Cloward-Piven Strategy / Alinsky's Rules well underway to take down USA


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."

You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yep, yep, yep, and yep. And we are so stupid, we are going to continue the destruction by electing another big Alinsky fan. Hitlery.

Where do you folks get this silly shit? Have you read Hillary's thesis on Alinksky? She take the man apart, talking about how his entire premise and strategy was ineffective, inconsistent, and inapplicable. It was a 92 page decimation of the man's entire philosophy.

But in the echo chamber you say any silly nonsense you like....and no one calls you on it. No one questions any it. And its not like any of you are gonna fact check a fucking thing. So you just keep repeating demonstrable bullshit to each other.

And it never even occurs to you think for yourself or question anything you're told to think.
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You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.

I don't know that and I don't care. I watch what Obama does and he is indeed following the Cloward-Piven strategy. He also was a fan of Alinsky and it shows in everything he does.

If past lies make one's current opinions meaningless, then Hillary, Obama, Reid, Pelosi, Warren and too many others to count should just shut the hell up since their opinions no longer count for anything.

I get the feeling that a lot of Obama and Hillary supporters either know the radical plans and approve or they never bothered to read them and are just useful idiots. One rule is that it is necessary to lie about the endgame or people would turn away in droves.

Some people are too busy to bother understanding what is really happening, some are too stupid to get it, some would sell their mother for more free shit and some want to destroy the country so they go along. And all attack anyone who points out that there is a plan.
Obama would have to go very far indeed to do more damage than the Bush league. They achieved a strategy for passing on to the near future almost no choice.
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."
I would think that the best way to carry out all that destruction would be to suck as much money out of general circulation and away from the average citizen as possible and park it with a very few people where it never circulates or...even better...disappears overseas.
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."

You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Obama did not need to meet him directly to follow the program.
Obama had Ayers and Dorn and THEY taught him the program.
Hillary MET Alinsky as well. She wrote her final on him which is now SEALED.
Real grassroots populism always scares the aristocracy and their toadies. It has always been painted as subversive and dangerous and it is, for them, for a society as whole it is generally a good thing. Americans almost forgot the power they have but now they are starting to wake up some and the people who owe their wealth and position to apathy and low voter turnout are worried.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."
I would think that the best way to carry out all that destruction would be to suck as much money out of general circulation and away from the average citizen as possible and park it with a very few people where it never circulates or...even better...disappears overseas.
Obama did alot of that in his first term.
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."

You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Obama did not need to meet him directly to follow the program.
Obama had Ayers and Dorn and THEY taught him the program.
Hillary MET Alinsky as well. She wrote her final on him which is now SEALED.
Hillary despises the middle class, i just cant wait till Marco Rubio tears her to shreds in the debates while the Hispanics finally see what a fraud she is.
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

I do not see a distinction between our political system and our economic system, in a plutocracy they are the same thing. Look at these people who are going to bat for the 1% and their pet politicians and despair, they think the richest people are supposed to have all the money and the power. Things are changing though, by flinging the "socialist" label around when anyone suggests that our plutocracy is unsustainable the toadies have totally removed the stigma from the term.
Obama is following the plan to the letter. He taught Alinsky's methods and he is clearly a fan of the Cloward-Piven strategy. Everything he and other far left liberals have done is right from the book. Only pointing out the article since it supports this, but many figured out years ago where some liberals want to take this country. Hillary is another fan of the anti-capitalism, big government loving, radical leftwing kooks and she will continue where Obama leaves off.

"Former Libertarian vice presidential nominee and entrepreneur Wayne Allyn Root asserts in a commentary earlier this month on Personal Liberty that "Obama is divebombing our nation’s economy the same way that the Germanwings airline co-pilot Andreas Lubitz crashed his plane into the ground in France two months ago." He called the plan the "Cloward-Piven strategy."

