CNN On Impeachment Throwing Away It's Good Name!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
CNN the news channel that had been the gold standard for journalistic integrity for decades, that is, has provided news coverage that is unbiased/not taking sides/reporting both sides views, has totally thrown away its good character for the impeachment coverage of the impeachment of President Trump. CNN is totally in the pro-impeachment camp it is no longer a news channel on this issue it is a political advocacy channel it is a channel where its main focus is clearly to produce programming that helps the campaign to get Donald Trump out of the office of the Presidency. One watches a CNN program and it is just one news piece after the other advancing the cause to impeach President Trump, they have a panelist discussion and the make-up is often three, four or five pro-impeachment panelist and only one anti-impeachment panelist, it is totally unfair. Granted Mr. Trump is unfit to be President, not meaning lacking competency to be President; he lacks the character to put America's interest above his own, commitment to truth, emotional control, etc.. But the American electorate knew this about Mr. Trump before they elected him President and Mr. Trump has his positives it is awesome and many people love it beyond words the justice he is getting for the American people against China for China has stolen an abundance of American companies intellectual property and has closed off their domestic market to exports from American companies creating the shocking trade imbalance between the countries existing for many years which has resulted in the loss of middle class incomes for millions of Americans and now with Mr. Trump's tariff efforts China is losing domestic manufacturing paying a dear price for their injustice here!

In any event CNN's complicity in this effort to remove a duly elected President on grounds that clearly don't meet the requirement set forth in the U.S. constitution have broken the camels back. The owners of CNN and the top managers of CNN behind this interference of proper news coverage for the channel and behind this failure to run this channel as a proper news channel where the journalistic coverage is unbiased need to permanently stop this wrongdoing today it is no longer acceptable. An unbiased, honest, competent news channel is a vital part of the infrastructure of a good democratic country which the American people seek to have in American the American people cannot and will not tolerate the ruination of this valuable asset to America which CNN has been. This same thing goes for the newspaper the Washington Post, this journalism outlet was vital in stopping the corruption of America at the hands of former President Richard Nixon in the scandal known as Watergate; their owners and managers need to stop violating their duty in regards to insuring unbiased capable journalism from this news outlet!

What you ask is the types of anti-impeachment viewpoint coverage that CNN is failing to even provide and not providing equal coverage on? The response is a titanic amount of information. First, the Democrat star witness Gordon Sondland was a complete bust. The most damaging evidence that Sondland provides is that Trump was culpable in conditioning a meeting at the White House between him and the Ukrainian President Zelensky on President Zelensky first publicly announcing the Country of Ukraine was going to conduct two investigations one into the 2016 election and the DNC server and the other into corruption involving Burisma. Are the Democrats kidding here they want to impeach the President of the United States over his offering a White House meeting this is something one would expect to see in a Saturday Night Live skit where an actor playing President Trump offers the Ukranian President the opportunity to sit in his chair at his desk in the Oval Office, or offers President Z and the Ukranian First Lady an hour in the Lincoln bedroom or a selfie with President Trump in the Oval Office where everyone is wearing Make America Great Again hats; it is absolutely disgraceful them proceeding on this case. Sondland's testimony in many respects bolsters Trump's case that he was on legitimate grounds with his actions on Ukraine. Sondland essentially testified that Trump early on harbored strong feelings of dislike and negative views toward Ukraine (over many Ukrainian elected officials opposition to a Trump candidacy during the 2016 election) as evidenced by their May 23rd meeting in the Oval Office over really a month and a half before Trump puts a hold on the Ukrainian financial aid which all tends to prove that Trump sincerely believed that Ukraine was a corrupt country which makes his conditioning helping Ukraine on that country taking steps to uproot corruption in Ukraine completely understandable and the contention that his purpose was to hurt the campaign of his likely opponent in the 2020 election pure speculation. One overall positive comment deserves to be said about Gordon Sondland; in regards to this whole Ukraine matter President Trump's agent Rudy Giuliani acted like a real low life he disgraced his profession that of being a lawyer by acting like a sleazy political operative but Sondland, Volcker and Perry don't deserve that taint these are good citizens that wanted to give honorable service for the country they did the best they could with a boss that was a mess!

