Click it up another couple degrees!


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
Last edited:
Indeed. We've had five feet of snow here and it's colder than hell. When is that global warming going to kick in and eliminate all this snow like they promised back in 1990?
Indeed. We've had five feet of snow here and it's colder than hell. When is that global warming going to kick in and eliminate all this snow like they promised back in 1990?

who is "they," and what exactly did they "promise?"
Cite or Reference?
Indeed. We've had five feet of snow here and it's colder than hell. When is that global warming going to kick in and eliminate all this snow like they promised back in 1990?

Well, they changed it from "global warming" to "climate change." That way no matter what happens, they can blame even opposite results (global warming and global cooling)) on the same damn thing.

"Damn, Martha, sure as hell is hot right now."
"Yeah, Clem, it's because of all this manufacturing."

"Damn,. Martha, sure as hell is cold right now."
"Yeah, Clem, it's because of all this manufacturing."

Genius, I tells ya, pure genius.
Indeed. We've had five feet of snow here and it's colder than hell. When is that global warming going to kick in and eliminate all this snow like they promised back in 1990?

who is "they," and what exactly did they "promise?"
Cite or Reference?

Yes, I can understand how you would wish these pesky little statements would go away never to be seen by questioning minds, but, so sad for you the internet is a wonderful thing
and the high priests little prognostications remain for all to see....

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."


Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent
Indeed. We've had five feet of snow here and it's colder than hell. When is that global warming going to kick in and eliminate all this snow like they promised back in 1990?

who is "they," and what exactly did they "promise?"
Cite or Reference?

Yes, I can understand how you would wish these pesky little statements would go away never to be seen by questioning minds, but, so sad for you the internet is a wonderful thing
and the high priests little prognostications remain for all to see....

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."


Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Winters are much less cold but global warming has nothing to do with how warm or cold it is. This is the first cold snap of winter and it is almost January.

But don't you fret about it, let your kids do the worrying. Poor thing, you have enough to worry about what with encouraging your diligent speaker to keep taxes low for the wealthiest Americans and making sure no industry is held to pollution standards.

You just keep your fat ass in that computer chair you keyboard commando you..

Global temperatures aren't your home's thermostat. The world has had mass extinctions before, but do you want the legacy of mankind to rival that? A quick change to 2 degrees more will kill off many spieces that exist with us since we were born and destroy food production to feed the people of Earth. Just how far do you want mankind to go based on your recipe for distruction?

Willingly making our global temperature 2 degrees higher in the near future, could make mankind the most destructive event our planet has ever faced. The changes in the past happened over long periods of time and a species can adjust to that. When you quick change your planet, your killing things off and I don't want to hear nonsense about their quality to exist. The fact they are here on Earth with us gives them credentials to exist. We have no right to drive them to extinction.

I've heard about people who move their car deliberately to run over turtles and I'll give you a link. I just can't understand why some people don't care about people or their world. What happened to that responsibility talk the right-wing has been preaching to all others? Are we that much of a fool as a human being not to know that simply knowing something can't solve a problem and we have to act on what we know to solve a problem?

Rhetorical questions, here's the link about the turtles:

College student's turtle project takes dark twist

Source: College student's turtle project takes dark twist - Local News - Clarksburg, WV | NBC News

Global temperatures aren't your home's thermostat. The world has had mass extinctions before, but do you want the legacy of mankind to rival that? A quick change to 2 degrees more will kill off many spieces that exist with us since we were born and destroy food production to feed the people of Earth. Just how far do you want mankind to go based on your recipe for distruction?...

You seem to be mistaking, or misunderstanding, my position and climate science understandings. no harm, no foul.
who is "they," and what exactly did they "promise?"
Cite or Reference?

Yes, I can understand how you would wish these pesky little statements would go away never to be seen by questioning minds, but, so sad for you the internet is a wonderful thing
and the high priests little prognostications remain for all to see....

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."


Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Winters are much less cold but global warming has nothing to do with how warm or cold it is. This is the first cold snap of winter and it is almost January.

But don't you fret about it, let your kids do the worrying. Poor thing, you have enough to worry about what with encouraging your diligent speaker to keep taxes low for the wealthiest Americans and making sure no industry is held to pollution standards.

