Civil War 2.0

A 2nd civil war wouldn't be fought as the first one was... on a battle field with weapons... it will be fought in a very different way and we all would pay dearly in a lifestyle change no one alive today will be able to sustain....

One of the main reasons we've got little to fear from another 'civil war' is that its most ardent supporters are overwhelmingly old white guys who aren't going to do any of the fighting themselves.

You know the type: internet chickenshits who will allude to violence, threaten harm.......but insist its someone *else* that has to fight their 'civil war'.

The actual civil war was lead by states. No state gets behind this violence what the 'civil war 2.0' advocates are ACTUALLY backing is the murdering of cops and our soldiers by domestic terrorists.

And no patriot is getting behind that sick shit.
One of the main reasons we've got little to fear from another 'civil war' is that its most ardent supporters are overwhelmingly old white guys who aren't going to do any of the fighting themselves.

You know the type: internet chickenshits who will allude to violence, threaten harm.......but insist its someone *else* that has to fight their 'civil war'.

The actual civil war was lead by states. No state gets behind this violence what the 'civil war 2.0' advocates are ACTUALLY backing is the murdering of cops and our soldiers by domestic terrorists.

And no patriot is getting behind that sick shit.
Keep thinking that way....
Another thread by someone who either watches way too much TV or plays way too many video games.

There isn't going to be a civil war.

You are 0 for 2. Maybe you should respond to the debate instead of making personal attacks.

A civil war has already started according to some people, but it hasn't escalated into a shooting war yet. I think that very well could happen. If you don't agree, why don't you tell me why instead of wasting your time posting crap.
A civil war has already started according to some people,
Some people think the Moon landings were staged,
but it hasn't escalated into a shooting war yet. I think that very well could happen. If you don't agree, why don't you tell me why instead of wasting your time posting crap.
You first that a shooting war could start. Who? With what? Against who?
Finally, someone admits that BLM/Antifa are domestic terrorists. Thank you.

This is MAGA's 'civil war 2.0'.

WILMINGTON, Ohio (AP) — An armed man clad in body armor who tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati office on Thursday was shot and killed by police after he fled the scene and engaged in an hourslong standoff in a rural part of the state, the Ohio State Highway Patrol said.

Ricky Shiffer targetted cops, with his ilk doxxing the families of FBI agents. There's no army in 'Civil War 2.0'. There are no States backing their calls for violence. There are only domestic terrorist extremists attacking police. Or families:

Failed GOP candidate arrested on suspicion of orchestrating shootings at homes of Democrats in New Mexico, police say

Some people think the Moon landings were staged,

You first that a shooting war could start. Who? With what? Against who?
IF and that is a big if, a civil war ever broke out in this country. It would be a guerrilla war. The people rebelling would do it in the dark. It has happened all over the world and in most cases those wars were successful despite the mismatch.
IF and that is a big if, a civil war ever broke out in this country. It would be a guerrilla war. The people rebelling would do it in the dark. It has happened all over the world and in most cases those wars were successful despite the mismatch.

Rebelling against who? Attacking who?

Say it with me.......attacking cops. Attacking families. Attacking soldiers.

Civil War 2.0 is pretty generic domestic terrorism targeting cops, families and soldiers. If you think that the people are going to rise up to support are *grossly* mistaken.
IF and that is a big if, a civil war ever broke out in this country. It would be a guerrilla war. The people rebelling would do it in the dark. It has happened all over the world and in most cases those wars were successful despite the mismatch.
Who? Against who? With what? Just types like Skylar mentioned? Thats terrorism not civil war.
One of the main reasons we've got little to fear from another 'civil war' is that its most ardent supporters are overwhelmingly old white guys who aren't going to do any of the fighting themselves.

This is a racist statement without factual basis. There's a lotta angry people out there who don't like what's going on in this country. Some of them ain't that old, some of them ain't white, and some of them ain't guys either.

The actual civil war was lead by states. No state gets behind this violence fanfic....
For now, yes. But in 10 or 20 years or whenever, some states might if their citizenry overwhelmingly wants to secede from the US. The people in a state might very well elect a seditionist governor, and there you are. In the beginning of Civil War 2.0, it might be pockets of seditionists like Waco was or the people in Seattle not long ago. Who knows how it could escalate.

what the 'civil war 2.0' advocates are ACTUALLY backing is the murdering of cops and our soldiers by domestic terrorists.

Bull fucking shit. You are one crazy lying piece of shit.
Rebelling against who? Attacking who?

Say it with me.......attacking cops. Attacking families. Attacking soldiers.

Civil War 2.0 is pretty generic domestic terrorism targeting cops, families and soldiers. If you think that the people are going to rise up to support are *grossly* mistaken.
Run along junior. Your head is in your ass.
Who? Against who? With what? Just types like Skylar mentioned? Thats terrorism not civil war.
I am not going to sit here and go round and round with speculation that I questioned could happen with the first word of my post. Skylar is a kid that has blinders on and refuses to see any possibility beyond what he has been indoctrinated to see. I had you figured for having more objectivity.
Is it possible? I useta dismiss talk of Texas seceding from the Union as BS, but now I'm having a few 2nd thoughts. What if the GOP continues to lose in future elections and enough people are convinced that the elections are rigged? Never mind for the moment whether it's true or not, or who said what. What if all those red states between the East and West coasts actually decide to leave the United States and form their own country? It happened before, 160 years ago. I'm not so sure it can't happen again.

Well ... For starters ... War is what you would be asking for if States preemptively secede from the Union ...
The Supreme Court settled that the last time it happened.

There is no legal means by which a State can secede from the Union ... They weren't kidding when they said "Indivisible" talking about our Nation.
Unlike many other Unions ... Like the European Union ... They didn't make a legal means by which a State can leave the United States of America.

If they choose to ... It is legally considered a Rebellion ... And the remaining Union only has three legal choices.
They can engage in open warfare with the Rebellion until it is put down ... Pass an Amendment to the Constitution that allows a State to leave ...
Or surrender to the State(s) that secedes.

Once you are in ... You are in ... That's the current agreement they made joining the Union.

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Run along junior. Your head is in your ass.
Note you don't actually disagree with me. Nor should you. The examples are numerous and obvious. This is your 'Civil War 2.0'.

WILMINGTON, Ohio (AP) — An armed man clad in body armor who tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati office on Thursday was shot and killed by police after he fled the scene and engaged in an hourslong standoff in a rural part of the state, the Ohio State Highway Patrol said.

A man who called for attacks on the FBI and anyone who got in his way. With his ilk doxxing the address of law enforcement's families, so they could be targeted directly.

Failed GOP candidate arrested on suspicion of orchestrating shootings at homes of Democrats in New Mexico, police say

This is your 'Civil War 2.0'; generic domestic terrorism targeting law enforcement and families.
I am not going to sit here and go round and round with speculation that I questioned could happen with the first word of my post. Skylar is a kid that has blinders on and refuses to see any possibility beyond what he has been indoctrinated to see. I had you figured for having more objectivity.
I do, hence you should prove your claim more. This only comes up about Texas or the entire South, never just states like Mississippi or Alabama or West Virginia.

Texas isn't going to secede to join CSA 2.0. Only outsiders make up such nonsense.

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