Colorado...has everything gun grabbers want...and still has mass shootings...

Yep...they passed gun control laws and they still have mass shootings....

--expanded background checks.....

--magazine limits( a new study shows magazine limits don't save lives in mass shootings)...

Colorado: Expanded Background Checks, 'High Cap' Mag Ban, High Profile Shootings - Breitbart

These shootings came roughly two and a half years after Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) signed multiple gun controls into law in reaction to the July 2012 Aurora theater attack and the December 2012 attack on Sandy Hook Elementary. Among the laws signed were expanded–or universal–background checks, a ban on “high capacity” ammunition magazines, and new rules on how long a gun can be out of the owner’s possession before another background check is required for him or her to get it back.

The expanded background checks in Colorkeepp are the exact same checks that are being pushed at the national level. Likewise, the “high capacity” magazine ban is similar to “high capacity” magazine bans being pushed at the national level and in certain states and municipalities around the country.

Actually CO has more mass shootings than any state I can think of. I wonder why?

Cause they got lots o mountains with crazy old white people watching FOX news 24/7. Yup, gotta figure out how to vet us crazy old white guys better.

Then why is it always progressive assholes who are killing everybody?

Obviously you cannot read. So take the local paper to someone who can.

You are using the Trump method of lying. If you just keep repeating a lie, it will become true. This man in Colorado was a RW nut, not unlike many on this board.
however.......not one law abiding citizen had a gun in he planned parenthood/murder gun free gun control actually works like a charm.....

It works very well, when you take into account the true motive behind it. It worked exactly as intended, in this situation, as in many others; only the violent criminal was armed, and no law-abiding citizens were equipped to stop him.
"...only the violent criminal was armed..."

Yes, the cops had toys guns, maybe paintball guns from a recent upgrade. That must have been why his "protection" worked and their "protection" failed? As we all know, guns are for "protection"...

Planned parenthood/murder is a gun free one in the building had a gun.....and yet...this guy had complete access to them for a long time...and shot no one...not the baby killers or the misguided staff and patients........

but it was a gun free zone...except for the shooter....another victory for gun control......
This fails as a confirmation bias fallacy: there is no objective, documented evidence in support of the notion that private citizens carrying guns can 'prevent' a gun crime from occurring; and there is no objective, documented evidence that criminals intent on committing acts of gun violence purposely seek out venues perceived to be 'gun free' to commit their crimes.

'Gun free zones' is another myth and lie contrived by some on the right.

And research on the criminals and what they think of armed victims...

Criminals Fear The Armed.... Don't Be A VICTIM!

Fifty-six percent of the felons surveyed agreed that “A criminal is not going to mess around with a victim he knows is armed with a gun;” 74% agreed that “One reason burglars avoid houses when people are at home is that they fear being shot.”

A 57% majority agreed that “Most criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police.” In asking felons what they personally thought about while committing crimes, 34% indicated that they thought about getting “shot at by police” or “shot by victim.”

Also gives more percentages on criminals avoiding people they think are armed....$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

Has it sunk into the crevices of your limited cranial capacity that anyone who wants can probably purchase a any type of firearm they want off the black market which goes across national boundaries or if they have a good machine shop they can produce any type of firearm they want

No shit Sherlock. I've been saying that since I got to this site.

I don't see you saying that here.

Maybe you should take you finger our of your ass and read the fucking post. It's in there. It's always been in there since I came to this site, on this issue, right after Jacksonville and Jovan Belcher and right before Sandy Hook and Webster.

All I see is a progressive nut who doesn't want to hold the person responsible for the crime and wishes to make it harder for the honest person to obtain a item that is legal to purchase. You don't like firearms we get that. If you don't like them then don't purchase the them.

Gun-fetish culture isn't. That's something we pretty much OWN.

Tell that to the people in the Middle East and Africa.

View attachment 55870



That's not a culture -- that's yet another subset.

You clowns aren't even listening at all.

