches Trump's. But Trump should have fired him immediately upon walking into the Oval office door, as any other President would have done. Comey wasn't even supposed to give a speech to congress, that set off the arm chair legal team on FOX News. So he used the Clinton email investigation to showboat himself, and is really the only person that has committed a crime by breaking the Hatch act in the Constitution.

But Trump waited until the Russian investigation was well underway and then fired him, and now Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice for that. And it sure doesn't help that Trump admitted he fired Comey over the Russian investigation during a televised interview with Lestor Holt on NBC.

Wash. Post: Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction - CNNPolitics

You're such a fucking moron!
Hillary had a PRIVATE EMAIL server in her home.
Powell and Rice had private email ACCOUNTS!!!!!!

While Powell was carrying around a laptop visting foreign countries. You people are the only morons. None of those emails were classified at the time Hillary Clinton received or sent them. They were reclassified (after the fact) as what happened to Colin Powell. In fact Hillary Clinton repeatedly asked the State department to release 22 emails in question to the general public, to prove that there was NOTHING in them. And you're still suffering from OCDS (obsessive Clinton derangement syndrome.) You're like one of Pavlog's dogs. Mention Hillary Clinton's name and you start foaming at the mouth.
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter

OCDS Brought on by right wing talk show hosts, that regurgitate information and then spoon fed it back to you in 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths, all out lies, fabrications, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

Well Hillary Clinton never had a grand jury convened against her. Right now there are 2 grand juries assembled against Trump & team, and he is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice. While Mueller has been beefing up on expert criminal prosecutors, and money laundering experts.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller using grand jury in widening Russia probe
Top Criminal Expert Tapped by Robert Muller to Join Russia Investigation
Mueller’s staff grows to 13, with ‘several more in the pipeline’

Now you've got your Ass Clown and he's deeper shit than anyone could possibly imagine. And it's going to come crashing down around you ears, probably very soon. Your first mistake was making this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican party, your second mistake was not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep the Ass Clown out of the Oval office.

It really didn't help Trump when he decided to do an interview with Lestor Holt on NBC and admit to Obstruction of Justice---:badgrin:


10 more Benghazi's and all the emails you can dig up won't hold a matchstick to Treason, Obstruction & lies. And after it's all said and done Hillary Clinton will look like a Saint in comparison.

You did it--Now you OWN it.
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