Columbus Day used to be CELEBRATED

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More idiotic prattling I see.

Columbus was a man, nothing more, but he DID "discover" America.
Marco Polo and the Vikings came to the Americas long before Columbus did.

Vikings yes, but where did you read that Marco Polo was here?

He sailed or landed on the Americas. He talked about it when he returned from one of his voyages but everyone thought he was crazy. Plus there is some maps with what he saw.

Plus, we just talked about it in my history class a week ago.
I am also betting on the Chinese coming near here.
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Marco Polo and the Vikings came to the Americas long before Columbus did.

Vikings yes, but where did you read that Marco Polo was here?

He was in South America. He talked about it when he returned from one of his voyages but everyone thought he was crazy.

Plus, we just talked about it in my history class a week ago.
I am also betting on the Chinese coming near here.

I don't know about the Chinese, but I read an article a couple of years ago about a Japanese fishing boat found sunk off the coast of OR and it was more than 1000 years old.

Of course, if you follow the line that the native Americans came across the land bridge, then of course the Chinese came here, and our "native" Americans are descended from them.

Somebody really needs to invent a TV where we can watch what really happened in the could be very enlightening. For example, if we all came from Africa, did we turn white and then migrate north, or did we migrate north and then turn white?
Vikings yes, but where did you read that Marco Polo was here?

He was in South America. He talked about it when he returned from one of his voyages but everyone thought he was crazy.

Plus, we just talked about it in my history class a week ago.
I am also betting on the Chinese coming near here.

I don't know about the Chinese, but I read an article a couple of years ago about a Japanese fishing boat found sunk off the coast of OR and it was more than 1000 years old.

Of course, if you follow the line that the native Americans came across the land bridge, then of course the Chinese came here, and our "native" Americans are descended from them.

Somebody really needs to invent a TV where we can watch what really happened in the could be very enlightening. For example, if we all came from Africa, did we turn white and then migrate north, or did we migrate north and then turn white?
The Chinese had larger ships than most of the nations back then, and I know they say they were self sufficient, but I think and many of the history teachers I have had think they probably came here and didn't stay for long.
I have heard about the Japanese ship, doesn't surprise me either. Which is why I think Marco Polo came here, I guess some map that is credited to him has the coast of Alaska on it.
I also just read about the human they found at Paisly Cave in Oregon, that pre dates the Clovis people by around 2,000 people, about the same time has the human remains found in South America.
So I guess every one here denouncing Columbus also denounces, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Chavez, Hussein, Castro, and that Ass Hat from North Korea. Just so we are all on the same page here. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Columbus was a Saint compared to these losers.
At my fortune 10 company C day was replaced by the womanizing, plagarist, and charlatan closet commie Martin Luther King's pathetic little PC holiday.
Let's not forget Earth Day, May Day, Cinco De Mayo, and the December Harvest Festival Kwanzaa. I'm good with all of that, if you all give Columbus a break. We are all in a sense products of the influences of our times.
Columbus, Cortes, Alvarez, and the others easily could have worked for the guys that Intense was talking about: Stalin et al, No problem.
Columbus, Cortes, Alvarez, and the others easily could have worked for the guys that Intense was talking about: Stalin et al, No problem.

The Fact is the people they did work for were not much better than Stalin to begin with. Absolute Monarchies rarely are.

They were all a product of their times. You compare them to today's standards, which is a false basis.
I agree that "present-ism" is a pretentious silliness. However, some things are forever. I can look at the Nazis and Communists and the Fascists and the Militarists seventy to eighty years ago, and make a moral judgment. The same thing goes for our racists back when and our "disguised" racists now: they are judged with a righteous judgment.
Columbus, Cortes, Alvarez, and the others easily could have worked for the guys that Intense was talking about: Stalin et al, No problem.

The Fact is the people they did work for were not much better than Stalin to begin with. Absolute Monarchies rarely are.

They were all a product of their times. You compare them to today's standards, which is a false basis.

LOL false basis.

Lets see, Staling Killed People. The monarch of Spain killed People(inquisition)

What is so false about the comparisons basis again?

The Fact is the people they did work for were not much better than Stalin to begin with. Absolute Monarchies rarely are.

They were all a product of their times. You compare them to today's standards, which is a false basis.

LOL false basis.

Lets see, Staling Killed People. The monarch of Spain killed People(inquisition)

What is so false about the comparisons basis again?


The Inquisition was by the Church Sparky! You would probably been executed as a heretic anyway, you are on to something though, people sucked then, people suck now, run with it. I thank God that Columbus bumped into America, ;) I celebrate it. :woohoo: Deal with it. You too Jake. :lol:
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