Closest country to the U.S.A, in all aspects?


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.
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Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
There is no other country like America, now or in history.

Some must be closer than others, however?

Depends, if you mean political or government style... or cultural...
None really come that close in all aspects.
I don't profess to be an expert or experience in other countries cultural style.
There are plenty of countries that you can live in day to day and your life wouldn't be that different than here, a little more freedom in some ways, and a little less in others.
If you're looking for a place to run from all this Leftist madness and destruction......

Forget about it. The Tentacles of Progressive insanity has become a global pandemic. Nowhere safe left to run.....

Maybe sign up for one of those Mars colonization trips?

Oh wait....there IS this tiny uninhabited atoll about 100ft by 230ft located at latitude
13°23'15.3"N....and........ah...never mind, I might need it
Last edited:
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.
There is no other country like America, now or in history.

There's a big difference between "close" and "closest".

No countries like America? Really?

That's a debate that could rage for a long time. Clearly there are things that other countries have that are similar, and others are much more different.

Clearly the UK is closer to the US than Saudi Arabia, for example.

It's a definition of what similar means. If you want to be a pedant, you can ignore everything if you so choose.
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.
Is it France, Poland, Ireland, Britain, Germany, Israel etc. etc.?

Points I'll make.

- France donated the Statue of Liberty, and fought for the U.S.A with vital support in the American Revolutionary War, France also fought with the U.S.A in 2 World-Wars.
There's also some French culture in the U.S.A, like the Cajuns.

- Poland, donated generals to the American Revolutionary War like Kosciuszko, and Pulaski, Poland had the first Philosophical Constitution in Europe, akin to the U.S.A, the Polish philosopher Gaslicki influenced Thomas Jefferson, and Gaslicki's phrase was "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are create equal"
Also Poland holds similar sentiments with Americans, being that Poland's most anti-Islamic, and anti-Communist than most countries in Europe.
Also note that Poland's one of the most pro-European nations in Europe today, if not the most so.

- Ireland, they contributed a large percentage of population to the U.S.A, and have included Pub grub to the U.S.A menu.
Not to mention a lot of U.S.A Presidents have been of Irish heritage, some of them Ulster Irish, but some Irish Catholic in origins too like J.F.K, or Reagan.

- Britain, this is obvious, that English is spoken in America, by most, and that much of the U.S.A population, and Founding Fathers were of British extractions, including Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc. etc.
Also British contributed to some customs in the U.S.A.
However, there's some friction there, considering the American Revolutionary War, and War of 1812 Britain fought the U.S.A.
Also note that British tend to be far-Left of Americans today.

- Germany, they are the biggest ethnic contributors of the U.S.A, they contributed to Hamburger's, Hotdogs, and Iron Crosses to the Motorcycle scene.
Not to mention some leaders, like Eisenhower.
However, Germans have always seemed to be enemies of the U.S.A, from the Hessians to Kaiser to Hitler.

- Israel, I don't really get why people would think this one, but I just put it up because so many people seem to think Israel is our greatest ally, I guess Jews did influence the American Bagel cuisine, and influenced the Bible.
Not to mention are fighting Islamist's, yada, yada.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
It’s so cool that you think it’s 1790.
If you’re living in the distant past, stop using the Internet.

What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
You are basing current Ally Status on history.
In other words, you are as stupid as ever.
What's that supposed to mean?

Does this mean your vote is for Israel?
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
You are basing current Ally Status on history.
In other words, you are as stupid as ever.

I don't necessarily mean "Ally" here, I also mean closest all around, including cultural contributions, but also historical contributions, and then agenda closeness. etc. etc.

I don't know how Israel is the best Ally, though?

Britain, Poland, Australia etc. have all come forward more for the U.S.A in recent years than Israel.

Although I will admit that both the U.S.A, and Israel played a role together in manufacturing the rise of ISIS by supporting rebels allied with ISIS against Assad.
You are basing Ally Status on history not relevent to today.
Since you’re stuck in pre-Internet history, stop using the Internet.

History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
You are basing current Ally Status on history.
In other words, you are as stupid as ever.

I don't necessarily mean "Ally" here, I also mean closest all around, including cultural contributions, but also historical contributions, and then agenda closeness. etc. etc.
The US parties with Poland all the time...not.
History is important, even if the present is also important.

I've clearly put both inputs into the situation.

Israel hasn't even fought in a real war beside the U.S.A, not even Iraq.

Although, perhaps in Syria both the U.S.A, and Israel were aligned with the anti-Assad side, AKA the side aligned with ISIS, and Al Qaeda.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
You are basing current Ally Status on history.
In other words, you are as stupid as ever.

I don't necessarily mean "Ally" here, I also mean closest all around, including cultural contributions, but also historical contributions, and then agenda closeness. etc. etc.
The US parties with Poland all the time...not.

Let's face it without AIPAC, and some other Jewish / Zionist institutions, and Neo-con influences, I'm doubtful anyone would've considered Israel as an ally.
Read your posts, Shit4Brains.
I hope you realize that God is with the Jews.
Not one Israeli military victory since 1948 makes sense.
God chooses the victor, not Jew hating losers such as yourself.

Even though Jews like Wolfowitz, and Perle played a role in getting the U.S involved in Iraq, Israel didn't get involved, I can't think of any time Israel has particularly helped the U.S.A.

As for Poland, they were with America in Operation Simoom rescuing U.S spies from Iraq in 1990, exposed Soviet secrets to the U.S.A with Ryszard Kuklinski, and fought with the U.S.A in Iraq, even hosting the CIA camps for Islamic terrorists during W. Bush's war in Iraq.
You are basing current Ally Status on history.
In other words, you are as stupid as ever.

I don't necessarily mean "Ally" here, I also mean closest all around, including cultural contributions, but also historical contributions, and then agenda closeness. etc. etc.
The US parties with Poland all the time...not.

Let's face it without AIPAC, and some other Jewish / Zionist institutions, and Neo-con influences, I'm doubtful anyone would've considered Israel as an ally.
Israel is the only nation in the UN continuously under attack.
I’m sure you love all the Muslim and African nations.

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