These so called evidentiary hearings in the House Intelligence Committee make a mockery of justice and the quest for truth. I am watching the questioning of Ambassador Sondland and I cannot believe what I am hearing from Congressman Schiff and the Democrat Party Attorney. Time and again they pulled this stunt. They would say something like Ambassador Sondland we have this witness A over here who said they had a conversation with you on such and such a date do you remember that conversation and Sondland responds with something like no I do not remember the specifics of that conversation I am not a note taker where I could have notes to refresh my memory and I honestly don't remember what transpired during that conversation. Then they would say something like witness A took contemporaneous notes about the conversation and they testified you said X,Y,Z during this conversation and then they would ask Ambassador Sondland something like "Do you have any reason to dispute their recollection of that conversation? and then he responds, no, understandably because he does not remember the conversation one needs a memory of an event to refute an account of an event. What the Democrats are obviously trying to do is to use the witness that is failing to dispute an account as supporting that account as bolstering the credibility of that account that is unfair and a distortion of the truth. Here, the Democrats are using lawyer tricks in questioning the witnesses which is injecting significant unfairness into the hearings.

Yesterdays hearings were very informative about the Democrats case it really indicated how weak and meritless their case is. I never realized until yesterday that this $400 million dollars of aid, the vital and critical aid for Ukraine this item that even this 100% against impeachment American thinks Donald Trump was a rotten jerk for putting a hold on, by law had as a condition for its release a finding that the country of Ukraine was responding responsibly to its corruption problem. This provision of the law makes Trump's investigation announcement condition reasonable and thereby legitimate. The fact that it is the Department of Defense's call to determine if this condition for release of the aid is met is not material because what branch of government is the DOD in and who is the top authority in that branch of government yep it's President Trump. The other informative piece of information in yesterday's hearing is that the law provides something to the effect that the release of this aid can be stopped if the President request such a stop from Congress I think a reasonable view can be that the time available for President Trump to avail himself of this option did not expire by September 11 when the hold was lifted. To be more specific President Trump's hold lasted fifty-five days the Executive Branch officials involved testified that this hold did not affect the actual physical delivery of weapons to Ukraine were only talking the release of monies to contract and the lifting of the hold was soon enough that no future delivery timetable schedule should be blown. A reasonable person would construe the law as allowing the President a certain amount of time to block the release of the aid without going to Congress for the President to get his act together to get all the respective government officials and experts together to be sure this is the right thing to do to make this request of Congress; the point being that the Trump Administration was still in that time window where they could have made this request of Congress that the law provides!

The other bombshell against the Democrats that came out at yesterday's hearing was that President Barrack Obama, that divine being who the American people were so incredibly lucky to have grace our Country for eight entire years as President, his ambassador to Ukraine called for the Ukrainian government to investigate the Oligarch Mr. Zlochevsky including his involvement with Burisma. President Trump essentially did the same thing using his leverage to get the Ukranian government to investigate Burisma currently owned by Mr. Zlochevsky and how Burisma came to get all their licenses when Mr. Zlochevsky was a Minister in the Ukranian government where he was responsible for distributing these licenses and how did Mr. Zlochevsky get away with such obvious double dealing! For Democrats to condemn President Trump over this issue is preposterous their position has no merit based on the prior administration's effort!

