
Big Fitz

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Nov 23, 2009
Just a fun idea. Coin a term, provide it's definition. I'll start with two of my own.

Necrotardia: n. - The act of reviving an old thread in order to spout off a whole lot of stupid shit.

Libberish: n. - The language liberals speak when they stop making sense. Sometimes it is the only language they speak.

What've you got?
Why exist a new term for something that already exists? "Necro Post" already refers to reviving an old thread. Stupid shit or not.
Fleeberal: n. - A liberal when confronted with objective fact or confronted with logical reasoning runs away.

Closely related to

Deniacrat: n. - A liberal who when confronted with objective fact, their own hypocrisy or flaws in their closely held beliefs denies their very existence and continues on as if nothing was said.
This is just what we need... conservatives and liberals making up more retarded terms for the other side.

Ecofascisti: n. - A person who believes in the religion of Anthropogenic Global Climate Change so strongly they believe it gives them the right to use force to convert others to their religion, silence them or destroy them.
This is just what we need... conservatives and liberals making up more retarded terms for the other side.

So? There's the door over there. Nobody's putting a gun to your head to read it.
Hypnewsis - A trance-like state entered into upon watching the local evening news in which one is seeing and hearing the news report, but is neither conscious nor cognizant of any of the content. While still watching, few things break the trance, but one does become more conscious upon hearing something reminding them of their objective to watching the news (weather report, for example), but the trance is only completely broken when the story of original interest is almost over. The entire story is never known because of that.
Meltderp: n. -When a poster loses all decorum, composure and ability to communicate rationally. Often accompanied by expletives, irrelevancies and outside issues predicated on falsehoods and their own idiocy. More severe than a meltdown, or psychotic break.
Someone who advocates Communism but is too cowardly to move to a Communist nation; who advocates the destruction of the US Constitution while hiding behind its protections; who condemns the American consumerism lifestyle while living that same lifestyle.

That woman at the protest handing out pro-Castro literature is a chickenred...she'd never move to Cuba.
Meltderp: n. -When a poster loses all decorum, composure and ability to communicate rationally. Often accompanied by expletives, irrelevancies and outside issues predicated on falsehoods and their own idiocy. More severe than a meltdown, or psychotic break.

Synonym for above: n. Francosis adj. Francotic
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Democrapic The lies and bullshit that Democrats always tell - especially when confronted to tell the truth.
Here is a Twitter message that went up on May 4th by the late night nationwide country radio DJ named Blair Garner:

I'm coining a new word: "Askhole" Someone who continually asks your advice but does the opposite of what you told them.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


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