It's not a subset it's a culture. Just as the criminal culture in the United States will always be able to obtain firearms no matter how many laws you pass.

It's people like you who are the problem.

You blame the tool instead of the person using the tool.

And YOUR link to any of that -- "blaming the tool".... "passing laws" is ..... where?

Same thing. :eusa_hand:
Sorry, you don't get to just extract it out of your own colon. When you attribute something to me, you have to document it, otherwise---- BULLSHIT.

So you're another liar.

Seriously I don't know what the fuck planet you apes come from where you just plunk words in other people's mouths they never said, and it somehow becomes history. That's fucked up.


Then what are you suggesting my rude little darlin'?

Do you think you can stop the flow of firearms around the world?

Pandora's Box has been open since Cain murdered Abel.



"All I see is a progressive nut who doesn't want to hold the person responsible for the crime and wishes to make it harder for the honest person to obtain a item that is legal to purchase. You don't like firearms we get that. If you don't like them then don't purchase the them."

What you don't see is your 'argument' fails as a straw man fallacy.

You contrive the lie that 'progressives' don't want to hold responsible persons who commit gun crimes, and that 'progressives' seek to make it difficult for law abiding persons to obtain firearms, thus misrepresenting the position of 'progressives.'

You then attack the lie you've contrived (straw man) in an effort to attack 'progressives,' when in fact 'progressives' advocate no such thing.


No more of a fallacy than saying that 'it's the culture of violence and death that we foster all around us'.



"All I see is a progressive nut who doesn't want to hold the person responsible for the crime and wishes to make it harder for the honest person to obtain a item that is legal to purchase. You don't like firearms we get that. If you don't like them then don't purchase the them."

What you don't see is your 'argument' fails as a straw man fallacy.

You contrive the lie that 'progressives' don't want to hold responsible persons who commit gun crimes, and that 'progressives' seek to make it difficult for law abiding persons to obtain firearms, thus misrepresenting the position of 'progressives.'

You then attack the lie you've contrived (straw man) in an effort to attack 'progressives,' when in fact 'progressives' advocate no such thing.


No more of a fallacy than saying that 'it's the culture of violence and death that we foster all around us'.



We were quite lucky that Eric Clapton was a better guitarist so Ian Anderson stuck with the flute...

"It's not a subset it's a culture. Just as the criminal culture in the United States will always be able to obtain firearms no matter how many laws you pass.

It's people like you who are the problem.

You blame the tool instead of the person using the tool."


Again, no one has ever advocated that a given firearm regulatory measure – or firearm laws collectively – are a 'panacea' for all gun violence.

Firearm regulatory measures are enacted with the full knowledge and understanding that criminals won't obey the laws – that this is the case neither undermines nor mitigates the legitimacy or appropriateness of firearm regulatory measures, as such measures address a specific issue, not all issues concerning firearms.

The purpose of background checks, for example, is to restrict one source by which criminals might obtain firearms, not to prevent all criminals from acquiring any firearm at all.

It's 'gun rights' extremists who are the problem, those who oppose all and any firearm regulatory measures, measures that are both effective and Constitutional.

"It's not a subset it's a culture. Just as the criminal culture in the United States will always be able to obtain firearms no matter how many laws you pass.

It's people like you who are the problem.

You blame the tool instead of the person using the tool."


Again, no one has ever advocated that a given firearm regulatory measure – or firearm laws collectively – are a 'panacea' for all gun violence.

Firearm regulatory measures are enacted with the full knowledge and understanding that criminals won't obey the laws – that this is the case neither undermines nor mitigates the legitimacy or appropriateness of firearm regulatory measures, as such measures address a specific issue, not all issues concerning firearms.

The purpose of background checks, for example, is to restrict one source by which criminals might obtain firearms, not to prevent all criminals from acquiring any firearm at all.

It's 'gun rights' extremists who are the problem, those who oppose all and any firearm regulatory measures, measures that are both effective and Constitutional.


Then when am I going to be allowed to purchase the same type of equipment that civil authorities are allowed to carry in their inventory without having to purchase a special permit to do so?