Where is the anti-impeachment Panelist on CNN calling for the Republicans to up their game in the impeachment fight. Chairman Schiff in his opening statement is acting like he is trying a case and the American people are the jury and President Trump is a modern day Benedict Arnold, Devin Nunes is only bringing his B game he should have trial lawyers write his opening statement and they should shine a big spotlight on all the holes in the Democrats case. the Republican lawyer, Mr. Castor, should be replaced he is only mediocre, he appeared not well prepared struggled on the direction to take the questioning should have been more clear and concise a little confused on strategy condition investigating Bursima good condition investigating Biden's try to avoid. Everyone needs to remember the Democrats cannot meet the constitutional requirement for impeachment President Trump did not commit a mandated type of crime the only way they can pass articles of impeachment in the House and save face is if they sway public opinion across America severe enough so that the vast majority of Americans believe Mr. Trump should be impeached. Republicans need to keep hammering home to the American people that American is great because we are a country of laws and we hold the rule of law as sacred and greatly respect it and our Founding Fathers to their amazingly marvelous credit wrote the U.S. Constitution so that a President could not be impeached for political reasons or for bad policy decisions the President has to commit a very serious crime to be impeached, President Trump did not commit such an act!
CNN the news channel that had been the gold standard for journalistic integrity for decades, that is, has provided news coverage that is unbiased/not taking sides/reporting both sides views, has totally thrown away its good character for the impeachment coverage of the impeachment of President Trump. CNN is totally in the pro-impeachment camp it is no longer a news channel on this issue it is a political advocacy channel it is a channel where its main focus is clearly to produce programming that helps the campaign to get Donald Trump out of the office of the Presidency. One watches a CNN program and it is just one news piece after the other advancing the cause to impeach President Trump, they have a panelist discussion and the make-up is often three, four or five pro-impeachment panelist and only one anti-impeachment panelist, it is totally unfair. Granted Mr. Trump is unfit to be President, not meaning lacking competency to be President; he lacks the character to put America's interest above his own, commitment to truth, emotional control, etc.. But the American electorate knew this about Mr. Trump before they elected him President and Mr. Trump has his positives it is awesome and many people love it beyond words the justice he is getting for the American people against China for China has stolen an abundance of American companies intellectual property and has closed off their domestic market to exports from American companies creating the shocking trade imbalance between the countries existing for many years which has resulted in the loss of middle class incomes for millions of Americans and now with Mr. Trump's tariff efforts China is losing domestic manufacturing paying a dear price for their injustice here!

In any event CNN's complicity in this effort to remove a duly elected President on grounds that clearly don't meet the requirement set forth in the U.S. constitution have broken the camels back. The owners of CNN and the top managers of CNN behind this interference of proper news coverage for the channel and behind this failure to run this channel as a proper news channel where the journalistic coverage is unbiased need to permanently stop this wrongdoing today it is no longer acceptable. An unbiased, honest, competent news channel is a vital part of the infrastructure of a good democratic country which the American people seek to have in American the American people cannot and will not tolerate the ruination of this valuable asset to America which CNN has been. This same thing goes for the newspaper the Washington Post, this journalism outlet was vital in stopping the corruption of America at the hands of former President Richard Nixon in the scandal known as Watergate; their owners and managers need to stop violating their duty in regards to insuring unbiased capable journalism from this news outlet!

What you ask is the types of anti-impeachment viewpoint coverage that CNN is failing to even provide and not providing equal coverage on? The response is a titanic amount of information. First, the Democrat star witness Gordon Sondland was a complete bust. The most damaging evidence that Sondland provides is that Trump was culpable in conditioning a meeting at the White House between him and the Ukrainian President Zelensky on President Zelensky first publicly announcing the Country of Ukraine was going to conduct two investigations one into the 2016 election and the DNC server and the other into corruption involving Burisma. Are the Democrats kidding here they want to impeach the President of the United States over his offering a White House meeting this is something one would expect to see in a Saturday Night Live skit where an actor playing President Trump offers the Ukranian President the opportunity to sit in his chair at his desk in the Oval Office, or offers President Z and the Ukranian First Lady an hour in the Lincoln bedroom or a selfie with President Trump in the Oval Office where everyone is wearing Make America Great Again hats; it is absolutely disgraceful them proceeding on this case. Sondland's testimony in many respects bolsters Trump's case that he was on legitimate grounds with his actions on Ukraine. Sondland essentially testified that Trump early on harbored strong feelings of dislike and negative views toward Ukraine (over many Ukrainian elected officials opposition to a Trump candidacy during the 2016 election) as evidenced by their May 23rd meeting in the Oval Office over really a month and a half before Trump puts a hold on the Ukrainian financial aid which all tends to prove that Trump sincerely believed that Ukraine was a corrupt country which makes his conditioning helping Ukraine on that country taking steps to uproot corruption in Ukraine completely understandable and the contention that his purpose was to hurt the campaign of his likely opponent in the 2020 election pure speculation. One overall positive comment deserves to be said about Gordon Sondland; in regards to this whole Ukraine matter President Trump's agent Rudy Giuliani acted like a real low life he disgraced his profession that of being a lawyer by acting like a sleazy political operative but Sondland, Volcker and Perry don't deserve that taint these are good citizens that wanted to give honorable service for the country they did the best they could with a boss that was a mess!

