CNN Has Played Right Into Trump’s Hands...AGAIN!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press...

That sounds awfully close to claiming that anyone from "the press" ought to have the right (?) to White House credentials.

I'm sure CNN realizes there's only just so much room for representatives of various news organizations. Not everyone can get in. A reporter from our local college newspaper for example, although a dedicated journalist, probably can't get credentials. Seems to me White House credentials for White House provided press briefings in the White House ought to be controlled by, well, the White House. I don't think any news organization can claim a right or entitlement to such credentials. I would be particularly skeptical of such a claim by a "news organization" that had shown such obvious bias that mostly what they put out is well-spun propaganda message and agenda, not news.

I think CNN is going to have to show some inherent right to claim a set of credentials over and above all other news organizations that don't currently have representatives there. Basically an impossible task. They (CNN) are no better, and if falling ratings are any indication probably significantly worse, than any other news organization.

Now to top it all off have that young, pretty intern, that Acosta SLAPPED 2 TIMES make an ASSAULT police report, and have that self centered prick, REALLY be the subject of news tomorrow!

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In what has become one of the dumbest stories of the year, CNN sued President Trump Tuesday.

The litigation alleges the White House did not have grounds to revoke the press credential of reporter Jim Acosta, whom Trump berated during a post-election press conference last Wednesday.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court,” read a statement from the network. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process.”

Not only was the White House unfazed by the lawsuit, they welcomed it.

According to the complaint, CNN made several attempts to reach a resolution with the Trump administration, threatening to sue if Acosta’s credential was not returned.

These threats were ignored, because as far as the White House is concerned, the longer Trump’s feud with Acosta stays in the news, the better. As the Daily Beast points out, several administration officials “have said that they privately celebrate whenever a Trump vs. Acosta narrative emerges in the national press,” as if there’s one front on which the president has consistently won since taking office, it’s his war on the media.

This latest tiff with Acosta is just another skirmish to fall in the president’s favor, even if — or maybe especially if — Acosta is able to return to the White House.
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press...

That sounds awfully close to claiming that anyone from "the press" ought to have the right (?) to White House credentials.

I'm sure CNN realizes there's only just so much room for representatives of various news organizations. Not everyone can get in. A reporter from our local college newspaper for example, although a dedicated journalist, probably can't get credentials. Seems to me White House credentials for White House provided press briefings in the White House ought to be controlled by, well, the White House. I don't think any news organization can claim a right or entitlement to such credentials. I would be particularly skeptical of such a claim by a "news organization" that had shown such obvious bias that mostly what they put out is well-spun propaganda message and agenda, not news.

I think CNN is going to have to show some inherent right to claim a set of credentials over and above all other news organizations that don't currently have representatives there. Basically an impossible task. They (CNN) are no better, and if falling ratings are any indication probably significantly worse, than any other news organization.

Now to top it all off have that young, pretty intern, that Acosta SLAPPED 2 TIMES make an ASSAULT police report, and have that self centered prick, REALLY be the subject of news tomorrow!

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In what has become one of the dumbest stories of the year, CNN sued President Trump Tuesday.

The litigation alleges the White House did not have grounds to revoke the press credential of reporter Jim Acosta, whom Trump berated during a post-election press conference last Wednesday.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court,” read a statement from the network. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process.”

Not only was the White House unfazed by the lawsuit, they welcomed it.

According to the complaint, CNN made several attempts to reach a resolution with the Trump administration, threatening to sue if Acosta’s credential was not returned.

These threats were ignored, because as far as the White House is concerned, the longer Trump’s feud with Acosta stays in the news, the better. As the Daily Beast points out, several administration officials “have said that they privately celebrate whenever a Trump vs. Acosta narrative emerges in the national press,” as if there’s one front on which the president has consistently won since taking office, it’s his war on the media.

This latest tiff with Acosta is just another skirmish to fall in the president’s favor, even if — or maybe especially if — Acosta is able to return to the White House.

At the same time if one of the biggest news organizations in the country loses credentials, then there's a problem, right?
And another SOURCE heard from.....

Laughable Fake News CNN and Crybaby Jim Acosta File Lawsuit Against Trump

Read more at The Olive Report ^

It has finally happened, a member of the elitist press has filed a lawsuit against the Trump White House. CNN and their chief antagonist Jim Acosta have filed a lawsuit against the Trump White House because Trump dared to remove the press credentials of Jim Acosta for his blatant disrespect and discourtesy towards Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the president, and the rest of the White House press pool.

Take a look:

Acosta is an ill-mannered lout who does not deserve to be in the White House press pool. “Let the man ask a question,” is the refrain heard “round the world,” are you serious??? Jimmy baby asked more like 4 questions. The way this always works is: you get ONE question, and maybe a follow up. EVERYONE in the press pool knows this including Acosta. And, Trump DID answer his question.

