We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Liberal policies and ideas are so popular, they have to force people to accept them. Oh wait :eusa_think:
Exaclty, Blues. TTMK is so ignorant, he couldn’t even pick up on something so obvious. I literally had to explain that to him. :laugh:
We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Whoa!!! Then I guess you win, Congratulations!!
I always do. That’s what happens when one is educated, informed, and prepared.
Whoa!!! Then I guess you win!!! Congratulations!!
Your president has a message for you, snowflake...

Bernie Sanders is 100% right -- the only way to fix health care in this country is Medicare for all.
Bernie Sanders is an uneducated, ignorant parasite and so are you. Healthcare never needed to be “fixed”. It was the best in the world. Now the only “fix” it needs is to get government out of it.
ObamaCare was a step in the right direction, but it doesn't go nearly far enough.
Every single time that left-wing policy fails (which is 100% of the time), the progressive screams “but...but...but...we just didn’t do enough of the failed left-wing policy”.

Yes folks, the left really is that stupid.
The Scandinavian countries are socialist democracies. They have some of the best healthcare and education on Earth, and Norway in particular is rated the happiest place on Earth.
Yeah...we’ve heard this idiotic lie from you people before. You really should try educating yourself before parroting the progressive propaganda you’re spoon fed.

Danish Prime Minister to Bernie Sanders: 'Shut Up, We're Not Socialists!'

Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals. If you acknowledge that those things aren't socialist/communist then you should stop using that rhetoric when you attack the left.

From your article:

Denmark is a market economy.”

Rasmussen acknowledged that “the Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens,” but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”

An expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens. Bernie Sanders and people like him do not want to remove the market element of the economy, and you're unbelievably ignorant if you think otherwise. He/they want to do exactly what these countries are doing. So if you admit none of that is socialism, what's the problem? Let's do it! :2up:

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
I’m curious... out of all the major countries in the world, which one do you think has the best healthcare system?
the left wants inclusion.
Let them set up their own health care, schools and social programs they pay for and run themselves. They can learn from experience what works, what doesn't and why; then they can be equally included in the democratic and development process, equally empowered, educated and experienced.
I’ve been saying that for decades. Everything the left claims to desire can be done by foundations and co-ops that they voluntarily create and join of their own free will. But they never do that. It’s painfully obvious why.

Yes you are either ahead of your time P@triot
or we are all behind. In the days where Tocqueville wrote about America,
I understand that most of the social work WAS done by the equivalent of nonprofits.
After the Great Depression and the New Deal tried to rectify things, people
ended up depending on federal govt to fill the gaps.

As for what we can do now, P@triot,
the DREAMERS want jobs and school opportunities,
the VETS need jobs and housing especially if they are physically or financially disabled,
and both Obama and Carson preached about MICROLENDING and financial/business training
as the best way to end the poverty cycle and dependence on welfare handouts.

So these activists groups seeking social justice and change CAN achieve these goals
with the right mentorship and business plans. Even Sanders and the Greens promote
worker owned coops, which is similar to Hannity's proposals for health care coops as the solution to sustainable localized medical services.

The environment is ripe for these solutions to get adopted and implemented.
We even have models to use that already have proven success records,
as I mentioned before, from Habitat to Humanity to Doctors without Borders.

Also Pace Universal www.paceuniversal.com

UT at Brownsville already has an international student program extending over both sides of the border.
In fact, any fence or wall would cut through their property.

Why not replicate their programs at military-secured sites along the border outside each border state.
Dreamer can be sponsored by any businesses that owe restitution for hiring illegal workers,
and pay back triple fines by creating paid jobs for 3 times as many workers: one Veteran, one Dreamer and one Mentor who is
citizen in need of a job who qualifies to mentor the Veteran and Dreamer student to do the work, whether it's health care
training or teaching in a school, or working in a production job to rebuild the local economy instead of outsourcing to slave labor.
I’m curious... out of all the major countries in the world, which one do you think has the best healthcare system?

If you're talking about rich people, probably the United States. Most people aren't rich though, so in my opinion and in the opinion of the World Health Organization, we are far from the best.

