'Collusion' Dems Are Looking for Is in Wasserman Schultz Staffer Probe'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Mark Steyn said all the aspects of "collusion" the Democrats and Robert Mueller are searching for regarding President Trump can be found in the ongoing story of a former IT staffer to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

"It's about everything that the Democrats and the media spent months... trying to prove [with] the Russia investigation," he said."

It is also everything the Democratic Party and the Fake News Media has been trying to distract from by using the 'Russian-Collusion' Non-Story.

"We have actual criminal elements," he said. "Everything they've been looking for is... staring them in the face with this mysterious guy."

"Steyn asked how "one guy (Imran Awan) from Pakistan" and several family members could end up providing computer services for dozens of powerful Democrats."

Why did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz wait to fire him until he was arrested trying to flee the country, and why is Hillary's lawyer suddenly representing him?

Steyn: 'Collusion' Dems Are Looking for Is in Wasserman Schultz Staffer Probe.
my main concern at this moment,,,,is Debbie Wasserman needing a complete facial surgery/implant....if she gets any uglier, we wont be able to specify what gender and animal she is
You think the Russian thing is all fake , but Debbie's IT guy gets arrested and you run wild with baseless conspiracies !
You think the Russian thing is all fake , but Debbie's IT guy gets arrested and you run wild with baseless conspiracies !
You're about to find out which case is baseless and which one is rock solid. DWS is just the tip of the iceberg that is going to sink Hillary Clinton once and for all.
You think the Russian thing is all fake , but Debbie's IT guy gets arrested and you run wild with baseless conspiracies !

Hoe did Putin get you to flip your vote? Please tell us

Here's how they screwed with the election . The hacked dnc emails which were then leaked . Trump himself jumped on those emails and used them against Hillary on a daily basis . While it didn't change me , I'm sure others were affected .

And the point is that they even tried to screw with the us election . The email thing wasn't the only attack .
You think the Russian thing is all fake , but Debbie's IT guy gets arrested and you run wild with baseless conspiracies !

Hoe did Putin get you to flip your vote? Please tell us

Here's how they screwed with the election . The hacked dnc emails which were then leaked . Trump himself jumped on those emails and used them against Hillary on a daily basis . While it didn't change me , I'm sure others were affected .

And the point is that they even tried to screw with the us election . The email thing wasn't the only attack .

Everyone has said the DNC emails were leaked, not hacked. Care to try again?
"Mark Steyn said all the aspects of "collusion" the Democrats and Robert Mueller are searching for regarding President Trump can be found in the ongoing story of a former IT staffer to Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.).

"It's about everything that the Democrats and the media spent months... trying to prove [with] the Russia investigation," he said."

It is also everything the Democratic Party and the Fake News Media has been trying to distract from by using the 'Russian-Collusion' Non-Story.

"We have actual criminal elements," he said. "Everything they've been looking for is... staring them in the face with this mysterious guy."

"Steyn asked how "one guy (Imran Awan) from Pakistan" and several family members could end up providing computer services for dozens of powerful Democrats."

Why did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz wait to fire him until he was arrested trying to flee the country, and why is Hillary's lawyer suddenly representing him?

Steyn: 'Collusion' Dems Are Looking for Is in Wasserman Schultz Staffer Probe.
i think we're in for some great fall political theatre. i want to see wasserman testify, see if she uses the same karma for this as with the benghazi affair. she was out selling the story in the front line.
that was an organised conspiracy to win reelection. they have no decency or shame.
You think the Russian thing is all fake , but Debbie's IT guy gets arrested and you run wild with baseless conspiracies !

Hoe did Putin get you to flip your vote? Please tell us

Here's how they screwed with the election . The hacked dnc emails which were then leaked . Trump himself jumped on those emails and used them against Hillary on a daily basis . While it didn't change me , I'm sure others were affected .

And the point is that they even tried to screw with the us election . The email thing wasn't the only attack .

Everyone has said the DNC emails were leaked, not hacked. Care to try again?
julian assange, even being the piece of shit that he is, said it wasn't the russians, more like seth rich.
i think we're in for some great fall political theatre. i want to see wasserman testify, see if she uses the same karma for this as with the benghazi affair. she was out selling the story in the front line.that was an organised conspiracy to win reelection. they have no decency or shame.

Since the Awans are connected to terrorists, I would love to see DWS sent down to GITMO for a while.
my main concern at this moment,,,,is Debbie Wasserman needing a complete facial surgery/implant....if she gets any uglier, we wont be able to specify what gender and animal she is
Don't worry they'll be gentle...

i think we're in for some great fall political theatre. i want to see wasserman testify, see if she uses the same karma for this as with the benghazi affair. she was out selling the story in the front line.that was an organised conspiracy to win reelection. they have no decency or shame.

Since the Awans are connected to terrorists, I would love to see DWS sent down to GITMO for a while.
i remember when obama was going to close gitmo, what a stupid idea. some bleeding heart liberal told him it was a recruiting tool for junior varsity isil.
i think we're in for some great fall political theatre. i want to see wasserman testify, see if she uses the same karma for this as with the benghazi affair. she was out selling the story in the front line.that was an organised conspiracy to win reelection. they have no decency or shame.

Since the Awans are connected to terrorists, I would love to see DWS sent down to GITMO for a while.
i remember when obama was going to close gitmo, what a stupid idea. some bleeding heart liberal told him it was a recruiting tool for junior varsity isil.

Do you realize how expensive it is to run GITMo? It should be closed for that reason alone .
Do you realize how expensive it is to run GITMo? It should be closed for that reason alone .
Then Obama should have allowed the military to hold military tribunals for the terrorists caught on the battle-field instead of trying to protect them. I have no problem putting parachu8tes on them, overflying their country of origin and dropping them out when their countries won't take them back. The Taliban 5, however, should have been dropped without parachutes instead of simply FREED by terrorist-sympathizing Barry.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Scandal Is a Story ‘the Press Doesn’t Want Out There’

Gainor: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Scandal Is a Story 'the Press Doesn't Want Out There'

"Watching news outlets go out of their way to hide a potentially huge Democratic scandal is almost funny. So-called journalists are too busy covering presidential tweets to report on a topic that might embarrass their friends.

Welcome to the Imran Awan-Debbie Wasserman Schultz scandal..."

"“CBS covered it for all of 37 seconds and, of course, ended the story with their famous catchphrase anti-Muslim bigotry because that’s the allegation from his lawyer. The Washington Post did a story and took seven paragraphs before they got to the point of actually mentioning his connection to Democrats. So this is a story that the major press doesn’t want out there.”

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