You just keep your fat ass in that computer chair you keyboard commando you..

Sure thing sweety, we are sitting at 200% of normal snow pack. Tell me in your delusional little world where warm temps equal 200% more snow.

Global temperatures aren't your home's thermostat. The world has had mass extinctions before, but do you want the legacy of mankind to rival that? A quick change to 2 degrees more will kill off many spieces that exist with us since we were born and destroy food production to feed the people of Earth. Just how far do you want mankind to go based on your recipe for distruction?

Willingly making our global temperature 2 degrees higher in the near future, could make mankind the most destructive event our planet has ever faced. The changes in the past happened over long periods of time and a species can adjust to that. When you quick change your planet, your killing things off and I don't want to hear nonsense about their quality to exist. The fact they are here on Earth with us gives them credentials to exist. We have no right to drive them to extinction.

I've heard about people who move their car deliberately to run over turtles and I'll give you a link. I just can't understand why some people don't care about people or their world. What happened to that responsibility talk the right-wing has been preaching to all others? Are we that much of a fool as a human being not to know that simply knowing something can't solve a problem and we have to act on what we know to solve a problem?

Rhetorical questions, here's the link about the turtles:

College student's turtle project takes dark twist

Source: College student's turtle project takes dark twist - Local News - Clarksburg, WV | NBC News

I suggest you look at the paleo climate record. Whenever it has been warmer than today it has been very nice for almost ALL life. The Roman Warming Period was an exceptionally productive time for mankind and all critters. It was at least 1.5 degrees warmer 2000 years ago than it is today.

Read some history and then come back and re-engage.
Boy all the wingnuts are posting about Global Warming and Climate Change tonight. Talking points again, perhaps attempted diversion from Boehner's fuck up.

Boy all the wingnuts are posting about Global Warming and Climate Change tonight. Talking points again, perhaps attempted diversion from Boehner's fuck up.

Obama didn't go to Doha because he said he "Doesn't want to kill the already fragile recovery".

Even your Dear Reader knows Global Warming is just a scam.
Yes, I can understand how you would wish these pesky little statements would go away never to be seen by questioning minds, but, so sad for you the internet is a wonderful thing
and the high priests little prognostications remain for all to see....

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."


Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Winters are much less cold but global warming has nothing to do with how warm or cold it is. This is the first cold snap of winter and it is almost January.

But don't you fret about it, let your kids do the worrying. Poor thing, you have enough to worry about what with encouraging your diligent speaker to keep taxes low for the wealthiest Americans and making sure no industry is held to pollution standards.

You just keep your fat ass in that computer chair you keyboard commando you..

Sure thing sweety, we are sitting at 200% of normal snow pack. Tell me in your delusional little world where warm temps equal 200% more snow.

Earth, apparently.
Yes, I can understand how you would wish these pesky little statements would go away never to be seen by questioning minds, but, so sad for you the internet is a wonderful thing
and the high priests little prognostications remain for all to see....

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."


Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

Winters are much less cold but global warming has nothing to do with how warm or cold it is. This is the first cold snap of winter and it is almost January.

But don't you fret about it, let your kids do the worrying. Poor thing, you have enough to worry about what with encouraging your diligent speaker to keep taxes low for the wealthiest Americans and making sure no industry is held to pollution standards.

You just keep your fat ass in that computer chair you keyboard commando you..

Sure thing sweety, we are sitting at 200% of normal snow pack. Tell me in your delusional little world where warm temps equal 200% more snow.

Perhaps the little spot you are at has more snow, not the case with most of the US.

US Drought Monitor

Over 60% of the nation in drought.

Well let's have a look at what you call a delusional world. If an area is normally at 25 degrees for most of the winter, warms to 30 degrees, a five degree warming, and gets more precipitation, will it turn to rain because it is five degrees warmer?
Winters are much less cold but global warming has nothing to do with how warm or cold it is. This is the first cold snap of winter and it is almost January.

But don't you fret about it, let your kids do the worrying. Poor thing, you have enough to worry about what with encouraging your diligent speaker to keep taxes low for the wealthiest Americans and making sure no industry is held to pollution standards.

You just keep your fat ass in that computer chair you keyboard commando you..