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

The World Health Organization has carried out the first ever analysis of the world's health systems. Using five performance indicators to measure health systems in 191 member states, it finds that France provides the best overall health care followed among major countries by Italy, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan. The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18th.
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Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals.

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
From your own quote from my article...
but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
You fail to realize that you defeated your own ignorant position with your desperate post. :laugh:

If you’re so inept and so incapable of living like a big boy that you need “universal healthcare” (which this thread has already proved fails) and “social safety nets”, then I suggest you move to Denmark. The U.S. isn’t for everyone. It’s only for big boys and girls who can take care of themselves.

You know that all you are showing is you ignorance...

Been to Denmark and worked there for 6 months... Denmark is a democratic socialist country like all Scandinavian countries...

Also like to point out US has plenty of Social Programs too...

I suggest you go read a few books and educate yourself before you enter conversations making you look like an idiot...
I suggest you go read a few books and educate yourself before you enter conversations making you look like an idiot...

Most of them can't critically think. They just parrot nonsense rhetoric and take a shit on issues they know nothing about. It's like talking to a wall.
I’m curious... out of all the major countries in the world, which one do you think has the best healthcare system?

If you're talking about rich people, probably the United States. Most people aren't rich though, so in my opinion and in the opinion of the World Health Organization, we are far from the best.

WHO | World Health Organization Assesses the World's Health Systems

The World Health Organization has carried out the first ever analysis of the world's health systems. Using five performance indicators to measure health systems in 191 member states, it finds that France provides the best overall health care followed among major countries by Italy, Spain, Oman, Austria and Japan. The U.S. health system spends a higher portion of its gross domestic product than any other country but ranks 37 out of 191 countries according to its performance, the report finds. The United Kingdom, which spends just six percent of GDP on health services, ranks 18th.

Colombia achieved top rank because someone with a low income might pay the equivalent of one dollar per year for health care, while a high- income individual pays 7.6 dollars.

That sounds like you should go there for your health. :abgg2q.jpg:

Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals.

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
From your own quote from my article...
but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
You fail to realize that you defeated your own ignorant position with your desperate post. :laugh:

If you’re so inept and so incapable of living like a big boy that you need “universal healthcare” (which this thread has already proved fails) and “social safety nets”, then I suggest you move to Denmark. The U.S. isn’t for everyone. It’s only for big boys and girls who can take care of themselves.

You know that all you are showing is you ignorance...

Been to Denmark and worked there for 6 months... Denmark is a democratic socialist country like all Scandinavian countries...

Also like to point out US has plenty of Social Programs too...

I suggest you go read a few books and educate yourself before you enter conversations making you look like an idiot...
Scandinavian countries are exactly what you people call socialism and communism. Universal healthcare, social safety nets and high taxes on the wealthiest individuals.

You failed to realize that you were attacking your own stupid rhetoric by making that post.
From your own quote from my article...
but he also noted that it is “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
You fail to realize that you defeated your own ignorant position with your desperate post. :laugh:

If you’re so inept and so incapable of living like a big boy that you need “universal healthcare” (which this thread has already proved fails) and “social safety nets”, then I suggest you move to Denmark. The U.S. isn’t for everyone. It’s only for big boys and girls who can take care of themselves.

You know that all you are showing is you ignorance...

Been to Denmark and worked there for 6 months... Denmark is a democratic socialist country like all Scandinavian countries...

Also like to point out US has plenty of Social Programs too...

I suggest you go read a few books and educate yourself before you enter conversations making you look like an idiot...

Danish PM in US: Denmark is not socialist

Speaking at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, Danish PM Lars Løkke Rasmussen told students that he had “absolutely no wish to interfere the presidential debate in the US” but nonetheless attempted to set the record straight about his country.

"I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy,” Rasmussen said.

“The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security for its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish,” he added.


We did build it, goober.....it's called Medicare.
Medicare is a government program and mandatory, you ignorant monkey. :lmao:

So I’ll ask again - why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Your inability to answer such a simple question says it all.

We did, slow-learner. It's called Medicare. Who gives a rat's ass whether it's "mandatory" or not, dumb ass?? Do you want "freedom" to die of cancer, imbecile??