These so called evidentiary hearings in the House Intelligence Committee make a mockery of justice and the quest for truth. I am watching the questioning of Ambassador Sondland and I cannot believe what I am hearing from Congressman Schiff and the Democrat Party Attorney. Time and again they pulled this stunt. They would say something like Ambassador Sondland we have this witness A over here who said they had a conversation with you on such and such a date do you remember that conversation and Sondland responds with something like no I do not remember the specifics of that conversation I am not a note taker where I could have notes to refresh my memory and I honestly don't remember what transpired during that conversation. Then they would say something like witness A took contemporaneous notes about the conversation and they testified you said X,Y,Z during this conversation and then they would ask Ambassador Sondland something like "Do you have any reason to dispute their recollection of that conversation? and then he responds, no, understandably because he does not remember the conversation one needs a memory of an event to refute an account of an event. What the Democrats are obviously trying to do is to use the witness that is failing to dispute an account as supporting that account as bolstering the credibility of that account that is unfair and a distortion of the truth. Here, the Democrats are using lawyer tricks in questioning the witnesses which is injecting significant unfairness into the hearings.

Yesterdays hearings were very informative about the Democrats case it really indicated how weak and meritless their case is. I never realized until yesterday that this $400 million dollars of aid, the vital and critical aid for Ukraine this item that even this 100% against impeachment American thinks Donald Trump was a rotten jerk for putting a hold on, by law had as a condition for its release a finding that the country of Ukraine was responding responsibly to its corruption problem. This provision of the law makes Trump's investigation announcement condition reasonable and thereby legitimate. The fact that it is the Department of Defense's call to determine if this condition for release of the aid is met is not material because what branch of government is the DOD in and who is the top authority in that branch of government yep it's President Trump. The other informative piece of information in yesterday's hearing is that the law provides something to the effect that the release of this aid can be stopped if the President request such a stop from Congress I think a reasonable view can be that the time available for President Trump to avail himself of this option did not expire by September 11 when the hold was lifted. To be more specific President Trump's hold lasted fifty-five days the Executive Branch officials involved testified that this hold did not affect the actual physical delivery of weapons to Ukraine were only talking the release of monies to contract and the lifting of the hold was soon enough that no future delivery timetable schedule should be blown. A reasonable person would construe the law as allowing the President a certain amount of time to block the release of the aid without going to Congress for the President to get his act together to get all the respective government officials and experts together to be sure this is the right thing to do to make this request of Congress; the point being that the Trump Administration was still in that time window where they could have made this request of Congress that the law provides!

The other bombshell against the Democrats that came out at yesterday's hearing was that President Barrack Obama, that divine being who the American people were so incredibly lucky to have grace our Country for eight entire years as President, his ambassador to Ukraine called for the Ukrainian government to investigate the Oligarch Mr. Zlochevsky including his involvement with Burisma. President Trump essentially did the same thing using his leverage to get the Ukranian government to investigate Burisma currently owned by Mr. Zlochevsky and how Burisma came to get all their licenses when Mr. Zlochevsky was a Minister in the Ukranian government where he was responsible for distributing these licenses and how did Mr. Zlochevsky get away with such obvious double dealing! For Democrats to condemn President Trump over this issue is preposterous their position has no merit based on the prior administration's effort!