The plan is simple: To destroy capitalism and ‘American exceptionalism,’ you overwhelm the system with spending, entitlements, regulations and debt. The economy comes to a halt; full-time jobs are killed; businesses fail in record numbers; the middle class is murdered financially; the debt implodes; and the economy is overwhelmed.

Root graduated from Columbia University in 1983, the same year as Obama.

Capitalism dies as a majority of Americans wind up hooked on welfare, food stamps, free healthcare and government checks like a drug addict is hooked by a drug dealer on heroin, or crack cocaine, or crystal meth. Obama is America’s drug dealer. But his drug of choice is government dependency," Root continued.

To make this plan work, Obama needs you hopeless, helpless, clueless and losing all faith in God, yourself, individualism, personal responsibility and capitalism. He needs you scared out of your wits and desperate. He needs you believing that only government can save you."

You do realize that Root doesn't know Obama and has already admitted that he never took a single class with him nor ever spoke to him at Columbia.

Making Root's opinions essentially meaningless. As he doesn't know what he's talking about.
That is what everyone says about Obama.

Has any "fellow classmate" ever been found?
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

I do not see a distinction between our political system and our economic system, in a plutocracy they are the same thing. Look at these people who are going to bat for the 1% and their pet politicians and despair, they think the richest people are supposed to have all the money and the power. Things are changing though, by flinging the "socialist" label around when anyone suggests that our plutocracy is unsustainable the toadies have totally removed the stigma from the term.
That is true, the Right has completely diluted and trivialized and cartoon-ized the term "socialist" just as the Left has done with "racist". That does no one any good.

I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The plutocracy can be reduced within our present system, and maybe what you're seeing is the beginning of that.

I'd rather give capitalism without a plutocracy a chance. The two can be mutually exclusive. Then we see.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

It is the fault of American Idol Nation for watching TV, letting the media tell them who to vote for and generally failing in their duties as citizens.
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

It is the fault of American Idol Nation for watching TV, letting the media tell them who to vote for and generally failing in their duties as citizens.

I believe that virtually all of our problems are cultural in their DNA.

As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

I do not see a distinction between our political system and our economic system, in a plutocracy they are the same thing. Look at these people who are going to bat for the 1% and their pet politicians and despair, they think the richest people are supposed to have all the money and the power. Things are changing though, by flinging the "socialist" label around when anyone suggests that our plutocracy is unsustainable the toadies have totally removed the stigma from the term.
That is true, the Right has completely diluted and trivialized and cartoon-ized the term "socialist" just as the Left has done with "racist". That does no one any good.

I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The plutocracy can be reduced within our present system, and maybe what you're seeing is the beginning of that.

I'd rather give capitalism without a plutocracy a chance. The two can be mutually exclusive. Then we see.

Capitalism can certainly work without creating a plutocracy, it is possible to make money without being exploitative and corrupt.
As to capitalism dying, if it cannot function without the "job creators" sucking the bulk of wealth out the economy and controlling the government for their own narrow ends then it needs to die.
The fact that politicians are bought and paid for by big business is a function of our political system, not our economic system.

That could change overnight if we really wanted it to. That's not the fault of capitalism, that's our own fault for allowing this political/campaign system to continue.

I do not see a distinction between our political system and our economic system, in a plutocracy they are the same thing. Look at these people who are going to bat for the 1% and their pet politicians and despair, they think the richest people are supposed to have all the money and the power. Things are changing though, by flinging the "socialist" label around when anyone suggests that our plutocracy is unsustainable the toadies have totally removed the stigma from the term.
That is true, the Right has completely diluted and trivialized and cartoon-ized the term "socialist" just as the Left has done with "racist". That does no one any good.

I don't believe in throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The plutocracy can be reduced within our present system, and maybe what you're seeing is the beginning of that.

I'd rather give capitalism without a plutocracy a chance. The two can be mutually exclusive. Then we see.

Capitalism can certainly work without creating a plutocracy, it is possible to make money without being exploitative and corrupt.
That statement should be the foundational piece and starting point for any conversation on this topic.

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