Clinton proclaims'Muslims ... have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism'

...I don't know any Democrats, personally or on the Internet, who say, "It's not so bad", if by that you mean mass murders of innocents. The only demographic are those who oppose any form of gun control, even after the mass murders to afflict our country.
Snapshot metaphor for the endless yammering of Democrats who tell us that it's only an isolated incident and not reflective of a belief system nor its dogma and entirely Atypical... again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again... tell us... how many Atypicals in a Typical ??? !!!

When asked the question: "Have you had enough yet?" - in connection with Islam - most Americans nowadays would answer: "Yeah - I'm there."

It is that disconnect between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, on the one hand, and Mainstream America, on the other, that is going to weigh heavily against the Democrats, within the next year.

It may, but if voters return the neo cons to power they will be expecting something to change from the last fiasco they delivered; they won't so invest in body bags, we will need them. Leopards don't change their spots, and don't expect if the Republicans keep the majority in both houses of Congress they will govern differently - the path to a plutocracy will be paved for the power elite to change America for decades.
Then give people a sane alternative.

What the Democrats are serving-up at the moment is not even close.

And most Americans know it.
This is simply a ridiculously broadbrushed ignorant statement:

'Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.'

How any person with even a hint of intelligence can say such words is nothing short of all out pandering.

She is trying to tell you to stop demonizing innocent people. Is that too much to ask?

So, you are of the opinion that we should kill them all, and let god sort them out. Is that correct?

Obama understands, at least it seems to me, that we have a duty to protect the innocent and kill the guilty. He's done a pretty good job killing the leadership of the criminal murderers, and not killing innocent women, children and their dads and fathers.

Somehow that makes him evil, incompetent or a traitor, at least in your mind and the mind of the neo cons who brought us Iraq and the deaths of 4,500 Americans and seriously wounding of tens of thousands of other members of our military men and women.

And you wonder why I think you and others like you are fucked up.

So, you are of the opinion that we should kill them all, and let god sort them out. Is that correct?

Obama understands, at least it seems to me, that we have a duty to protect the innocent and kill the guilty. He's done a pretty good job killing the leadership of the criminal murderers, and not killing innocent women, children and their dads and fathers.

Somehow that makes him evil, incompetent or a traitor, at least in your mind and the mind of the neo cons who brought us Iraq and the deaths of 4,500 Americans and seriously wounding of tens of thousands of other members of our military men and women.

And you wonder why I think you and others like you are fucked up.

Well El Stupido, in case you were not aware, we have an all volunteer military. These men and women all realize that the best way to make rank is to have a combat role in a combat zone. Many of them volunteer to multiple tours within a combat zone.

As far as Obama protecting the defenseless, he is perfectly fine with funding Planned Parenthood with $500 Million in taxpayer money.
Yes, he has expended several $2 Million dollar missiles in order to kill one individual. These expenditures accomplish nothing but antagonizing the enemy. It's thee guys with the guns he needs to kill and he needs to kill a lot of them. Even George Bush stated that there was nothing to be gained militarily be going after Bin Laden. That was proven to be true.
In before the left bring up Timothy McVeigh.


Fucking liberals are a greater threat than them in my estimation.
Most violence on the world stage has one thing in common... Muslims.
George Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.

No. He killed more Islamic terrorist than Isis did. Did you forget to check your book of politically correct English?
Who's counting terrorists?

Bush killed about 120,000 Iraqi civilians...

Iraq Body Count

.... ISIS ... about 46,000
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Most violence on the world stage has one thing in common... Muslims.
George Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.

No. He killed more Islamic terrorist than Isis did. Did you forget to check your book of politically correct English?
Who's counting terrorists?

Bush killed about 120,000 Iraqi civilians...

Iraq Body Count

.... ISIS ... about 46,000
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
George Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.

No. He killed more Islamic terrorist than Isis did. Did you forget to check your book of politically correct English?
Who's counting terrorists?

Bush killed about 120,000 Iraqi civilians...

Iraq Body Count

.... ISIS ... about 46,000
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
No. He killed more Islamic terrorist than Isis did. Did you forget to check your book of politically correct English?
Who's counting terrorists?