Where is the anti-impeachment Panelist on CNN calling for the Republicans to up their game in the impeachment fight. Chairman Schiff in his opening statement is acting like he is trying a case and the American people are the jury and President Trump is a modern day Benedict Arnold, Devin Nunes is only bringing his B game he should have trial lawyers write his opening statement and they should shine a big spotlight on all the holes in the Democrats case. the Republican lawyer, Mr. Castor, should be replaced he is only mediocre, he appeared not well prepared struggled on the direction to take the questioning should have been more clear and concise a little confused on strategy condition investigating Bursima good condition investigating Biden's try to avoid. Everyone needs to remember the Democrats cannot meet the constitutional requirement for impeachment President Trump did not commit a mandated type of crime the only way they can pass articles of impeachment in the House and save face is if they sway public opinion across America severe enough so that the vast majority of Americans believe Mr. Trump should be impeached. Republicans need to keep hammering home to the American people that American is great because we are a country of laws and we hold the rule of law as sacred and greatly respect it and our Founding Fathers to their amazingly marvelous credit wrote the U.S. Constitution so that a President could not be impeached for political reasons or for bad policy decisions the President has to commit a very serious crime to be impeached, President Trump did not commit such an act!

CNN lost their shit when Trump was elected and gets more and more irrelevant every day
CNN the news channel that had been the gold standard for journalistic integrity for decades, that is, has provided news coverage that is unbiased/not taking sides/reporting both sides views, has totally thrown away its good character for the impeachment coverage of the impeachment of President Trump. CNN is totally in the pro-impeachment camp it is no longer a news channel on this issue it is a political advocacy channel it is a channel where its main focus is clearly to produce programming that helps the campaign to get Donald Trump out of the office of the Presidency. One watches a CNN program and it is just one news piece after the other advancing the cause to impeach President Trump, they have a panelist discussion and the make-up is often three, four or five pro-impeachment panelist and only one anti-impeachment panelist, it is totally unfair. Granted Mr. Trump is unfit to be President, not meaning lacking competency to be President; he lacks the character to put America's interest above his own, commitment to truth, emotional control, etc.. But the American electorate knew this about Mr. Trump before they elected him President and Mr. Trump has his positives it is awesome and many people love it beyond words the justice he is getting for the American people against China for China has stolen an abundance of American companies intellectual property and has closed off their domestic market to exports from American companies creating the shocking trade imbalance between the countries existing for many years which has resulted in the loss of middle class incomes for millions of Americans and now with Mr. Trump's tariff efforts China is losing domestic manufacturing paying a dear price for their injustice here!

In any event CNN's complicity in this effort to remove a duly elected President on grounds that clearly don't meet the requirement set forth in the U.S. constitution have broken the camels back. The owners of CNN and the top managers of CNN behind this interference of proper news coverage for the channel and behind this failure to run this channel as a proper news channel where the journalistic coverage is unbiased need to permanently stop this wrongdoing today it is no longer acceptable. An unbiased, honest, competent news channel is a vital part of the infrastructure of a good democratic country which the American people seek to have in American the American people cannot and will not tolerate the ruination of this valuable asset to America which CNN has been. This same thing goes for the newspaper the Washington Post, this journalism outlet was vital in stopping the corruption of America at the hands of former President Richard Nixon in the scandal known as Watergate; their owners and managers need to stop violating their duty in regards to insuring unbiased capable journalism from this news outlet!

