Comey tessifying in front of congress. ON NOW.

Ha.Ha. now the House Republicans want to investigate the FBI at another 8 million tax payer dollars. GREAT!

You don't like the outcome of an investigation, you just investigate the investigator--LOL

Can't we stop them from wasting our money on this shit?

Yes we can.

Stop voting republicans into office.

If they don't have the majority they can't waste our money on all these needless and expensive investigations.

If democrats would vote in every election including the off year elections, this stuff wouldn't happen.

The only way the republicans have been able to take the majority in congress is in the elections when there isn't a president to elect. Democrats don't vote in those years but republicans do which is how they get control of our government and we end up with all this childish garbage that's nothing but a waste of time and money.

Quit electing Democrats and maybe we'll stop seeing so many cover ups and dishonest tactics and lawlesness.
Apparently you've forgotten the previous administration.
Comey applied willful intent-his words, even though willful had been removed years ago from the statute.

Comey stated she did knowingly remove material and stored it in her basement without authority.

She did retain classified information on her server, but he couldn't dispute her word, it was done without intent, even though her prior positions should have precluded it.
She should have been attentive, and they did not take into account her public statements when making their decision.

And yes, she should have known better, was careless, and sloppy, particularly having been a Senator and an occupant of the White House.

summary of Comey's comments he made a few minutes ago.
Oh wow!!! She did not testify to the FBI UNDER OATH or was it recorded, and Comey did not interview her.
I think House Democrats should demand an investigation into Colin Powell & Condi Rice's emails. Then when they don't get the outcome they want, they can turn their investigation into investigating the investigator.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

Heck who gives a crap about budgets, ISIS and all the other things that congress should be working on. Just turn them into a 100% investigative committee. They can put on dog & pony shows all day long. We can set up a new T.V reality show with advertisements to pay for it all. Donald Trump could be the host of this new show, with commentary from Mr. Talent on loan from Gaaawww'd. Wouldn't that be great!

So, to get this straight, her public lies were not considered, she was not interviewed under oath nor was the interview recorded, nor did the Director of the FBI attend or interview her in such an important national security case.
So why is it most Dems carry out a 5 minute soapbox rather than asking questions. Now that is political.
So her private email accounts had less security than public email accounts such as gmail, etc., according to Comey.
Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).
Comey stated that he has no proof that Hillary's private server was hacked. Well, Hillary obviously had better security on her private server than State Department - because we know for a fact it was hacked (worst ever).

So I guess that means the state department's security is far inferior to Gmail's. After all, Comey has repeatedly stated that Hillary's home brew system's security was undoubtedly inferior to gmail's own.

Maybe, just maybe, the State Department's security is so good as to make attempted (succesful or failed) breaches traceable. Also, the State Department would undoubtedly be a target of interest for the numerous tech savvy nations, and their intelligence arms, around the world.

Hillary was running a system a bored hs tech geek could infiltrate in a few hours if committed.
Comey is going to piss in his pants if he doesn't get a restroom break soon.
So her private email accounts had less security than public email accounts such as gmail, etc., according to Comey

Wait a minute dangit... Didn't mrs Clinton say that her server was secure because the Secret Service Agents were outside her house 24 hours a day guarding her emails... :dig:
The chairman raises a significant point. Hillary "willingly and knowingly" turned over classified docs to her lawyers, who lacked clearance. How the fuck is that different than patreaus handing over confidential docs to his side action? The fuck?
The Arkansas mud has been smeared on at one time some very top notch Public Officials (Comey and Lynch). Everywhere the clintoon's go they spread havoc on people that become blinded by their bullshit. Hell the clintoons have hijacked a whole political party. Sad, sad, sad...
This should be gold.

Off the top of my head as I listened on a stationary bike and treadmill. The anger I felt really made my work out easier.

I liked what the ex-CIA agent had to say.

I liked that one member pointed out the pawning of America with the lynch meeting and the FBI announcement the day before Obama went on tour with Mrs. Tuzla.

From now on all people who handle classified information have the "Comey defense," they were too stupid and to unsophisticated to know any better. No criminal intent meant, they were just plain stupid.

Interesting that HE didn't interview her and she wasn't under oath, even though it is against the law to lie to the FBI. He also said that it was unanimous the decision yet he said he first wasn't sure how many agents interviewed Mrs. Tuzla nor did he speak to all of them. WTH?

I was out diving the other night and it was raining. I cam up to a traffic light used to control traffic through a one way road. The light was green so I didn't slow down and I might of went faster trying to catch the light. I don't think I was speeding because it was wet and rainy. The light changed so I hit the brakes, as I did i see this young kid kneeing on the fog line. My wife said he was tying his shoe. It was dark and rainy, I almost crapped myself because of a mere few feet I might have struck the kid.

Now, had i struck the kid what do you think would have happened to me? My intent was not to strike the kid, would I have skated?

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