Bush killed about 120,000 Iraqi civilians...

Iraq Body Count

.... ISIS ... about 46,000
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Who's counting terrorists?

Bush killed about 120,000 Iraqi civilians...

Iraq Body Count

.... ISIS ... about 46,000
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...who knows how many of those so called "civilians" were NOT terrorists
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
That website keeps track. That's how we know.

Bush killed more Moslems than ISIS.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Na, not buying it...
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Who cares what you buy?
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Aww, how sad. :( You had the opportunity to show there were hundreds of thousands of insurgents/terrorists in Iraq to prove your point; but instead, opt to hurl a pejorative in lieu of demonstrating you're not as full of shit as you appear. :eusa_doh:
There is no way to verify so called "civilian" Muslims from any other...
Your not a very good salesman
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Aww, how sad. :( You had the opportunity to show there were hundreds of thousands of insurgents/terrorists in Iraq to prove your point; but instead, opt to hurl a pejorative in lieu of demonstrating you're not as full of shit as you appear. :eusa_doh:
It's best to wait a year or two in letting any of these Muslims into the country...
Of course there is. Just one example... Muslims trying to kill Americans were insurgents/terrorists. Iraqi families with no weapons were civilians.
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Aww, how sad. :( You had the opportunity to show there were hundreds of thousands of insurgents/terrorists in Iraq to prove your point; but instead, opt to hurl a pejorative in lieu of demonstrating you're not as full of shit as you appear. :eusa_doh:
It's best to wait a year or two in letting any of these Muslims into the country...
You know that has nothing to do with anything I said, right?
...that's a stupid explanation
Nah, stupid is thinking unarmed families are terrorists. Even worse for your vacuous defense is that there weren't that many insurgents in Iraq.
Aww, how sad. :( You had the opportunity to show there were hundreds of thousands of insurgents/terrorists in Iraq to prove your point; but instead, opt to hurl a pejorative in lieu of demonstrating you're not as full of shit as you appear. :eusa_doh:
It's best to wait a year or two in letting any of these Muslims into the country...
You know that has nothing to do with anything I said, right?
Deflecting your deflection

So, you are of the opinion that we should kill them all, and let god sort them out. Is that correct?

Obama understands, at least it seems to me, that we have a duty to protect the innocent and kill the guilty. He's done a pretty good job killing the leadership of the criminal murderers, and not killing innocent women, children and their dads and fathers.

Somehow that makes him evil, incompetent or a traitor, at least in your mind and the mind of the neo cons who brought us Iraq and the deaths of 4,500 Americans and seriously wounding of tens of thousands of other members of our military men and women.

And you wonder why I think you and others like you are fucked up.

Well El Stupido, in case you were not aware, we have an all volunteer military. These men and women all realize that the best way to make rank is to have a combat role in a combat zone. Many of them volunteer to multiple tours within a combat zone.

As far as Obama protecting the defenseless, he is perfectly fine with funding Planned Parenthood with $500 Million in taxpayer money.
Yes, he has expended several $2 Million dollar missiles in order to kill one individual. These expenditures accomplish nothing but antagonizing the enemy. It's thee guys with the guns he needs to kill and he needs to kill a lot of them. Even George Bush stated that there was nothing to be gained militarily be going after Bin Laden. That was proven to be true.

I doubt the typical high school graduate who joins the service is planning on becoming a general or admiral - be serious; he or she has no say in nation building or nation destroying. We leave that to the Neo Cons who profit from the deaths and injuries to other peoples kids.

Planned Parenthood is funded by Congress, if we had any sense we would pass an amendment to COTUS giving POTUS the line-item veto many Governors have. Tell your Congress Person to cut Planned Parenthood, the latest scapegoat by the Crazy Right Wing who will do anything for a vote from those easily brainwashed.

BTW, did you pay full price for your brainwash?

G.W. Bush couldn't find OBL; he did bomb civilians communities in his effort to kill Saddam - so even that part of your post is partisan bullshit.

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