Civil Discourse

You know Joe, when I went to OCS in the Navy I had my first experience with a Marine Gunny and the correct usage of motivational speaking. Perhaps a 1000 years from now, some historian will look at all this, and "scratch thier heads", but somehow , I think that they will be able too see that at the very least some of were not doubt motivated to be sure.
I went through Air Force Basic Training in October of 1979 Navy. They pretty much did and said what they wanted back then. They could get all up in your shit and call you any name in the book. I hear now that if a drill sergeant "makes you nervous," you can hold up a "stressed card," and they have to back off. Yup, we're training a bunch of tough guys alright... :eusa_hand:

That presumes that people want to sway people to their point of view.

I suspect a lot of people posting here are simply posting to insult people because it makes them feel better about their own sorry asses.
My main reason for being here hasn't changed in going on six years. My opinion so infuriates the weak minded liberals that they all but shit fire and explode, and that gives me great pleasure.
You know Joe, when I went to OCS in the Navy I had my first experience with a Marine Gunny and the correct usage of motivational speaking. Perhaps a 1000 years from now, some historian will look at all this, and "scratch thier heads", but somehow , I think that they will be able too see that at the very least some of were not doubt motivated to be sure.
I went through Air Force Basic Training in October of 1979 Navy. They pretty much did and said what they wanted back then. They could get all up in your shit and call you any name in the book. I hear now that if a drill sergeant "makes you nervous," you can hold up a "stressed card," and they have to back off. Yup, we're training a bunch of tough guys alright... :eusa_hand:

That presumes that people want to sway people to their point of view.

I suspect a lot of people posting here are simply posting to insult people because it makes them feel better about their own sorry asses.
My main reason for being here hasn't changed in going on six years. My opinion so infuriates the weak minded liberals that they all but shit fire and explode, and that gives me great pleasure.
:eusa_angel: You are silly. No one is infuriated by you, neither lib nor con nor mod. You are good for amusement, and I congratulate you that you can bring a smile to someone's day. :eusa_angel:
You know Joe, when I went to OCS in the Navy I had my first experience with a Marine Gunny and the correct usage of motivational speaking. Perhaps a 1000 years from now, some historian will look at all this, and "scratch thier heads", but somehow , I think that they will be able too see that at the very least some of were not doubt motivated to be sure.
I went through Air Force Basic Training in October of 1979 Navy. They pretty much did and said what they wanted back then. They could get all up in your shit and call you any name in the book. I hear now that if a drill sergeant "makes you nervous," you can hold up a "stressed card," and they have to back off. Yup, we're training a bunch of tough guys alright... :eusa_hand:

That presumes that people want to sway people to their point of view.

I suspect a lot of people posting here are simply posting to insult people because it makes them feel better about their own sorry asses.
My main reason for being here hasn't changed in going on six years. My opinion so infuriates the weak minded liberals that they all but shit fire and explode, and that gives me great pleasure.

I have a friend who did his Drill Instructor rotation not long ago. They have ways of dealing with "card users" so that they never use it again.
Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
Wouldn't one think that the way to get other's to think about "your point of view" would be by civil discourse? Do you who post your political agendas (on both sides of the spectrum) really think that by calling others names and using foul language that you will sway someone to see your point of view? you think that maybe, just maybe, if you post more like Navy1960 or Toro, to name a few off the top of my head, you may just get someone to take what you say seriously?

Think about that the next time you make a thread that you want to be taken seriously on current issues in politics, the environment, etc.

Civil Discourse.


Shut up you libtard :lol:


I'm right because your just a dumb moderating liberal girl and thats why your wrong....yeah so there :razz:

do i really have to say this is sarcasm?
awww thankies Echo, I do good just to keep my room clean, but hopefully if I'm lucky will be able to do something one of these days, once Im done curing the common cold LOL j/k

Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?
For the most part, I tend to stick to the topic at hand and usually resort to incivility when it is aimed at Me. The past 90 days have been rough for Me and I'm dealing with some personal issues so the control I usually exercise over My temper has not been stellar, to be sure.

I do have to wonder though at EZ's belief that people come here to change someones mind. I have not found these kinds of formats and those who frequent them to be here for anything other then to try and prove how much better they are then everyone else. There are exceptions of course, but for the most part, people come here to call each other names in a safe environment. They say things that they would not have the balls to say in a face to face situation.

In a lot of ways, the internet has been the major reason for the decline in civility in our nation. There is no immediate consequence for bad behavior. Even being banned is no real punishment as there are dozens of other forums in which to get attention.

Anyway. Those are My two coppers on the subject.

I'd rather have people expressing road rage on the information highway than on the street.

I counter that perhaps people who are civil on the internet haven't the decency to be likewise in real life.
Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

If you never experienced boot camp you wouldn't understand so why comment on it.
Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

If you never experienced boot camp you wouldn't understand so why comment on it.
Not sure how you know so much about my background.
I've never been raped either but I certainly reserve the right to comment on it.
Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Do you know what one of the first terms I ever learned in the Navy was? It was "shit-bird" after arriving at OCS I was informed because I had failed to listen to the Drill Instructors direction properly, that I was a "shitbird" and that would be the only way I was ever going to fly in the Navy. I have fond memories of flapping my arms and shoting it as loud as I could. Long time ago, but still will be thankful as long as I live for putting me on the path my life has taken.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.