Sure thing sweety, we are sitting at 200% of normal snow pack. Tell me in your delusional little world where warm temps equal 200% more snow.

Perhaps the little spot you are at has more snow, not the case with most of the US.

US Drought Monitor

Over 60% of the nation in drought.

Well let's have a look at what you call a delusional world. If an area is normally at 25 degrees for most of the winter, warms to 30 degrees, a five degree warming, and gets more precipitation, will it turn to rain because it is five degrees warmer?

And it's never happened before right?

Little change in global drought over the past 60 years
Justin Sheffield1, Eric F.Wood1 & Michael L. Roderick2


Drought is expected to increase in frequency and severity in the future as a result of climate change, mainly as a consequence of decreases in regional precipitation but also because of increasing evaporation driven by global warming1–3. Previous assessments of historic changes in drought over the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries indicate that this may already be happening globally. In particular, calculations of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) show a decrease in moisture globally since the 1970s with a commensurate increase in the area in drought that is attributed, in part, to global warming4,5. The simplicity of the PDSI, which is calculated from a simple water-balance model forced by monthly precipitation and temperature data, makes it an attractive tool in large-scale drought assessments, but may give biased results in the context of climate change6. Here we show that the previously reported increase in global drought is overestimated because the PDSI uses a simplified model of potential evaporation7 that responds only to changes in temperature and thus responds incorrectly to global warming in recent decades. More realistic calculations, based on the underlying physical principles8 that take into account changes in available energy, humidity and wind speed, suggest that there has been little change in drought over the past 60 years. The results have implications for how we interpret the impact of global warming on the hydrological cycle and its extremes, and may help to explain why palaeoclimate drought reconstructions based on tree-ring data diverge from the PDSI based drought record in recent years9,10.


Sheffield, Wood & Roderick (2012) Little change in global drought over the past 60 years, Letter Nature, vol 491, 437

H/t John Coochey, Willie Soon.

And of course this little blast from the past..

Sticking your head in the sand won't help you, walleyed.

Report shows record U.S. drought intensifying
CBS News
July 26, 2012
(CBS/AP)ST. LOUIS - A new report shows the drought in the U.S. heartland is rapidly intensifying and shows no signs of abating. The U.S. Drought Monitor report released Thursday shows that the amount of land classified in extreme or exceptional drought jumped to more than 20 percent, up 7 percent from last week. More than 63 percent of the continental U.S. is in some stage of drought, a portion unseen since the Drought Monitor started in 1999. The drought has sent corn, soybean and other commodity prices soaring in recent weeks. The Department of Agriculture said Wednesday the drought will help push food prices up by 3 percent to 4 percent next year. Milk, eggs, beef, poultry and pork prices will all be affected by the drought.

Besides lower crop yields driving up food prices, the Mississippi River, one of the food-growing heartland's most-vital shipping lanes, is running about 12 feet below normal. "It takes more turns, more shipments to get the same amount of tonnage down to New Orleans," Barge operator Mark Fletcher told CBS News. Another nasty side-effect of the drought is the rise of swarming insects seeking shelter from the hot and dry conditions in yards and even houses. Mike O'Toole, of Iowa's AAA Pest Control, told "CBS This Morning": "The insects are being driven inside because they're looking for coolness, dampness -- some place to get out of the sun and out of the heat."

© 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
Sticking your head in the sand won't help you, walleyed.

Report shows record U.S. drought intensifying
CBS News
July 26, 2012
(CBS/AP)ST. LOUIS - A new report shows the drought in the U.S. heartland is rapidly intensifying and shows no signs of abating. The U.S. Drought Monitor report released Thursday shows that the amount of land classified in extreme or exceptional drought jumped to more than 20 percent, up 7 percent from last week. More than 63 percent of the continental U.S. is in some stage of drought, a portion unseen since the Drought Monitor started in 1999. The drought has sent corn, soybean and other commodity prices soaring in recent weeks. The Department of Agriculture said Wednesday the drought will help push food prices up by 3 percent to 4 percent next year. Milk, eggs, beef, poultry and pork prices will all be affected by the drought.