A firearm is a firearm is a firearm so it shouldn't matter whether I'm buying a 22 bolt action rifle or a fully automatic AK-47.


And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?


Citizens, who aren't already disallowed the purchase of firearms, should be able to purchase without any additional permits than a concealed carry whatever the civil authorities are allowed to carry.


And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

So long as I have a gun too I could care less what you are carrying. We regularly go out to eat and 3 times out of ten there is someone open carrying in the restaurants we go to. I have no idea how many CCWs are there but I would guess it is far more.
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

I don't hate you twit.....I don't hate anyone... I think you are foolish and silly....and not to be taken seriously, as long as you don't hold political office.....

My list of people is pretty much what we have now...



Domestic abuse if they have a conviction of a crime.....

No one should be put on a terrorist watch list who isn't actually a convicted no terrorist list ban for gun ownership....if you think someone is a terrorist...put police on them.

They should have expedited fire arm access for victims of domestic abuse or women who get restraining orders...

No training as a mandatory requirment because that is how they limit access to the 2nd Amendment in Europe....

Cop killer ammo is a gun grabber myth.....hollow point bullets for example help keep bullets in the criminal so they don't come out and hit other people....I know gun grabbers like to ban hollow points.

Fully auto weapons....not a problem....if someone misuses them arrest them.

I think anyone using a gun for a crime gets an added 10-15-20 year sentence..

If someone uses a standard magazine in a gun for the commission of a crime...another 10-15-20 years....

So if you use a semi auto pistol to commit armed are looking at a 20 year minimum......that should encourage criminals in the profession to use revolvers or knives........

No license should be required for ownership.....felons and their status can be determined already and if they are caught with a gun.....10-15-20 years just for possession....

There is no need to register guns.....if someone has a gun stolen they can choose to submit the numbers to get their gun back...but no data base....

Universal Background checks are not needed...since current background checks are useless at stopping criminals and mass shooters....but I will live with current background checks as long as they are instantaneous and leave no permanent record of the law abiding gun owner....

On a special note: I believe that all felons should have a no guns allowed tattoo put on their shoulder...that way they can be immediately identified in gun stores, gun shows and during private sales and the sellers can know that the buyer is a felon and not allowed to have the gun.....

Again, they will steal their guns or use straw buyers...but it will make licensing and registration and background checks pointless at all levels......

See, my gun control laws actually target criminals who break the law, and gets them off the street where they can't shoot anyone....

Your ideas target normal gun owners in order to set them up for felony violations on clerical errors.....
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

If you aren't shooting anyone with the sawed off shotgun...who cares.....?

The guys that are the problem are carrying those guns now....and shooting people now.....despite all of your gun control laws.....the normal people...aren't shooting people.....even when they carry guns....

"It's not a subset it's a culture. Just as the criminal culture in the United States will always be able to obtain firearms no matter how many laws you pass.

It's people like you who are the problem.

You blame the tool instead of the person using the tool."


Again, no one has ever advocated that a given firearm regulatory measure – or firearm laws collectively – are a 'panacea' for all gun violence.

Firearm regulatory measures are enacted with the full knowledge and understanding that criminals won't obey the laws – that this is the case neither undermines nor mitigates the legitimacy or appropriateness of firearm regulatory measures, as such measures address a specific issue, not all issues concerning firearms.

The purpose of background checks, for example, is to restrict one source by which criminals might obtain firearms, not to prevent all criminals from acquiring any firearm at all.

It's 'gun rights' extremists who are the problem, those who oppose all and any firearm regulatory measures, measures that are both effective and Constitutional.

Yet it is only the law abiding who suffer from the effects of gun laws. Prior to 1968 I could have a gun delivered to my house. Now they are heavily regulated, 20,000 or so different gun laws are in effect and gun violence is on the increase. How do you explain that? The more laws you pass the more gun violence go's up.
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

If you aren't shooting anyone with the sawed off shotgun...who cares.....?

