CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House ...

CNN by backing Acosta demonstrates they clearly don't get it. I view any such lawsuit as playing into Trump's hand and if it goes to court the administration wins by losing. Jim Acosta plays the role of hated antagonist so perfectly, the Major Frank Burns of the White House press corps.
I wish Pres. Trump would just go ahead and ban CNN from attending all White House media events. .... :thup:

Awww. Poor snowflakes can’t handle the big bad press and their tricky questions ?
Obama only spied on the press and their families to silence them.
Hell he wanted to arrest Rosen and charge him with treason.

The guy from the “failing New York Times”? Of course obama was looking for people who leaked secret info. He didn’t have a personal agenda with the times .
Was James Rosen from the NYT?
Anyone can sue anyone else for any reason. When you are willing to pay on an hourly basis, you can always find a lawyer to pursue your case, and even speaks to the Media to make it sound like it's not bullshit. But in order to prevail, you have to have a CASE.

NO ONE has a "First Amendment" right to a White House Press pass. They are a PRIVILEGE, that can be revoked for any rational reason. While you cannot be "silenced" based on the content of your speech (except on a college campus), Acosta was not exiled for the content of his speech, but rather for blatant disrespect of the President and the process. There is no doubt that if CNN decided to send in another asshole, that person could participate on the same basis as everyone else.

You just have to laugh at these assholes. They are turning the media into a laughing stock. All those who said CNN should be penalized for Acosta's bad behavior, here is what you asked for:

CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House after Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta's media credentials, alleges a veteran journalist who claims he has been asked to write an affidavit on the broadcaster's behalf

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House over Jim Acosta's press credentials being revoked last week Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, said CNN had a strong case for a lawsuit

Former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson revealed he had been asked to help prepare an affidavit to support CNN's case

He initially said he understood CNN and Acosta had already filed the lawsuit

But CNN later said a decision has not yet been made in regards to legal action

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House after the Trump administration revoked reporter Jim Acosta's media credentials.

Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, told CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday that the network had a strong case after Acosta's press access was revoked last week.

'I think it's a really strong lawsuit,' Abrams said.

'I can understand CNN being reluctant to sue because the president keeps saying CNN is the enemy of me, and CNN might have reluctance to have a lawsuit titled 'CNN vs. Donald Trump.' That said, yes, I think they should sue.'

You and Trump and his supporters are the only assholes I see. The White House belongs to the people not to Trump. Acosta did absolutely nothing wrong in holding Trump accountable.
CNN by backing Acosta demonstrates they clearly don't get it. I view any such lawsuit as playing into Trump's hand and if it goes to court the administration wins by losing. Jim Acosta plays the role of hated antagonist so perfectly, the Major Frank Burns of the White House press corps.

Trump loses because they see more and more how petty and unhinged Trump is.
“This is some grade-A, primo historical revisionism.

When it comes to being anti-media, Trump only talks a big game. And, boy, does he talk. Obama, on the other hand, is a man of action. As president, he did much more than complain about Fox News. His administration spent eight long years curbing the press freedoms of journalists of every stripe. Obama was a pro at this.

In 2009, for example, the Obama White House intentionally excluded Fox News’ Chris Wallace from participating in a round of interviews pertaining to the president’s push for healthcare reform. Later that same year, the administration officials tried to block Fox reporters from interviewing “pay czar” Kenneth Feinberg. The White House initially lied about this, and many in the press went along with it. It wasn’t until 2011 that the public learned the truth of the Feinberg episode. An internal email dated Oct. 22, 2009, showed the White House director of broadcast media told Treasury officials specifically, “We’d prefer if you skip Fox please.”

The Obama White House communications director, Anita Dunn, said at the time, “We’re going to treat them the way we would treat an opponent. As they are undertaking a war against Barack Obama and the White House, we don’t need to pretend that this is the way that legitimate news organizations behave.”

That language about "legitimate news organizations" and "opponents" is only different from the things Trump says by degree, not by kind.

Or remember when the Associated Press revealed in May 2013 that the Justice Department had secretly collected two months' worth of personal and work-related phone calls made by AP reporters and editors? The Justice Department secretly obtained records on incoming and outgoing calls made by specific AP journalists, as well as general news staff, the news group reported. Federal investigators even collected data on calls made by AP reporters in the House of Representatives press gallery.

