Bombshell: More Conspiracy, Crimes Committed / Cover Up By FBI / Clinton


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Huma Abedin/Weiner's laptop illegally contained CLASSIFIED

"Newly released internal FBI emails showed the agency's highest-ranking officials scrambling to answer to Hillary Clinton'slawyer in the days prior the 2016 presidential election, on the same day then-FBI Director James Comey sent a bombshell letter to Congress announcing a new review of hundreds of thousands of potentially classified emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner's laptop."

- "At least 18 classified emails sent from Abedin's account were found by the FBI on the Weiner laptop. And, despite Strzok's apparent claim, FBI officials later concededthey had not manually screened all of the nearly 700,000 emails on the laptop"

Abedin's and the pedophile Weiner's laptop was NOT authorized, was NOT legal, was NOT encrypted, was NOT secure - it sat on Weiner's naked junk as he trolled for under-age girls!

Released letters, memos, and documents showed that despite finding MORE CRIME involving Hillary and her team, Comey STILL refused to change his mind about NOT recommending Hillary, Anedin, & even Mills be prosecuted!

“It is big news that, just days before the presidential election, Hillary Clinton’s personal lawyer pressured the top lawyer for the FBI on the infamous Weiner laptop emails,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “These documents further underscore that the fix was in for Hillary Clinton. When will the Justice Department and FBI finally do an honest investigation of the Clinton email scandal?”

FBI scrambled to respond to Hillary Clinton lawyer amid Weiner laptop review, newly released emails show


"The trove of documents turned over by the FBI, in response to a lawsuit by the transparency group Judicial Watch, also included discussions by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page concerning a potential quid-pro-quo between the State Department and the FBI -- in which the FBI would agree to downgrade the classification level of a Clinton email in exchange for more legal attache positions that would benefit the agency abroad."
Useless info unless Barr or Huber can do something with it. I'm not optimistic.
It shows the FBI, Comey specifically, hid newly discovered crimes to protect Hillary.

It shows collusion / quid pro quo between Obama's DOJ & FBI to protect Hillary...

It Shows Hillary, Abedin, Comey, Strzok, and possibly others committed crimes and should be in jail right now...

"Comey acknowledged in closed-door testimony in December that as of July 2016, investigators "didn't know whether we had anything" implicating Trump in improper Russia collusion, and that "in fact, when I was fired as director [in May 2017], I still didn't know whether there was anything to it."

We all know now...there is nothing to it...but the Obama DOJ and FBzi were criminal as hell.
Clinton's were political criminals. That era has passed. Time to move on.
No, sorry.

She broke laws, obstructed justice, and compromised our national security.

Her ass needs to go to jail. If an American citizen would have just been exposed the way she has been they would be going to jail, even if the crime was 2 years ago.

The FBI and Mueller have ignored her crimes from back in 2016 but they went back decades to indict Manafort...and give his partner / Hillary's campaign manager amnesty for the same crime.

No more giving criminal Democrats a pass.
Her ass needs to go to jail.

Agreed but it will never happen. The sooner you come to terms with that the better.
Yoh may be right.

This is the biggest criminal scandal and cover up in US history ... And the real criminals are probably going to walk, despite the overwhelming evidence that keeps coming out.

This w world's bullshit and being told to just accept it is way past 'getting old'.
Her ass needs to go to jail.

Agreed but it will never happen. The sooner you come to terms with that the better.
Yoh may be right.

This is the biggest criminal scandal and cover up in US history ... And the real criminals are probably going to walk, despite the overwhelming evidence that keeps coming out.

This w world's bullshit and being told to just accept it is way past 'getting old'.

Maybe, just maybe the witch will stumble and the law will gobble her up. Just got this in a news bulletin in the past hour. Interesting read.

Look Whose Dead Body Was Pulled From The Potomac River With Hillary’s Dirty Secret

The body count rises! For years, those who have ever had any connection to anything that may be able to put Hillary Clinton behind bars seem to end up dead. This is always under suspicious circumstances but never with any ending answers nor justice. Another body can now be linked to the Hillary death train.

Kurt Smolek used to work for the Hillary Clinton’s State Department in Cambodia as an OSAC Diplomatic Security Agent. More recently, he could be connected to and could have possibly outed much-needed information into the PizzaGate scandal. Now, suddenly, his body was being pulled out of the Potomac River.

Ever since Trump got into office, liberals continue to prove how far they’re willing go in order to bury their dirty secrets. Members of the DNC will simply kill off whoever stands in the way of their agenda. Now the dead body of a federal agent was just pulled from the Potomac River on Wednesday, with a startling tie to the infamous queen of murder, Hillary Clinton.

It’s truly startling the massive trail of dead bodies that keep accumulating around Hillary Clinton, as this crooked swamp wench will simply kill off anyone who gets a little too cozy with her secrets. Now another State employee by the name of Kurt Smolek is dead, and his possible ties to PizzaGate and Hillary’s child traffic ring is starting to be questioned. Up until 2015, Smolek had worked for the Hillary Clinton State Dept in Cambodia as an OSAC Diplomatic Security Agent.

Read more

Look Whose Dead Body Was Pulled From The Potomac River With Hillary’s Dirty Secret [Video]

It's a miracle that Donald Trump is even alive.

It really is. If O prayed, I'd pray for him and especially his family. He willingly takes the risks and they didn’t. Really. None of them knew it was this bad.

And how could anyone willingly have sex with Strzok!

I think the faulty polling saved his life. They didnt expect him to win so no need for a high risk intervention.

Newly released internal FBI emails showed the agency's highest-ranking officials scrambling to answer to Hillary Clinton's lawyer in the days prior the 2016 presidential election, on the same day then-FBI Director James Comey sent a bombshell letter to Congress announcing a new review of hundreds of thousands of potentially classified emails found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner's laptop.

The trove of documents turned over by the FBI, in response to a lawsuit by the transparency group Judicial Watch, also included discussions by former FBI lawyer Lisa Page concerning a potential quid-pro-quo between the State Department and the FBI -- in which the FBI would agree to downgrade the classification level of a Clinton email in exchange for more legal attache positions that would benefit the agency abroad. There was no indication such a quid-pro-quo ever took place.

Read more at ...
As time goes by and more documents get released to the public we find out more and more how corrupt the Obama administration, his Cabinet, and the leaders if his Intel and Law Enforcement agencies were.

This is another reason Mueller's report must be released to the public - all of it.
regurgitation of old news and old conspiracy crapola!

We already knew classified emails were on Abedine's/Weiner's laptop... it was reported at the time, NO NEW Classified emails that had not already been identified, were on there.

The reason not all 700,000 emails on the laptop were searched was because they could only get a subpoena for clinton server/investigation emails... anything related to Clinton/her server, were pulled out and read by the FBI... any emails that were just weiner's were not read, for this Clinton email search because they didn't have an authorized search warrant for things not related to the case/investigation.
regurgitation of old news and old conspiracy crapola!

We already knew classified emails were on Abedine's/Weiner's laptop... it was reported at the time, NO NEW Classified emails that had not already been identified, were on there.

The reason not all 700,000 emails on the laptop were searched was because they could only get a subpoena for clinton server/investigation emails... anything related to Clinton/her server, were pulled out and read by the FBI... any emails that were just weiner's were not read, for this Clinton email search because they didn't have an authorized search warrant for things not related to the case/investigation.
Of course everything was SUPPOSED to be read. Weiner was the subject in a pedophile scandal using THAT LAPTOP....EVERYTHING WAS SUSPECT and NOTHING DONE to Huma or Carlos Danger regarding unauthorized and classified least 18 FELONIES THERE!

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