Cleveland Guardians Name To Become Official Tomorrow

Coming from someone who supports forcing child victims of incest to carry a pregnancy to term and rewards rapists by forcing victim to bear their children, that’s rich.

Coming from an adopted child whose biological mother chose life for me and not death,.. I think you're full of bullshit. But we're getting off topic once again. I'd take it to the flame zone, but since you're a staff member you obviously get special treatment and don't have to deal with callouts.
I think you are confusing who the poster was referring to. I'm very much against abortion in nearly all case except rape or where the mother's life is at stake.
Fetus Fetish

That's a contradiction of Pro-Life dogma. Whoever is conceived by rape is still a "person."

Most of all, the "mother's" life has a lower priority than the "baby's." Abortion would be first-degree murder and letting the mother (begs the question, as if partisans would know what that means) die would be only negligent manslaughter or no crime at all.
Coming from someone who supports forcing child victims of incest to carry a pregnancy to term and rewards rapists by forcing victim to bear their children, that’s rich.
Standard garbage from the left again. The laws don't state the Lie you just posted.
It's going to be funny when all the fans show up in their old Indians shirts and hats
I started stocking up on team fabrics when this stupid shit started up, and have been making and selling masks in Redskins fabric. Will soon be doing Indians masks.

What other teams are likely to have their names cancelled, so I can go and grab some of their fabric?
More woke B.S.!

Actual Native Americans don't give a crap, for the most part.

Once again white leftists play nanny for all of us. How about another name change for Cleveland baseball?
How about the Cleveland White Guilt Ridden Pricks?
More woke B.S.!

Actual Native Americans don't give a crap, for the most part.

Once again white leftists play nanny for all of us. How about another name change for Cleveland baseball?
How about the Cleveland White Guilt Ridden Pricks?
I am part "Native American" and have spent plenty of time with other "Native Americans", and they all refer to themselves as indians. The "Native American" bullshit is the penitential fantasy of White Guilt Ridden Pricks.

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