I guess this weak-ass shit is the best your sorry Repug ass has got. What a fucking lightweight.
Ahahahaha! So you can’t answer the basic question!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Whoa!!! Then I guess you win, Congratulations!!
I always do. That’s what happens when one is educated, informed, and prepared.

Whatever you want to call it, unremarkable Repug goober boy.
Bernie Sanders is 100% right -- the only way to fix health care in this country is Medicare for all.
Bernie Sanders is an uneducated, ignorant parasite and so are you. Healthcare never needed to be “fixed”. It was the best in the world. Now the only “fix” it needs is to get government out of it.

Poor little unsophisticated Repug goober....can't face the fact that the vast majority of the PRIVATE health care industry wanted health care reform and supported ObamaCare. Let me remind his dishonest goober ass again...

Private insurance companies push for 'individual mandate'

Insurers do not embrace all of the healthcare restructuring proposals. But they are fighting hard for a purchase requirement, sweetened with taxpayer-funded subsidies for customers who can't afford it, and enforced with fines.

Poor little dishonest Repug is going to cry. He can't face the fact that the PRIVATE health care insurance industry wanted a purchase requirement.
Insurers do not embrace all of the healthcare restructuring proposals. But they are fighting hard for a purchase requirement, sweetened with taxpayer-funded subsidies for customers who can't afford it, and enforced with fines.

Poor little dishonest Repug is going to cry. He can't face the fact that the PRIVATE health care insurance industry wanted a purchase requirement.
I can’t believe that the premise of that article went right over your head. Of course they are fighting for a “mandate” which is “sweetened with tax-payer subsidies”. They stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars. :laugh:

Typical low IQ Dumbocrat voter.
Whatever you want to call it, unremarkable Repug goober boy.
So I would like to give you the opportunity yet again, Dubya Was the Last Repug Pres: if socialized medicine is sooooooo “wonderful” why haven’t you progressives created a foundation/co-op/etc. that people can voluntarily join? Those the can pay, do. Those that can’t, don’t. Everyone is fully covered. What is the problem? :dunno:
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
You realise there are also a private medical systems in most countries with universal healthcare I suppose.
I assume that's the same in Canada.
Insurers do not embrace all of the healthcare restructuring proposals. But they are fighting hard for a purchase requirement, sweetened with taxpayer-funded subsidies for customers who can't afford it, and enforced with fines.

Poor little dishonest Repug is going to cry. He can't face the fact that the PRIVATE health care insurance industry wanted a purchase requirement.
I can’t believe that the premise of that article went right over your head. Of course they are fighting for a “mandate” which is “sweetened with tax-payer subsidies”. They stand to make hundreds of billions of dollars. :laugh:

Typical low IQ Dumbocrat voter.

So now you're saying that corporations are strong supporters of socialism also. Poor little hypocritical Repug dumb ass is confused.

And I caught you in a total lie. You said earlier that the private health care industry did not support ObamaCare, now you are admitting that they did. Thank you very much.
It has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded anywhere and it never will. The only people who want something this stupid are the parasites desperate to mooch off of it. Educated, informed people want no part of it.
Quebec has faced a critical nursing shortage of late. Bedard continued, “My people are fed up. Patients don’t have the care they need.” Emilie Ricard was venting after caring solely for more than 70 patients in a shift, saying “I am broken by my profession. I am ashamed of the poverty of the care that I provide as far as possible. My health system is sick and dying.”
Yes my dear...you’re healthcare system is “sick and dying”. That’s what socialism delivers every single time. More poverty. More misery. More despair. My healthcare system was the best in the world before Barack Insane Obama and the Dumbocrats. It was so good, that even the catastrophic failure of the Dumbocrats hasn’t been able to stop it from being the best in the world even though it is far more expensive now and less efficient.

The left can ignore the facts and push the propaganda all they want. There is no running from reality.

Crisis in nationalized healthcare makes Canadian doctors ask for a pay cut – here’s why
You realise there are also a private medical systems in most countries with universal healthcare I suppose.
I assume that's the same in Canada.

Trust me....this unsophisticated, uneducated Repug dolt does NOT understand that.

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