Clinton Foundation: Only 6% Goes to Direct Aid. The Rest? Their Personal Piggie Bank.


All politics you not love the crazy, lying, cheating bitch? :D

Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.
There were several federal agencies which were involved in the approval of that sale.
And that included the SecState, who also got payoffs from those involved.
Gawd, left wingers will excuse anything. They have no morals, no ethics, no standards of any kind.

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

You understand that the Benghazi committee that effectively cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing was majority Republican, right?

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

Not according to their Federal Tax Return. Now the Clinton's wouldn't lie to Feds...would they?

So tell me....which is true? :D


I checkmated you bud. Sorry. :(

You didn't post any actual evidence. I did.
Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?
This from the guy who thinks Jesus was abnormal because he was celibate.

Again the Reader should recognize that the Above cited contributor is advancing what it knows to be false, as truth; wherein it has itself, advanced the idiocy is sexually deviant, so as to argue that Christ was a sexual deviant; this as a means to equate Christ with the Advocacy to Normalize the Mental Disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, Left-think and so many other forms of madness... and who had the misfortune of doing so in my presence, where upon advancing that drivel it drew back an intellectual stump.

It knows what it is advancing is a lie... but it comes to advise you, that such is truth.

Proving once again that proponents of Hillary Clinton, are as unworthy of your trust, as are the Clintons themselves.

Now Gilligan, see how that works?

If everyone were celibate, how long would the human species last?
Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

You understand that the Benghazi committee that effectively cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing was majority Republican, right?
You understand the Benghazi committee is calling Hillary as a witness so their work isnt done, right?
Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?

Do you ever have any actual arguments?

Why didn't you give your standard NY Times assessment?

As exemplified here:

Obama s Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11 - NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, you are easier than the noobskulls around here. You'd think you'd learn after awhile.
Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

You understand that the Benghazi committee that effectively cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing was majority Republican, right?
You understand the Benghazi committee is calling Hillary as a witness so their work isnt done, right?

The other committees work WAS done. It was a GOP committee. They cleared her. Period.

But by all means keep reminding us of your derangement.
It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?

Do you ever have any actual arguments?

Why didn't you give your standard NY Times assessment?

As exemplified here:

Obama s Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11 - NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, you are easier than the noobskulls around here. You'd think you'd learn after awhile.
I realize you arent the brightest bulb here. OK, you're downright stupid. But smart people look at the articles and see whether the evidence is there to support the claims. You are too stupid to do that so you rely on "brand." So if its on Fox it must be false. If it's MSNBC it's gotta be true. Because you lack any ability to distinguish truth from falsehood on your own.
Now here it is simply fact that Clinton's foundation lied on their tax forms. It is fact that the foundation received donations from companies while she was making decisions that would benefit them. No one has seen an actual quid pro quo (look it up) yet, mainly because she wiped her computer clean. But even if there is no prosecutable evidence the appearance of malfeasance (look it up) is enough to disqualify her.
It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

You understand that the Benghazi committee that effectively cleared Clinton of any wrongdoing was majority Republican, right?
You understand the Benghazi committee is calling Hillary as a witness so their work isnt done, right?

The other committees work WAS done. It was a GOP committee. They cleared her. Period.

But by all means keep reminding us of your derangement.
What "other committee"?
Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...
You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?

Do you ever have any actual arguments?

Why didn't you give your standard NY Times assessment?

As exemplified here:

Obama s Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11 - NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, you are easier than the noobskulls around here. You'd think you'd learn after awhile.
I realize you arent the brightest bulb here. OK, you're downright stupid. But smart people look at the articles and see whether the evidence is there to support the claims. You are too stupid to do that so you rely on "brand." So if its on Fox it must be false. If it's MSNBC it's gotta be true. Because you lack any ability to distinguish truth from falsehood on your own.
Now here it is simply fact that Clinton's foundation lied on their tax forms. It is fact that the foundation received donations from companies while she was making decisions that would benefit them. No one has seen an actual quid pro quo (look it up) yet, mainly because she wiped her computer clean. But even if there is no prosecutable evidence the appearance of malfeasance (look it up) is enough to disqualify her.

You don't.

You said, "NY Times, 'nuff said". That means that your opinion is that just because the source is the NY Times you could dismiss the content,

out of hand, summarily,

without even looking at the content.

Well, let's be consistent and apply your logic and reason to THIS case. Afterall, you fancy yourself some great master of logic (which is hilarious in and of itself).

NY Times reporting on Hillary 'scandal'? Eh, NY Times,

'nuff said.

You understand the New York Times is breaking this scandal, right? They are hardly the RW media.

When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?

Do you ever have any actual arguments?

Why didn't you give your standard NY Times assessment?

As exemplified here:

Obama s Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11 - NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, you are easier than the noobskulls around here. You'd think you'd learn after awhile.
I realize you arent the brightest bulb here. OK, you're downright stupid. But smart people look at the articles and see whether the evidence is there to support the claims. You are too stupid to do that so you rely on "brand." So if its on Fox it must be false. If it's MSNBC it's gotta be true. Because you lack any ability to distinguish truth from falsehood on your own.
Now here it is simply fact that Clinton's foundation lied on their tax forms. It is fact that the foundation received donations from companies while she was making decisions that would benefit them. No one has seen an actual quid pro quo (look it up) yet, mainly because she wiped her computer clean. But even if there is no prosecutable evidence the appearance of malfeasance (look it up) is enough to disqualify her.