Obama, whose administration prosecuted and spied on reporters, claims Trump is very bad for criticizing newsrooms

I wish Pres. Trump would just go ahead and ban CNN from attending all White House media events. .... :thup:

Awww. Poor snowflakes can’t handle the big bad press and their tricky questions ?
Obama only spied on the press and their families to silence them.
Hell he wanted to arrest Rosen and charge him with treason.

The guy from the “failing New York Times”? Of course obama was looking for people who leaked secret info. He didn’t have a personal agenda with the times .
Anyone can sue anyone else for any reason. When you are willing to pay on an hourly basis, you can always find a lawyer to pursue your case, and even speaks to the Media to make it sound like it's not bullshit. But in order to prevail, you have to have a CASE.

NO ONE has a "First Amendment" right to a White House Press pass. They are a PRIVILEGE, that can be revoked for any rational reason. While you cannot be "silenced" based on the content of your speech (except on a college campus), Acosta was not exiled for the content of his speech, but rather for blatant disrespect of the President and the process. There is no doubt that if CNN decided to send in another asshole, that person could participate on the same basis as everyone else.


The White House does not belong to Trump. He is just living there rent free. It belongs to the people and he has no right to deny access to real journalists.
No, that was another one. And don’t forget Cbs as well, they spied on.
I wish Pres. Trump would just go ahead and ban CNN from attending all White House media events. .... :thup:

Awww. Poor snowflakes can’t handle the big bad press and their tricky questions ?
Obama only spied on the press and their families to silence them.
Hell he wanted to arrest Rosen and charge him with treason.

The guy from the “failing New York Times”? Of course obama was looking for people who leaked secret info. He didn’t have a personal agenda with the times .
Was James Rosen from the NYT?
Anyone can sue anyone else for any reason. When you are willing to pay on an hourly basis, you can always find a lawyer to pursue your case, and even speaks to the Media to make it sound like it's not bullshit. But in order to prevail, you have to have a CASE.

NO ONE has a "First Amendment" right to a White House Press pass. They are a PRIVILEGE, that can be revoked for any rational reason. While you cannot be "silenced" based on the content of your speech (except on a college campus), Acosta was not exiled for the content of his speech, but rather for blatant disrespect of the President and the process. There is no doubt that if CNN decided to send in another asshole, that person could participate on the same basis as everyone else.


The White House does not belong to Trump. He is just living there rent free. It belongs to the people and he has no right to deny access to real journalists.
Well get back to us when Acosta becomes a real journalist!
Perhaps the White House will shut down the White House Press Corps altogether?

Do away with daily briefings?

Invite a handpicked and select list of correspondents to attend session on-demand?

That would certainly level the playing field, eh?

That way, all the other networks can get angry at CNN for getting them kicked out, too?

Why don’t we just have state controlled media! Like any good dictatorship . He’ll, foxnews is available .
Yeah, they can be the new Pravda.
CNN should sue. An insecure and unhinged President should not be able to expel reporters he wishes to avoid. A president has to be held accountable. We do not want a Putin wannabe as President do we?
The law says he can. Tough shit for Acosta and CNN. Reporters should be allowed to behave like a mob.
You just have to laugh at these assholes. They are turning the media into a laughing stock. All those who said CNN should be penalized for Acosta's bad behavior, here is what you asked for:

CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House after Trump administration revoked Jim Acosta's media credentials, alleges a veteran journalist who claims he has been asked to write an affidavit on the broadcaster's behalf

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House over Jim Acosta's press credentials being revoked last week Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, said CNN had a strong case for a lawsuit

Former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson revealed he had been asked to help prepare an affidavit to support CNN's case

He initially said he understood CNN and Acosta had already filed the lawsuit

But CNN later said a decision has not yet been made in regards to legal action

CNN might be preparing to sue the White House after the Trump administration revoked reporter Jim Acosta's media credentials.

Floyd Abrams, a veteran lawyer and expert in First Amendment law, told CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday that the network had a strong case after Acosta's press access was revoked last week.

'I think it's a really strong lawsuit,' Abrams said.

'I can understand CNN being reluctant to sue because the president keeps saying CNN is the enemy of me, and CNN might have reluctance to have a lawsuit titled 'CNN vs. Donald Trump.' That said, yes, I think they should sue.'

You and Trump and his supporters are the only assholes I see. The White House belongs to the people not to Trump. Acosta did absolutely nothing wrong in holding Trump accountable.
Actually, while he's president, he has a zero dollar least of the premises. That means, for all intents and purposes, that it's his property. He makes all the decisions as to what goes on there. If you don't like it, then impeach him. Otherwise you're stuck with it.
CNN is 'preparing to SUE' the White House ..


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