The guys that are the problem are carrying those guns now....and shooting people now.....despite all of your gun control laws.....the normal people...aren't shooting people.....even when they carry guns....
A normal person shot a car jacking victim, and ran away. Same with normal person who fired shot at purse snatcher.
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

If you aren't shooting anyone with the sawed off shotgun...who cares.....?

The guys that are the problem are carrying those guns now....and shooting people now.....despite all of your gun control laws.....the normal people...aren't shooting people.....even when they carry guns....
A normal person shot a car jacking victim, and ran away. Same with normal person who fired shot at purse snatcher.

And I have listed many more where the armed good guy did the right thing...and 1.5 million other times armed Americans stopped crime.....
And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

If you aren't shooting anyone with the sawed off shotgun...who cares.....?

The guys that are the problem are carrying those guns now....and shooting people now.....despite all of your gun control laws.....the normal people...aren't shooting people.....even when they carry guns....
A normal person shot a car jacking victim, and ran away. Same with normal person who fired shot at purse snatcher.

and I'll raise you 1.5 million more....


Armed gas station employee halts gun-wielding man,, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/21/15, WCPO, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11/20/15
A man entered a Marathon gas station in Cincinnati, Ohio, pulled out a gun and menaced two store employees. One of the employees responded by retrieving a gun and firing at the criminal, striking him ...



Homeowner fights off four intruders, KSAT, San Antonio, Texas 11/15/15
A group of four people attempted to break into a home in San Antonio, Texas by removing an air conditioning unit from a window and crawling inside. The homeowner responded to the break-in by retrieving ...



Armed homeowner scares off attacker, KTVA, Anchorage, Alaska 11/13/15
A homeowner was in their house in Anchorage, Alaska when they heard a knock at the door. The homeowner retrieved a gun and went to answer the door. Upon opening the door, an intruder pepper-sprayed ...



Elderly woman scares off home invader, WSVN, Miami, Fla. 11/11/15
88-year-old Arlene Orms was at home alone in Miami, Fla. when an intruder kicked in her door. Orms responded by retrieving a .25-caliber pistol and firing at the home invader, prompting the criminal to flee. ...



Armed robbers fought off in attempted jewelry store heist, The Winston-Salem Journal, Winston-Salem, N.C. 11/3/15
Three masked robbers entered Long Jewelers in Winston-Salem, N.C., drew guns, and began smashing display cases and collecting jewelry. A worker in the back of the store became aware of the robbery and retrieved a ...



Store employees fell armed robbers, WFMZ, Allentown, Pa. 11/01/15
A trio of men, at least one of whom was armed with a gun, entered Latino's Meat Market ...



Elderly couple fights off real monsters on Halloween,, Helena, Ark. 11/01/15
An elderly couple were at home Halloween night, when the doorbell rang. Prepared to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters, the wife opened the door to find four armed robbers, at least two of whom were ...



New Right-to-Carry permit holder defends himself against armed robbers, FOX 2 Detroit, Detroit, Mich. 10/19/15
A 23-year-old Right-to-Carry permit holder was waiting for a bus after work when a trio of armed men ...


And the studies that ask criminals how they pick victims...and they say they were deterred by people who presented guns...
I'm curious, if we had full open carry, for handguns and long guns all over the country, what restrictions, if any would you find valid?

Terrorist watch list?
Domestic Abuse?
Fully Automatic?
Cop Killer Ammo?
Training Required?

If I walked around all day with a sawed off shotgun in a holster, are you going to want you kids eating at the booth next to me?

And, based on your hatred of me, should I have guns? How about ISIS, or the Palestinians, or 1.6 billion Muslims?

View attachment 55883

Citizens, who aren't already disallowed the purchase of firearms, should be able to purchase without any additional permits than a concealed carry whatever the civil authorities are allowed to carry.



Well....not if one is a Liberal, and starts off with the premise that everyone but them is baaaaadddddd....and only beneficent big government can same us.

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