Besides lower crop yields driving up food prices, the Mississippi River, one of the food-growing heartland's most-vital shipping lanes, is running about 12 feet below normal. "It takes more turns, more shipments to get the same amount of tonnage down to New Orleans," Barge operator Mark Fletcher told CBS News. Another nasty side-effect of the drought is the rise of swarming insects seeking shelter from the hot and dry conditions in yards and even houses. Mike O'Toole, of Iowa's AAA Pest Control, told "CBS This Morning": "The insects are being driven inside because they're looking for coolness, dampness -- some place to get out of the sun and out of the heat."

© 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

Living with your head up your bum won't help you either....
Sticking your head in the sand won't help you, walleyed.

Report shows record U.S. drought intensifying
CBS News
July 26, 2012
(CBS/AP)ST. LOUIS - A new report shows the drought in the U.S. heartland is rapidly intensifying and shows no signs of abating. The U.S. Drought Monitor report released Thursday shows that the amount of land classified in extreme or exceptional drought jumped to more than 20 percent, up 7 percent from last week. More than 63 percent of the continental U.S. is in some stage of drought, a portion unseen since the Drought Monitor started in 1999. The drought has sent corn, soybean and other commodity prices soaring in recent weeks. The Department of Agriculture said Wednesday the drought will help push food prices up by 3 percent to 4 percent next year. Milk, eggs, beef, poultry and pork prices will all be affected by the drought.

Besides lower crop yields driving up food prices, the Mississippi River, one of the food-growing heartland's most-vital shipping lanes, is running about 12 feet below normal. "It takes more turns, more shipments to get the same amount of tonnage down to New Orleans," Barge operator Mark Fletcher told CBS News. Another nasty side-effect of the drought is the rise of swarming insects seeking shelter from the hot and dry conditions in yards and even houses. Mike O'Toole, of Iowa's AAA Pest Control, told "CBS This Morning": "The insects are being driven inside because they're looking for coolness, dampness -- some place to get out of the sun and out of the heat."

© 2012 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
Living with your head up your bum won't help you either....
Wow, you must be psychic, walleyed, that's exactly what I was going to tell you next. Of course in your case, it is Exxon's bum you've got your head jammed up into.

Global temperatures aren't your home's thermostat. The world has had mass extinctions before, but do you want the legacy of mankind to rival that? A quick change to 2 degrees more will kill off many spieces that exist with us since we were born and destroy food production to feed the people of Earth. Just how far do you want mankind to go based on your recipe for distruction?...

You seem to be mistaking, or misunderstanding, my position and climate science understandings. no harm, no foul.

Well, I apologize, because my passion had the better of me and I'm new to this board.

I'll give you a touche and I'll suggest we rapidly increase global temperatures by a couple degrees, because I'm getting old and too lazy to move to Florida. Speaking of Florida, how do you think the coral reefs are fairing in that area?

Even if we don't agree (and that's my sarcasm), I still wish you well.
Global temperatures aren't your home's thermostat. The world has had mass extinctions before, but do you want the legacy of mankind to rival that? A quick change to 2 degrees more will kill off many spieces that exist with us since we were born and destroy food production to feed the people of Earth. Just how far do you want mankind to go based on your recipe for distruction?...

You seem to be mistaking, or misunderstanding, my position and climate science understandings. no harm, no foul.

Well, I apologize, because my passion had the better of me and I'm new to this board.

Understood, as I said, no harm, no foul. Your passion is appreciated and largely reciprocated. Much of my time and effort are spent in the pursuit of creating a more bountiful planet for future generations.

I'll give you a touche and I'll suggest we rapidly increase global temperatures by a couple degrees, because I'm getting old and too lazy to move to Florida.

LOL, well I tend to like things a bit cooler, myself.

Speaking of Florida, how do you think the coral reefs are fairing in that area?

Between, increased mean storm strength, rising sealevels, increasing temperatures and lowering pH, I would imagine that many of them are suffering and experiencing a rough go at survival. I know that the last few times I went diving down off the coast of Belize that there are ever growing dead spots covering acres on the largest barrier reef in the Americas. It has been sad to see these spots start and then grow so dramatically over the last decade or so. (Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System)

Even if we don't agree (and that's my sarcasm), I still wish you well.

We probably agree on a great deal more than you realize, but even where we don't agree, I'm sure we can interact agreeably.

Happy New Year!

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