Colorado Passes Law Requiring Teachers to Use Student's Preferred Pronouns, Cuts Parents Out of the Loop

In today's episode of, "leftists did what"?, we go to the leftist Hellhole of Colorado'istan where compelled use of pronouns by teachers in public schools is now the law.

Whatever pronoun absurdities are demanded by pretentious, gender confused little twits will now be forced on teachers.

Children who are never told, "no", never faced with having to grow up in a world where their precious feelings are sheltered by laws grow up to be today's emotional and intellectual basket cases sometimes called college students.

In the latest example of how far Colorado has fallen, the state legislature has passed, and Governor Polis has signed, a law that compels speech on the part of schoolteachers by requiring them to use whatever pronouns a student chooses, regardless of any ethical or religious objections the teacher may have.
These laws are unconstitutional.

The government may not compel speech.

This might have happened already, but I'm looking for a story about a school administrator who has the balls to say, "We will use the name and gender on your birth certificate, unless these have been legally changed."

Then dare some son of a bitch to make an issue of it.

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