CNN stunt to disprove Trump's speakerphone remark backfires live on air


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Chris “Fredo” Cuomo made an ass out of his network Thursday when he tried to disprove President Trump’s statement that it’s near impossible to understand a phone conversation when it’s not being amplified.
CNN Stunt To Disprove Trump’s Speakerphone Remark BACKFIRES Live On-Air


THe person he is makes him an ass he never needed this , this just helps him be a much bigger ass ...
Chris “Fredo” Cuomo made an ass out of his network Thursday when he tried to disprove President Trump’s statement that it’s near impossible to understand a phone conversation when it’s not being amplified.
CNN Stunt To Disprove Trump’s Speakerphone Remark BACKFIRES Live On-Air

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THe person he is makes him an ass he never needed this , this just helps him be a much bigger ass ...
And the Loony Left get even LOONIER. It's fun right now, but I have a feeling things will be getting more and more violent from the Left the closer we get to next year's presidential election.

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