Jim Acosta has a history of being rude, disruptive, and a jerk. He is also being discourteous to his fellow journalists, (not to mention the president) who have their own stories to write and want to ask their own questions. This is why everyone is limited in the number of questions they can ask. Acosta however thinks he is above the rules and that he is special (remind you of anyone – like Hillary Clinton maybe?). Trump has put up with his crap for a long time; Acosta got what he deserves and should have been thrown out long ago for his disrespectful treatment of Sarah Huckabee Sanders and President Trump.
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press...

That sounds awfully close to claiming that anyone from "the press" ought to have the right (?) to White House credentials.

I'm sure CNN realizes there's only just so much room for representatives of various news organizations. Not everyone can get in. A reporter from our local college newspaper for example, although a dedicated journalist, probably can't get credentials. Seems to me White House credentials for White House provided press briefings in the White House ought to be controlled by, well, the White House. I don't think any news organization can claim a right or entitlement to such credentials. I would be particularly skeptical of such a claim by a "news organization" that had shown such obvious bias that mostly what they put out is well-spun propaganda message and agenda, not news.

I think CNN is going to have to show some inherent right to claim a set of credentials over and above all other news organizations that don't currently have representatives there. Basically an impossible task. They (CNN) are no better, and if falling ratings are any indication probably significantly worse, than any other news organization.

Now to top it all off have that young, pretty intern, that Acosta SLAPPED 2 TIMES make an ASSAULT police report, and have that self centered prick, REALLY be the subject of news tomorrow!

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In what has become one of the dumbest stories of the year, CNN sued President Trump Tuesday.

The litigation alleges the White House did not have grounds to revoke the press credential of reporter Jim Acosta, whom Trump berated during a post-election press conference last Wednesday.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court,” read a statement from the network. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process.”

Not only was the White House unfazed by the lawsuit, they welcomed it.

According to the complaint, CNN made several attempts to reach a resolution with the Trump administration, threatening to sue if Acosta’s credential was not returned.

These threats were ignored, because as far as the White House is concerned, the longer Trump’s feud with Acosta stays in the news, the better. As the Daily Beast points out, several administration officials “have said that they privately celebrate whenever a Trump vs. Acosta narrative emerges in the national press,” as if there’s one front on which the president has consistently won since taking office, it’s his war on the media.

This latest tiff with Acosta is just another skirmish to fall in the president’s favor, even if — or maybe especially if — Acosta is able to return to the White House.

At the same time if one of the biggest news organizations in the country loses credentials, then there's a problem, right?
CNN didn't lose credentials....just one sleazy reporter, Jim Acosta lost HIS credentials....hey CNN, send someone else to cover the president!
To be fair, CNN hasn't lost access. Their chosen representative has.

If CNN decides to fall on their proverbial sword over a clearly disruptive and possibly felonious representative, then let the chips fall where they may.



To be fair, CNN hasn't lost access. Their chosen representative has.

If CNN decides to fall on their proverbial sword over a clearly disruptive and possibly felonious representative, then let the chips fall where they may.

I'm siding with the office of the President on this one. When you're making it about you; you're no longer reporting the news.

From CNN's standpoint, they should just keep sending aggressive reporters up there and make the White House respond. But the White House/President is not all together wrong on this one.
To be fair, CNN hasn't lost access. Their chosen representative has.

If CNN decides to fall on their proverbial sword over a clearly disruptive and possibly felonious representative, then let the chips fall where they may.

I'm siding with the office of the President on this one. When you're making it about you; you're no longer reporting the news.

From CNN's standpoint, they should just keep sending aggressive reporters up there and make the White House respond. But the White House/President is not all together wrong on this one.

The problem here is that Trump knows how the media works, he believes that any publicity is better than no publicity.

The media knows the same thing. They're a PRIVATE BUSINESS out to make MONEY.

I can't easily find the historical statistics of how many people watch the TV news, but I'm betting CNN is doing better now than before.
Can we stop calling them the media?....they are democrat anti christian white male progressive propagandists...

There is a real temptation to attribute political motivations to media companies. At the end of the day, they're businesses.

If Fox thought they could gain a few million extra views by changing their narrative to attract gay fans of musical theatre ... Liza Minnelli and Neil Patrick Harris would be their new marquee anchors.


Same with CNN, they slant their news to appeal to their target demographic.
To be fair, CNN hasn't lost access. Their chosen representative has.

If CNN decides to fall on their proverbial sword over a clearly disruptive and possibly felonious representative, then let the chips fall where they may.
You fair? Lol
The orange has been criticized and fucked hundreds of times...not one you criticized worship him dude.
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press...

That sounds awfully close to claiming that anyone from "the press" ought to have the right (?) to White House credentials.

