CNN's journalist of the year committed journalistic fraud on a grand scale at Der Spiegel


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Award-winning journalist Claas Relotius had “made up stories and invented protagonists” in approximately 14 out of 60 articles which appeared both in print and online editions. He had worked for Der Spiegel for seven years, winning numerous awards for his investigative journalism – including CNN’s Journalist of the Year award in 2014, according to the Guardian.
CNN’s “Journalist Of The Year” Committed Journalistic Fraud “On A Grand Scale” At Der Spiegel

CNN the liars of the century and we have the biggest dumb asses today than in any other time in history. Yet we have the worlds largest library known as the internet, yet you idiots who believe the lies sold to you are the same dumbasses who can't stand Trump. This is exactly why you hate him and to think you all are to fkn stupid to see right in front of you it's all based of " LIES" admitted lies, they even tell you they lie yet you dumb asses still believe it all lmfao, Gawd if you knew how dumb you look and are.

No wonder half a country lives in a parallel world, in a Wonderland, next door to Alice.
Der Spiegel owns up to being Fake News.

The left won’t care of course. Mission Accomplished as far as they are concerned, the anti-Trump propaganda was pushed, and swallowed by the masses.
No different from NBC, CBS, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, NYT, Washpo, and of course CNN. All Leftist Propaganda.

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