Cologne, Germany: Culture of Islam

Its the fact that you focus on the misdeeds of one community that makes you a bigot. It suggests that you dont really care about the crime other than to use it as a stick to beat people you do not like. I am not sure that I can simplify this any further for you.

Don't worry about getting any more simple. You are simple-minded enough as it is.

Yes, I oppose Rape Jihad and you defend it. I won't worry too much about the names you want to call folks, now, k?
I think you are making things up. I have never defended rape of any sort. Why do you only single out rape perpetrated by muslims ?
----------------------------- because rape by muslims happening in the Western world was very rare or nonexistent until dummies started importing muslims into the Western world TommyT !!
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Its the fact that you focus on the misdeeds of one community that makes you a bigot. It suggests that you dont really care about the crime other than to use it as a stick to beat people you do not like. I am not sure that I can simplify this any further for you.

Don't worry about getting any more simple. You are simple-minded enough as it is.

Yes, I oppose Rape Jihad and you defend it. I won't worry too much about the names you want to call folks, now, k?
I think you are making things up. I have never defended rape of any sort. Why do you only single out rape perpetrated by muslims ?
----------------------------- because rape by muslims happening in the Western world was very rare or nonexistent until dummies started importing muslims into the Western world TommyT !!

GoDDAMN these brown-turd scourges from the near-east!! Ami Right?

It was only a few weeks ago that Germany was being lauded for their generosity towards Muslim immigrants who were allegedly fleeing from the war torn region of Syria. Welcome banners were held high by throngs of well-meaning but naive Germans as mostly military aged Muslim males flooded the gates of the city.

Unbeknownst to the German people Islam is a culture of rape. It is considered common place in Islamic countries for Muslim gangs to surround non-Muslim women and sexually molest and rape them in broad daylight. According to their culture, this is acceptable.

Consider Tahir Square. Lara Logan was quickly surrounded by a mob of Muslim men while on a journalism assignment in Egypt. She was repeatedly and violently molested, raped and terrorized. It was the wake up call of her life.

Germany has now received their own wake up call.

On the evening of December 31st, 2015 there was a citywide gathering in Cologne, Germany for the annual New Years Eve celebration. Over a thousand inebriated Muslim Immigrants waged sexual jihad against the women in the square while others fired rockets into crowds of people.

There were reports of knife attacks, rape, sexual molestation, ripping the clothing off of women and terrorizing them. Men were robbed, knifed and beaten while others sustained burn injuries from the rockets which the Muslim immigrants fired upon them while laughing. It was utter mayhem with not a police officer in sight, the victims said. By the time they showed up? It was too late.

In the aftermath, 16 attackers have been identified but there have been no arrests.

German citizens were outraged by the media's delay in reporting the New Year's Eve Islamic attack.
It is possible that Angela Merkel was behind that delay. She has been the main force behind accepting over one million Islamic invaders into the country under the guise of a Syrian refugee crisis.

According to a Pew Research poll there were already 4,760,000 Muslims living in Germany before the invasion.

Gatestone Institute recently cited an investigative news report - that German authorities do not know where 50% of Muslims registered as living in Germany are and have no way of finding out.

Germany is at a loss as to how to cope with the culture of rape that Islam brings. Violent rapists are considered mentally deranged by most of Western society. We deal with such people by putting them in prison and offering them mental health treatment.

But what do you do with a culture of rape where violent sexual jihad is considered the norm? What possible explanation could there be for a culture bent on deranged – psychopathic behavior that can explode en masse without warning?

Dr. Nicoloia Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive study on the subject of Islamic culture. His findings are startling.

His research reveals that massive inbreeding within the Muslim culture has done catastrophic damage to their gene pool. The tradition of intermarriage between first cousins for the past 1400 years has had a devastating impact on the health, intelligence and sanity of their offspring.

Close to half of the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world are inbred. According to Dr. Sennels a large percentage of inbred Muslims have parents who are inbred. It's a generational problem and it is having a devastating effect on Western society.

The statistics Dr. Sennel presented prove that Muslim inbreeding is widespread. 70% of all marriages in Pakistan are between first cousins. 80% of all marriages in Nubia (southern part of Egypt) are blood related. 60% in Iraq, 64% in Jordan, 63% in the Sudan, 67% in Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported that that 55% of the Pakistani community in Britain are married to their first cousins.

Only nine Muslims have ever received the Nobel Prize and Dr. Sennel's contributes this fact to Muslim inbreeding. 1400 years of Muslim inbreeding has had a very damaging effect on Muslim intelligence and sanity.

Angela Merkel's own actions have been tantamount to shutting down every mental institution in Europe and permitting the insane to run unrestrained throughout the streets. If you do not believe it? Watch the video entitled, "Cologne New Years Eve 2015 Victim Testimonies."

Tim Burton said, One person's craziness is another persons sanity.
To this I say, there is no better example than the Culture of Islam.

The problem here is what the alleged mass inbreeding has to do with the behavior of immigrants. At least, even after 14 years of inbreeding, one should be able to differ between right and wrong.
There is no way to say that rape is OK in Islam. Once, the Islamic world was the most progressive of all. So what has happened to Islam that so many Muslims think, they have the right to harm other? The kind of "Islam" we talk about is not a religion but a tool created by imperialists to rule and use people.

"Wahhabism is an anti-Islamic ideology invented by the Brits in early days of Al Saud in Arabia and used to distort the image of Islam and to kill Muslims and all enemies of Great Britain in the name of God.

There’s no worse than impoverishing whole communities then using their uneducated youth as killing machines in the name of a religion, something the Brits were best at in each country they invaded, the US empire with the anti-US elite ruling them has inherited this technique from the Brits and played it overtly with lots of propaganda and glare against its enemies everywhere it deemed ‘rich’. Divide and Conquer is the mean, brainwashed youths are the tools in the name of G.O.D. (Gold, Oil and Drugs).

Islam has explicitly prohibited any of the atrocities committed by these Wahhabis and their predecessors throughout history, the holy Quran is full of warnings to those who commit such atrocities, yet, these uneducated impoverished youth come to kill in the name of Islam, could be the exposure of heavy doses of drugs, mostly likely as the human being nature refuses such acts, and could be intense sessions of brainwashing, and could be both. Thinking of who has the ability and is proven to practice such acts, one comes to a conclusion that all these are played by a single group of evil powers combined to benefit from the killing and suffering of others."
Wahhabis in Syria – GRAPHIC - SyriaNews

So what we have here, isn´t Islam but the result of a society crippled by imperialism.
When the Islamic world has been progressive, Christianity suffered from a brutal "Inquisition" that can be compared with the law of terrorist groups like ISIS. People were imprisoned, tortured and murdered in the Church´s own prisons.
Would we say this is Christianity? Do we identify us with this?

The incredibly primitive explanation for disgusting behavior we see in this op-ed ignores all the aspects that led to the Cologne incident. These are:
- Perverted religious believe
- Inviolability of foreigners in "political correct" regimes like Germany
- Regime conducted mass immigration without even being prepared for the consequences to some extent

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