Civil War 2.0

I am not going to sit here and go round and round with speculation that I questioned could happen with the first word of my post. Skylar is a kid that has blinders on and refuses to see any possibility beyond what he has been indoctrinated to see. I had you figured for having more objectivity.

And by 'objectivity', you mean ignoring what your 'Civil War 2.0' actually means?

Yeah, no one objective is going to do that. Your 'Civil War 2.0' isn't any effort of any State, it isn't any army. It isn't territory. Its domestic terrorists attacking cops, families and soldiers.

Patriots aren't interested in murdering cops, families, or soldiers.

Let Ricky Shiffer be your guide for the future of those few fringe extremists that try.
I do, hence you should prove your claim more. This only comes up about Texas or the entire South, never just states like Mississippi or Alabama or West Virginia.

Texas isn't going to secede to join CSA 2.0. Only outsiders make up such nonsense.
Prove what? It is speculation at best and again, IF there was a second civil war to ever happen in this country, it wouldn't be by geographic lines. BLM/Antifa proved that in 2020.

J6 attacking police to overturn the 2020 election, failed GOP candidate Solomon Peña shooting at the homes of democrats, Ricky Shiffer attacking cops.

Your 'civil war 2.0' is attacking cops, families, soldiers.

Patriots aren't interested. A handful of violent extremists that hate America are. And they'll get Ricky Shiffer'd if they try.
Shooting PoPos is frowned on by other PoPos and they tend to shoot back a lot. And get their friends, and their friends' guns to shoot back.
Prove what? It is speculation at best and again, IF there was a second civil war to ever happen in this country, it wouldn't be by geographic lines. BLM/Antifa proved that in 2020.
So the worry is some fat right wingers are going to riot in West Virginia? Go for it! :laughing0301:

Anything more is domestic terrorism and McVeigh'd FAFOd that one to his bedside visit with a needle.
I guess you never heard of the three month riot in Portland in 2020 when BLM/Antifa thugs set fire to a federal building with innocent civilians and federal employees inside. yiou're going to recruit for your silly 'Civil War 2.0' in Portland?

They're not going to fight for your ilk either. Even YOU won't fight for your ilk.

No patriot is going to lay down their life for the chance to kill cops. Only a handful of fringe extremists. And they don't have the numbers, the resources, the State backing or the territory for a 'war'.

The best they can manage is generic domestic terrorism. That's your 'Civil War 2.0'
You first that a shooting war could start. Who? With what? Against who?

Who? Consider how many Q-Anon type websites are out there on the 'net. A lotta these people have guns and a lotta them truly believe the 2020 election was stolen and our electoral process has been suborned. What if the democrats wins in 2024 and 2026, and they finally abolish the filibuster and implement a full-blown progressive agenda? Do you remember the Seattle thing where some people declared their own little piece of downtown Seattle to be a separate from the rest of us? Or places like Waco, where a group of people declare themselves to be no longer a part of America and unwilling to be current laws? I kinda think sooner or later there could be shots fired and people getting killed. How many incidents and deaths does it take to call it a Civil War?

With what? There's a lotta guns out there. Small arms to be sure, but so what? And some of these people might know how to make and IED bomb. MacGiver did it a lot and that was what, 30-40 years ago?

Against who? Do you recall the guy that shot at the republicans at a baseball practice? Or the guy that wanted to shoot Justice Kavanaugh and a couple of other conservative justices but got caught first? Did we not have firebombs and stuff thrown at federal buildings in Portland, Seattle, and other places? Is it not possible that at some point bullets start flying in the next riot? Excuse me, I meant to say 'peaceful protest'. Do you think there's no chance of an attack on a political convention or rally somewhere by either party or any person? Wasn't there a near-riot in Chicago at the 1968 democratic convention? Can it happen again, this time with guns? Or maybe IED bombs?

I'm not saying any of this is likely, but I also ain't saying it can't happen either.
So you don't see the correlation between disorganized rioters. J6 is an insurrection but what happened in Portland in 2020 was not. Quit wasting my time.

Laughing......your attempts at equivalency are irrelevant. As you're not recruiting from Portland for your imaginary 'Civil War 2.0'. There's only one side that by your own logic will feed the 'ranks' of your 'guerilla war'.

Trump supporters. Ricky Shiffer was at J6. Solomon Peña cheered it on. It was MAGA that attacked those cops to overturn an election.

And even among Trump supporters, you don't have the numbers for Civil War. As your targets are cops, soldiers and families.

No patriot is going to lay down their life for the chance to kill cops. Or their families. Or our soldiers.

Your 'Civil War 2.0' is just generic domestic terrorism. Ask Ricky Shiffer how that works out.
We can only guess. My guess is that we could see some sporadic violence, and even death, but not a civil war. Then it will be up to those people with microphones and cameras who are pushing this shit for ratings and clicks to be shamed into stopping.

This isn't organic. There is a clear accelerant exacerbating this, and it's those who are doing it for their own gain.
the right wingers are being GROOMED for violence by their GROOMER politicians and activists spreading their lies. It's intentional.... the Groomers know what they are doing too.... and sadly, it seems to be working! :eek:
We can only guess. My guess is that we could see some sporadic violence, and even death, but not a civil war. Then it will be up to those people with microphones and cameras who are pushing this shit for ratings and clicks to be shamed into stopping.

This isn't organic. There is a clear accelerant exacerbating this, and it's those who are doing it for their own gain.