You don't.

You said, "NY Times, 'nuff said". That means that your opinion is that just because the source is the NY Times you could dismiss the content,

out of hand, summarily,

without even looking at the content.

Well, let's be consistent and apply your logic and reason to THIS case. Afterall, you fancy yourself some great master of logic (which is hilarious in and of itself).

NY Times reporting on Hillary 'scandal'? Eh, NY Times,

'nuff said.

The Times has been a consistent apologist for Obama. Apparantly not so with Hillary.
Would you care to address the actual fact that Hillary appears to have taken payoffs as SecState? Or is that beyond your ability?
Wow...out of $120 million....they reported over $80 million on "operational functions".
$80 million.
Although the Clintons are not listed as employees, and do not directly get one dime of that - they get free travel, expenses and lodging for speaking arrangements tied to the foundation. That they DO get paid for.
You can note they paid over $17 million on travel/lodging/ ONE year! Sounds like fantastic family vacations for all.
Paid by foreign governments and some mighty shady people.

Please show us the lie.

Page 16: Program expenses: $196,633,380, Fundraising expenses $10,129,160, Salaries and benefits $16,633,562, Total $222,396,102. By my calculations, that's 88% of the money going to programing, which is a decent return.

The Clintons would have to be idiots to set up a charity as a personal slush fund given that everything they've ever done over the past 25 years has been scrutinized, studied, parsed and discussed, and they knew she would be running for office and this would come up.

There is no way she can legally set up her own PAC, so that part is a total lie. But it's not like this is the first time right wingers have lied about the Clintons.

Who can forget that the New York Times said that her use of private email was illegal and she could go to jail for it, and then they had to retract that statement because it was false. She broke no laws and was in no danger of going to jail.

I know you lot are desperate to get something, anything on Hillary to disqualify her candidacy but seriously people. check the facts. Google is your friend. If only you'd bother to use it.

It shows less than $55 million went to any charity, rest is salary, office expenditures, office equipment, property, travel and on and on which puts it less than 25%.

As far as the rest of your bullshit, I want Hillary as the Democratic nominee, her connections with Wall St. and big business, she will work with them as she owes them.

Sticking your head in the sand and saying I can't see it, just puts your ass in the air...

There is nothing here AGAIN....

The RW has been on a hard on for weeks trying to throw as much mud as possible... The didn't even wait to go dirty, they just continued on from Obama...

And rightly so the polls are showing that their endless lies are being found out... Their tactic of telling a lie and keep repeating it (a NAZI trick) is starting to wain...

Even the most casual infromed voter knows that the GOP and RW are just lieing and lieing...

The places that caught them are Trickle dow economics, Iraq and the economy crisis.... They are also delivering next to nothing, heck even Obama is rarely using the Veto, only twice this year so far...

I'm for Hillary, she will help big business and Wall St.

I am hoping no other Democrat comes close. Oh, I like how you used the word NAZI, that is a classic fear mongering trick.

Also, you might want to use spell check before you post, I don't want you to embarrass yourself.
If they didn't want to embarrass themselves...

they'd ignore your imbecilic posts
When did the Times stop being the newspaper you couldn't trust?
Do you ever contribute anything here but stupid?

Do you ever have any actual arguments?

Why didn't you give your standard NY Times assessment?

As exemplified here:

Obama s Failed Economy- Sales Crater by 11 - NRF Blames Shopping Fiasco On Stronger Economy Page 2 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

lol, you are easier than the noobskulls around here. You'd think you'd learn after awhile.
I realize you arent the brightest bulb here. OK, you're downright stupid. But smart people look at the articles and see whether the evidence is there to support the claims. You are too stupid to do that so you rely on "brand." So if its on Fox it must be false. If it's MSNBC it's gotta be true. Because you lack any ability to distinguish truth from falsehood on your own.
Now here it is simply fact that Clinton's foundation lied on their tax forms. It is fact that the foundation received donations from companies while she was making decisions that would benefit them. No one has seen an actual quid pro quo (look it up) yet, mainly because she wiped her computer clean. But even if there is no prosecutable evidence the appearance of malfeasance (look it up) is enough to disqualify her.

You don't.

You said, "NY Times, 'nuff said". That means that your opinion is that just because the source is the NY Times you could dismiss the content,

out of hand, summarily,

without even looking at the content.

Well, let's be consistent and apply your logic and reason to THIS case. Afterall, you fancy yourself some great master of logic (which is hilarious in and of itself).

NY Times reporting on Hillary 'scandal'? Eh, NY Times,

'nuff said.

The Times has been a consistent apologist for Obama. Apparantly not so with Hillary.
Would you care to address the actual fact that Hillary appears to have taken payoffs as SecState? Or is that beyond your ability?

Twilight Zone
I don't know what everyone is in a huff about. For every tax dollar given to help the poor, the government consumes about 90 cents of that dollar.

Hillary is just doing business progressive style. Give just enough to the poor to make them legit and have the poor defend you, and then steal the rest.

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