What you ask is the types of anti-impeachment viewpoint coverage that CNN is failing to even provide and not providing equal coverage on? The response is a titanic amount of information. First, the Democrat star witness Gordon Sondland was a complete bust. The most damaging evidence that Sondland provides is that Trump was culpable in conditioning a meeting at the White House between him and the Ukrainian President Zelensky on President Zelensky first publicly announcing the Country of Ukraine was going to conduct two investigations one into the 2016 election and the DNC server and the other into corruption involving Burisma. Are the Democrats kidding here they want to impeach the President of the United States over his offering a White House meeting this is something one would expect to see in a Saturday Night Live skit where an actor playing President Trump offers the Ukranian President the opportunity to sit in his chair at his desk in the Oval Office, or offers President Z and the Ukranian First Lady an hour in the Lincoln bedroom or a selfie with President Trump in the Oval Office where everyone is wearing Make America Great Again hats; it is absolutely disgraceful them proceeding on this case. Sondland's testimony in many respects bolsters Trump's case that he was on legitimate grounds with his actions on Ukraine. Sondland essentially testified that Trump early on harbored strong feelings of dislike and negative views toward Ukraine (over many Ukrainian elected officials opposition to a Trump candidacy during the 2016 election) as evidenced by their May 23rd meeting in the Oval Office over really a month and a half before Trump puts a hold on the Ukrainian financial aid which all tends to prove that Trump sincerely believed that Ukraine was a corrupt country which makes his conditioning helping Ukraine on that country taking steps to uproot corruption in Ukraine completely understandable and the contention that his purpose was to hurt the campaign of his likely opponent in the 2020 election pure speculation. One overall positive comment deserves to be said about Gordon Sondland; in regards to this whole Ukraine matter President Trump's agent Rudy Giuliani acted like a real low life he disgraced his profession that of being a lawyer by acting like a sleazy political operative but Sondland, Volcker and Perry don't deserve that taint these are good citizens that wanted to give honorable service for the country they did the best they could with a boss that was a mess!

These so called evidentiary hearings in the House Intelligence Committee make a mockery of justice and the quest for truth. I am watching the questioning of Ambassador Sondland and I cannot believe what I am hearing from Congressman Schiff and the Democrat Party Attorney. Time and again they pulled this stunt. They would say something like Ambassador Sondland we have this witness A over here who said they had a conversation with you on such and such a date do you remember that conversation and Sondland responds with something like no I do not remember the specifics of that conversation I am not a note taker where I could have notes to refresh my memory and I honestly don't remember what transpired during that conversation. Then they would say something like witness A took contemporaneous notes about the conversation and they testified you said X,Y,Z during this conversation and then they would ask Ambassador Sondland something like "Do you have any reason to dispute their recollection of that conversation? and then he responds, no, understandably because he does not remember the conversation one needs a memory of an event to refute an account of an event. What the Democrats are obviously trying to do is to use the witness that is failing to dispute an account as supporting that account as bolstering the credibility of that account that is unfair and a distortion of the truth. Here, the Democrats are using lawyer tricks in questioning the witnesses which is injecting significant unfairness into the hearings.

Yesterdays hearings were very informative about the Democrats case it really indicated how weak and meritless their case is. I never realized until yesterday that this $400 million dollars of aid, the vital and critical aid for Ukraine this item that even this 100% against impeachment American thinks Donald Trump was a rotten jerk for putting a hold on, by law had as a condition for its release a finding that the country of Ukraine was responding responsibly to its corruption problem. This provision of the law makes Trump's investigation announcement condition reasonable and thereby legitimate. The fact that it is the Department of Defense's call to determine if this condition for release of the aid is met is not material because what branch of government is the DOD in and who is the top authority in that branch of government yep it's President Trump. The other informative piece of information in yesterday's hearing is that the law provides something to the effect that the release of this aid can be stopped if the President request such a stop from Congress I think a reasonable view can be that the time available for President Trump to avail himself of this option did not expire by September 11 when the hold was lifted. To be more specific President Trump's hold lasted fifty-five days the Executive Branch officials involved testified that this hold did not affect the actual physical delivery of weapons to Ukraine were only talking the release of monies to contract and the lifting of the hold was soon enough that no future delivery timetable schedule should be blown. A reasonable person would construe the law as allowing the President a certain amount of time to block the release of the aid without going to Congress for the President to get his act together to get all the respective government officials and experts together to be sure this is the right thing to do to make this request of Congress; the point being that the Trump Administration was still in that time window where they could have made this request of Congress that the law provides!