They'd be more than shamed into stopping, dumbass.
the right wingers are being GROOMED for violence by their GROOMER politicians and activists spreading their lies. It's intentional.... the Groomers know what they are doing too.... and sadly, it seems to be working! :eek:

Fundamentally, conservatives are authoritarians. They call for the termination of the constitution, praise violence to overturn elections. So of course they're advocating violence to seize power they can't convince voters to grant them.

Its born of a sense of unearned entitlement, where they believe they *deserve* power. And if it isn't granted to them, they've been cheated.
Shooting PoPos is frowned on by other PoPos and they tend to shoot back a lot. And get their friends, and their friends' guns to shoot back.
Prove what? It is speculation at best and again, IF there was a second civil war to ever happen in this country, it wouldn't be by geographic lines. BLM/Antifa proved that in 2020.
So the worry is some fat right wingers are going to riot in West Virginia? Go for it! :laughing0301:

Anything more is domestic terrorism and McVeigh'd FAFOd that one to his bedside visit with a needle.
Who? Consider how many Q-Anon type websites are out there on the 'net. A lotta these people have guns and a lotta them truly believe the 2020 election was stolen and our electoral process has been suborned.
Well leaving aside all the russobots and other bots right? Awful lot of whining about those freedom fighters in jail now, and a whole bunch of them turned. I don't see the party of crybabies being that terrifying.

What if the democrats wins in 2024 and 2026, and they finally abolish the filibuster and implement a full-blown progressive agenda?
Filibuster is not in the Constitution. If they implement their Evilz Agenda and voters don't like it, voters can vote them out. Its going to be difficult for the MAGAs though as they haven't won the popular vote since who Bush?

Do you remember the Seattle thing where some people declared their own little piece of downtown Seattle to be a separate from the rest of us?
Yes. Its gone now. From what I understand they were smelly.

Or places like Waco, where a group of people declare themselves to be no longer a part of America and unwilling to be current laws?
And they all died.

I kinda think sooner or later there could be shots fired and people getting killed. How many incidents and deaths does it take to call it a Civil War?
SO far you have just mentioned civil protest and a crazy cult. Lets add in McVeigh and Skylar's examples. That part's terrorism and we know how to deal with that.

With what? There's a lotta guns out there.
Cops have more. Fatties can't shoot.

Small arms to be sure, but so what?
It means they die.

And some of these people might know how to make and IED bomb. MacGiver did it a lot and that was what, 30-40 years ago?
How'd that turn out for McVeigh again?

Against who? Do you recall the guy that shot at the republicans at a baseball practice? Or the guy that wanted to shoot Justice Kavanaugh and a couple of other conservative justices but got caught first?
So assassination attempts. Ok. We're on the same page now.

Did we not have firebombs and stuff thrown at federal buildings in Portland, Seattle, and other places?
Yea they were lame. Don't even know the proper recipe for a Molotov cocktail. They make Molotov sad.

Is it not possible that at some point bullets start flying in the next riot?
Fat right wingers are going to riot in Mississippii? Not seeing a downside.

Excuse me, I meant to say 'peaceful protest'. Do you think there's no chance of an attack on a political convention or rally somewhere by either party or any person?
Terrorism. Yes we know about terrorism. You're late by about two centuries on that one.

Wasn't there a near-riot in Chicago at the 1968 democratic convention?
And the police beat living hell out of them. Good times.

Can it happen again, this time with guns?
And they die.

Or maybe IED bombs?
And they are caught. And then they die.

I'm not saying any of this is likely, but I also ain't saying it can't happen either.

Ok so ramping up domestic terrorism. Yes that I can see. I also don't see that lasting. Remember the Klan. Thats what you're describing. As soon as the Feds got serious they got hammered.

Because if it were a real civil war the military and companies would form death squads. All suspects, their friends. families, neighbors, they would all disappear. Thats how the government responds to a civil war of that nature that gets out of hand. And frankly the US is too fat, too old, and too addicted to fentanyl for that sort of thing.
I don't disagree, but there is a movement afoot that is doing exactly that. The people of this nation have been severely divided and it continues today with the divisions on every front. Politics (first and formost) gender, sex, race, age, immigration, law, etc. etc. It is truly a sad day in America.

Well ... I don't mean to give anyone the wrong idea ... But if a State is serious about Secession ...
There's going to be bloodshed either way ... Do give up ground to start with ... And make it a Revolution instead.

Again ... I am not starting anything ... Apathy is serving me well right now ...
Cannot say my strong defensive posture is doing much good for others though.


Well ... I don't mean to give anyone the wrong idea ... But if a State is serious about Secession ...
There's going to be bloodshed either way ... Do give up ground to start with ... And make it a Revolution instead.

Again ... I am not starting anything ... Apathy is serving me well right now ...
Cannot say my strong defensive posture is doing much good for others though.


The States aren't serious about secession.
the right wingers are being GROOMED for violence by their GROOMER politicians and activists spreading their lies. It's intentional.... the Groomers know what they are doing too.... and sadly, it seems to be working! :eek:
I do wonder what the real instigators -- people like Hannity and Tucker and Levin and all the online propagandists -- will do if and when this happens. If past is prologue, they'll claim complete innocence and act like they have absolutely no idea what anyone is talking about.

What? Huh? Me? Huh? What? I didn't say nuthin'!

Then we'll see if they get away with that.

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