Colin Powell: OWS As American As Apple Pie


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations are "as American as apple pie," former Secretary of State Colin Powell said during a recent interview with CNN's Piers Morgan. According to Powell, there is plenty of justification for the movement's outrage, but also some reason for concern over its direction.

Powell began by recalling his upbringing in Harlem and the Bronx at a time when his parents didn't make much, but were at least able to find stable employment.

"I don't think either of them ever made more than 50 or 60 dollars a week," Powell said. "Both my parents worked for as long as I can remember, they always worked, they always had work."

But this sort of job stability is no longer present, the retired four-star Army general said, a fact that is now serving as a catalyzing force for the Occupy movement.

More: Colin Powell: Occupy Wall Street Demonstrations Are 'As American As Apple Pie'
Colin Powell is not really liked by the right wing. Republicans insist their leaders lie to America and mistreat Americans. Mr. Powell refused to keep doing that after he found he had been duped. You can be a traitor to America or a traitor to the Republican Party. Powell chose country over party.
Colin Powell is not really liked by the right wing. Republicans insist their leaders lie to America and mistreat Americans. Mr. Powell refused to keep doing that after he found he had been duped. You can be a traitor to America or a traitor to the Republican Party. Powell chose country over party.

when are you going to be like Powell Dean and start putting the Country ahead of the Far Left?........
Colin Powell was never a conservative to begin with.. nor was Booosh.. Screw Colin Powell and the Porch Shitters.
Colin Powell is not really liked by the right wing. Republicans insist their leaders lie to America and mistreat Americans. Mr. Powell refused to keep doing that after he found he had been duped. You can be a traitor to America or a traitor to the Republican Party. Powell chose country over party.
That's not so. Colin Powell is a respected member of the American Society and has a special place in history with his having a great military mind, and a Republican statesman. I like Colin Powell because he's a credit to his country.

Dusting hands. Another rdean myth shattered. :lmao:
Colin Powell is a great American patriot. He has proven that his entire life. Why would anyone bash such a great American?
Even Goldwater was a flaming lib to today's conservatives.
He sure would be.
"Goddamn it, John ... the Republicans are selling their soul to win elections ... Mark my word ... if and when these preachers get control of the party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem." -- Barry Goldwater as told to John Dean

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