The other bombshell against the Democrats that came out at yesterday's hearing was that President Barrack Obama, that divine being who the American people were so incredibly lucky to have grace our Country for eight entire years as President, his ambassador to Ukraine called for the Ukrainian government to investigate the Oligarch Mr. Zlochevsky including his involvement with Burisma. President Trump essentially did the same thing using his leverage to get the Ukranian government to investigate Burisma currently owned by Mr. Zlochevsky and how Burisma came to get all their licenses when Mr. Zlochevsky was a Minister in the Ukranian government where he was responsible for distributing these licenses and how did Mr. Zlochevsky get away with such obvious double dealing! For Democrats to condemn President Trump over this issue is preposterous their position has no merit based on the prior administration's effort!

Where is the anti-impeachment Panelist on CNN calling for the Republicans to up their game in the impeachment fight. Chairman Schiff in his opening statement is acting like he is trying a case and the American people are the jury and President Trump is a modern day Benedict Arnold, Devin Nunes is only bringing his B game he should have trial lawyers write his opening statement and they should shine a big spotlight on all the holes in the Democrats case. the Republican lawyer, Mr. Castor, should be replaced he is only mediocre, he appeared not well prepared struggled on the direction to take the questioning should have been more clear and concise a little confused on strategy condition investigating Bursima good condition investigating Biden's try to avoid. Everyone needs to remember the Democrats cannot meet the constitutional requirement for impeachment President Trump did not commit a mandated type of crime the only way they can pass articles of impeachment in the House and save face is if they sway public opinion across America severe enough so that the vast majority of Americans believe Mr. Trump should be impeached. Republicans need to keep hammering home to the American people that American is great because we are a country of laws and we hold the rule of law as sacred and greatly respect it and our Founding Fathers to their amazingly marvelous credit wrote the U.S. Constitution so that a President could not be impeached for political reasons or for bad policy decisions the President has to commit a very serious crime to be impeached, President Trump did not commit such an act!
Whew! That was quite a piece but you nailed it. The only thing I would slightly disagree with is CNN departed from being a News network the day after Trump was elected. We heard the pure naked anger coming out of their anchors like Van Jones declaring Trump's victory as a "White Lash on America". Anna Navarro's hatred for Trump oozes out of every pore of her being. The FCC should force CNN to remove the middle N for News and replace it with O for opinion.
Just make sure we never find out why Hunter Biden was paid all those $$$$$$$$$ millions, and whether or not those $$$$$$$$$$$ millions came from the US foreign aid to Ukraine....
CNN will be trashed after Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz show voters who the criminals are, many now on CNN's staff.
FXN is kicking CNN's ass in ratings, which is all that matters.
:Fair and Balanced" wins every time.
Just make sure we never find out why Hunter Biden was paid all those $$$$$$$$$ millions, and whether or not those $$$$$$$$$$$ millions came from the US foreign aid to Ukraine....
Hunter got $83,000 per month 4 years ago.
We've had four years to investigate it, why havent you found anything wrong yet?
We've had four years to investigate it, why havent you found anything wrong yet?

Hunter's shell company got a million dollar payment too.

Why are you so afraid of an investigation?

Low IQ Joe was, which is why he bragged about getting the original prosecutor fired....

FLASHBACK, 2018: Joe Biden Brags At CFR Meeting About Withholding Aid To Ukraine To Force Firing Of Prosecutor

You, Low IQ Joe and the rest of the left wing kleptocrats don't want an investigation as to why Hunter Biden was paid all that money for never showing up to "work." Was the money a KICKBACK from the foreign aid package? Patriotic Americans want to know. You do not.
In a senate impeachment trial Hunter Biden could be called as a witness and grilled.
He should also be asked how his company got $1.5b from China. So much money, so little work.

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