
Incorrigibbering: n. - When a person just cannot stop posting nonsensical after nonsensical post to defend their nonsense till no one understands what their point was supposed to be in the first place.

This term is closely linked with Chris-n-pasting.
Obaminosity: Defending ones Messiah angrily and in a hysterical fashion, without any regard for factual information.
BLiberal Circle Derp

This is funny, because this is exactly what you guys are doing in this thread. This is what so many of the threads on this forum come to... conservatives jizzing all over each other's toes in the circle in the way they like it best.

Coin-A-Term... title should be renamed Coin-A-Term-For-Liberals

So in other words, you can't come up with anything?
Fleeberal: n. - A liberal when confronted with objective fact or confronted with logical reasoning runs away.

I made up the terms libfuck, libtard and Obamunism which I see used in other forums.

I have a new one tho - Obamacrat: "one who is not politically informed but believes Obama is the second coming of Jesus."

You mean you made up terms that have already been used in other forums before you, but you're too dumb to realize that and must believe it was you who actually coined them and other people copied off of you.

braggadouchio - Easily rising above all other braggadocio's worldwide. The first to do something, the best at doing anything, and the least likely to realize how stupid they sound. Mr. Nick.
That's the spirit! That's funny... Braggadouchio.

That's funnier
Obamecmnesia : Blaming current problems on past influences that are no longer of any relevance.
Example: The Senator had a terrible case of Obamecmnesia when he blamed the current horrific unemployment numbers on George Bush.
Tufftardery: n. - When a poster tries to intimidate others by pretending to be a tough person but ends up looking like a retard due to the inability to post clearly, with proper grammar, profanity, spelling or rationality.

eg. : "He was so mad at me, he made several posts of tufftardery to make me quit reading the thread."

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