Anguille, I have no doubt you know people who felt they were abussed, and in the Military there is no place for that. Let me try to explain to you a few things, first the business of the Military is War it is not to provide a college education, or free travel, or long term money. Those are all benefits that one gets for having to face the hardships of being in the Military. War is a very nasty, brutal business, and as such the people that fight it need to be ready to work together as a unit, or the hazing and verbal abuse you speak of will be minor compared to the number of people who will die as a result of making a Military that is socially normed. While there is no place in the Military to just select an individual to haze, or verbally abuse for the sake of doing so, to motivate an individual so that they learn that are NOT an individual and part of a unit as part of a well regulated training program harsh language does have it's place. As I said before, War is not a pretty business, and is not subject to rules, and when you are in one you lives depend on it, you cannot afford to worry about how " nice" you are to an individual if the choice is bring that person home alive. For your friends that have been hazed or made to feel as if they were abused then all I can say is again there is no place for abuse and I doubt you will find many in the Military insude or out that would qualify a DI as being abusive when they are using a very tried and ture technique to save your life and that of others.
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.

The military is training people for a job where they just might possibly see and have to do some pretty nasty stuff if they cant take a little verbal abuse how are they going to handle seeing the evils of war?
So a bit of verbal abuse set you on the right path for life? Sounds like you're in favor of it?

Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.
That really only happens to people who have been given their self esteem by someone else. People who have earned their own self esteem rarely have a problem when they are voluntarily in a situation that calls for the kind of verbal motivation that Navy is talking about.

People calling Me names has never really effected My outlook on life. But then, I didn't have smoke blown up My backside as a means of making Me feel better about Myself either.
Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.

Anguille, I have no doubt you know people who felt they were abussed, and in the Military there is no place for that. Let me try to explain to you a few things, first the business of the Military is War it is not to provide a college education, or free travel, or long term money. Those are all benefits that one gets for having to face the hardships of being in the Military. War is a very nasty, brutal business, and as such the people that fight it need to be ready to work together as a unit, or the hazing and verbal abuse you speak of will be minor compared to the number of people who will die as a result of making a Military that is socially normed. While there is no place in the Military to just select an individual to haze, or verbally abuse for the sake of doing so, to motivate an individual so that they learn that are NOT an individual and part of a unit as part of a well regulated training program harsh language does have it's place. As I said before, War is not a pretty business, and is not subject to rules, and when you are in one you lives depend on it, you cannot afford to worry about how " nice" you are to an individual if the choice is bring that person home alive. For your friends that have been hazed or made to feel as if they were abused then all I can say is again there is no place for abuse and I doubt you will find many in the Military insude or out that would qualify a DI as being abusive when they are using a very tried and ture technique to save your life and that of others.
I think we would have a more effective military if we dropped the cult indoctrination tactics. I have a higher opinion of the mental capacities of our soldiers and people in general. Behavioral science has taught us that nowadays we have better methods than humiliation and denigration for motivating people.

"As I said before, War is not a pretty business, and is not subject to rules, and when you are in one you lives depend on it, you cannot afford to worry about how " nice" you are"

Actually war does have rules. Even before the Geneva Convention wars have mostly been fought according to certain agreements. "Nice" or not being "nice" has nothing to do with it. It has to do with being effective and ethical at the same time. Good teamwork relies on trust, not bullying.

As more and more women rise in the ranks in the military and in diplomatic circles, I think we will see less need for combat and the macho culture that promotes it.
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Verbal Abuse no, when it's used for motivational purposes and not intended to insult someone with malice yes. More often than not people are under the mistaken impression that young people are subjected in boot camp or OCS the entire time they are there to verbal insults and that is far from the truth. In fact there is a purpose to it, and while you may not believe it, once a person learns the Military way of doing things and working as a team, it saves lives and to this day I can tell you I never once in my enitre career felt insulted for any reason.
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.
That really only happens to people who have been given their self esteem by someone else. People who have earned their own self esteem rarely have a problem when they are voluntarily in a situation that calls for the kind of verbal motivation that Navy is talking about.

People calling Me names has never really effected My outlook on life. But then, I didn't have smoke blown up My backside as a means of making Me feel better about Myself either.
Methinks you capitalize "Me", "My" and "Myself" because you do have some kind of self esteem issue. :lol:
Sorry, I see no real value in verbal abuse. You may not have felt insulted or abused but I know people who were. Abusers, hazers etc. often are incapable of understanding the effect they have on their victims.
That really only happens to people who have been given their self esteem by someone else. People who have earned their own self esteem rarely have a problem when they are voluntarily in a situation that calls for the kind of verbal motivation that Navy is talking about.

People calling Me names has never really effected My outlook on life. But then, I didn't have smoke blown up My backside as a means of making Me feel better about Myself either.
Methinks you capitalize "Me", "My" and "Myself" because you do have some kind of self esteem issue. :lol:
Nope. And it is likely you'd never guess in a million years why I do that.

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