I'm sure CNN realizes there's only just so much room for representatives of various news organizations. Not everyone can get in. A reporter from our local college newspaper for example, although a dedicated journalist, probably can't get credentials. Seems to me White House credentials for White House provided press briefings in the White House ought to be controlled by, well, the White House. I don't think any news organization can claim a right or entitlement to such credentials. I would be particularly skeptical of such a claim by a "news organization" that had shown such obvious bias that mostly what they put out is well-spun propaganda message and agenda, not news.

I think CNN is going to have to show some inherent right to claim a set of credentials over and above all other news organizations that don't currently have representatives there. Basically an impossible task. They (CNN) are no better, and if falling ratings are any indication probably significantly worse, than any other news organization.

Now to top it all off have that young, pretty intern, that Acosta SLAPPED 2 TIMES make an ASSAULT police report, and have that self centered prick, REALLY be the subject of news tomorrow!

Read more at ^

In what has become one of the dumbest stories of the year, CNN sued President Trump Tuesday.

The litigation alleges the White House did not have grounds to revoke the press credential of reporter Jim Acosta, whom Trump berated during a post-election press conference last Wednesday.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court,” read a statement from the network. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process.”

Not only was the White House unfazed by the lawsuit, they welcomed it.

According to the complaint, CNN made several attempts to reach a resolution with the Trump administration, threatening to sue if Acosta’s credential was not returned.

These threats were ignored, because as far as the White House is concerned, the longer Trump’s feud with Acosta stays in the news, the better. As the Daily Beast points out, several administration officials “have said that they privately celebrate whenever a Trump vs. Acosta narrative emerges in the national press,” as if there’s one front on which the president has consistently won since taking office, it’s his war on the media.

This latest tiff with Acosta is just another skirmish to fall in the president’s favor, even if — or maybe especially if — Acosta is able to return to the White House.

At the same time if one of the biggest news organizations in the country loses credentials, then there's a problem, right?
CNN has only one employee?
To be fair, CNN hasn't lost access. Their chosen representative has.

If CNN decides to fall on their proverbial sword over a clearly disruptive and possibly felonious representative, then let the chips fall where they may.
You fair? Lol
The orange has been criticized and fucked hundreds of times...not one you criticized worship him dude.
You know that CNN is a "media"or merdia:9: in French like we have in France and all medias should be neutral ? what do you think about CNN ?
The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press...

That sounds awfully close to claiming that anyone from "the press" ought to have the right (?) to White House credentials.

I'm sure CNN realizes there's only just so much room for representatives of various news organizations. Not everyone can get in. A reporter from our local college newspaper for example, although a dedicated journalist, probably can't get credentials. Seems to me White House credentials for White House provided press briefings in the White House ought to be controlled by, well, the White House. I don't think any news organization can claim a right or entitlement to such credentials. I would be particularly skeptical of such a claim by a "news organization" that had shown such obvious bias that mostly what they put out is well-spun propaganda message and agenda, not news.

I think CNN is going to have to show some inherent right to claim a set of credentials over and above all other news organizations that don't currently have representatives there. Basically an impossible task. They (CNN) are no better, and if falling ratings are any indication probably significantly worse, than any other news organization.

Now to top it all off have that young, pretty intern, that Acosta SLAPPED 2 TIMES make an ASSAULT police report, and have that self centered prick, REALLY be the subject of news tomorrow!

Read more at ^

In what has become one of the dumbest stories of the year, CNN sued President Trump Tuesday.

The litigation alleges the White House did not have grounds to revoke the press credential of reporter Jim Acosta, whom Trump berated during a post-election press conference last Wednesday.

“CNN filed a lawsuit against the Trump Administration this morning in DC District Court,” read a statement from the network. “It demands the return of the White House credentials of CNN’s Chief White House correspondent, Jim Acosta. The wrongful revocation of these credentials violates CNN and Acosta’s First Amendment rights of freedom of the press, and their Fifth Amendment rights to due process. We have asked this court for an immediate restraining order requiring the pass be returned to Jim, and will seek permanent relief as part of this process.”

Not only was the White House unfazed by the lawsuit, they welcomed it.

According to the complaint, CNN made several attempts to reach a resolution with the Trump administration, threatening to sue if Acosta’s credential was not returned.

These threats were ignored, because as far as the White House is concerned, the longer Trump’s feud with Acosta stays in the news, the better. As the Daily Beast points out, several administration officials “have said that they privately celebrate whenever a Trump vs. Acosta narrative emerges in the national press,” as if there’s one front on which the president has consistently won since taking office, it’s his war on the media.

This latest tiff with Acosta is just another skirmish to fall in the president’s favor, even if — or maybe especially if — Acosta is able to return to the White House.

At the same time if one of the biggest news organizations in the country loses credentials, then there's a problem, right?

Just Albilo Acosta, moron .....and he has just been put in "time out".

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