College Student Suspended for Anti-Tran Statement


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Owen Stevens, a student at State University of New York (SUNY), was suspended in November for posting a video to his Instagram account in which he said, ''A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man.''

The school said Stevens' statements ''call(ed)into question ''his ability to ''maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all of [his] students.''

It insisted he complete a ''remediation plan'' which included removing his Instagram videos, tempering his social media posts, and attending school-approved training. It also insinuated that he must accept the liberal ideology on homosexuality and transgenderism.

Owens said he would not comply with the demands for "re-education" training. The college has now rescinded its suspension.

Despite the reinstatement, Stevens told The Daily Wire he still intends to sue the school.

''This is a huge victory for us … but we need to push back so that destructive policies leave our universities,'' Stevens said. ''We are still planning legal action … The much larger issue is that the university will almost always back down in the face of negative media attention. Going the legal route will provide legal precedent in order to challenge their policies in court.

American universities are perhaps the most leftist and destructive entities in America today, providing the foundation for the leftist bias in American media and government. One of the things I found a bit fascinating in this story is the mention of the colleges "gender studies" department. Whaaat ? "gender studies". What the hell is that ?These lunatic asylums have gone so far over the deep end nowadays that, even as a former university teacher myself, I would advise against parents sending their kids to these nuthouses (with a exception of a few).

If one wants to become a lawyer, engineer, or physician then yes, it may be necessary, but be sure to monitor what classes the kids are signing up for.

In the meantime, good for Owen Stevens. Sue their pants off.

Sue them sue the worthless WOKE school...its the only way to stop this shit....

Suing them won't stop shit.

Its the STATE University that is doing this. So its just the taxpayers who have to spend the money to defend this wokeness. Not the administrators.

A lawsuit against the taxpayers is no motivation at all for the administrators.
Don't let them hide behind agency. Take them to court personally, as it's likely their personal opinions led to their decisions.
Suing them won't stop shit.

Its the STATE University that is doing this. So its just the taxpayers who have to spend the money to defend this wokeness. Not the administrators.

A lawsuit against the taxpayers is no motivation at all for the administrators.
I don't know... If the people who are voted in that run the state don't take steps to remove that from the state funded colleges... I would hope people wouldn't vote them in anymore.

Thus... If you support party over freedom... You are correct. Won't stop shit.
Owen Stevens, a student at State University of New York (SUNY), was suspended in November for posting a video to his Instagram account in which he said, ''A man cannot become a woman, and a woman cannot become a man.''

The school said Stevens' statements ''call(ed)into question ''his ability to ''maintain a classroom environment protecting the mental and emotional well-being of all of [his] students.''

It insisted he complete a ''remediation plan'' which included removing his Instagram videos, tempering his social media posts, and attending school-approved training. It also insinuated that he must accept the liberal ideology on homosexuality and transgenderism.

Owens said he would not comply with the demands for "re-education" training. The college has now rescinded its suspension.

Despite the reinstatement, Stevens told The Daily Wire he still intends to sue the school.

''This is a huge victory for us … but we need to push back so that destructive policies leave our universities,'' Stevens said. ''We are still planning legal action … The much larger issue is that the university will almost always back down in the face of negative media attention. Going the legal route will provide legal precedent in order to challenge their policies in court.

American universities are perhaps the most leftist and destructive entities in America today, providing the foundation for the leftist bias in American media and government. One of the things I found a bit fascinating in this story is the mention of the colleges "gender studies" department. Whaaat ? "gender studies". What the hell is that ?These lunatic asylums have gone so far over the deep end nowadays that, even as a former university teacher myself, I would advise against parents sending their kids to these nuthouses (with a exception of a few).

If one wants to become a lawyer, engineer, or physician then yes, it may be necessary, but be sure to monitor what classes the kids are signing up for.

In the meantime, good for Owen Stevens. Sue their pants off.

By the time my stepdaughter graduated from UC Santa Barbara was trying to train her girl dog to lift her leg when she peed. It didn't work. She bought her son a Barbie doll. He cut its head off for a cat toy.

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